Chapter 18 - One Split Soul Makes Two Mates

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Annie’s POV

    My face tingled as a soft skin glided around it. I wanted to smile, I wanted to reach up and hold his fingers tight but I couldn’t. I was trapped within my own mind.

‘Something tells me he wants me to come.’ A deep voice echoed in my head as it pressed me down.

‘What?’ I asked confused as the voice boomed in my head.

‘Tell your boyfriend, that I’m on my way and I plan on taking whats mine.’ He growled I felt like he was holding my neck, I couldn’t breath!

  ‘Please.” I sent Kyle, ‘Help me.’

‘You’re mine.’ The voice growled overpowering Kyle’s voice and holding me tighter.

‘Please,’ I tried again, ‘Help me.’

   ‘I’m coming...’ He growled before getting a tighter grip on my neck and then letting me go completely.

“Annie!” Kyle shook me worriedly.

‘Help me!’ I told him as my eyes met his.

“I’m right here.” He told me pulling me to his chest and tears escaped my eyes. I held him tighter, I felt so safe, so secure that my worry went away.

   It was sort lived as he whispered, ‘Tell him.’

“Kyle,” I whispered trying to hide my terror, “It’s coming.”

  “I got you, it’s not going to touch you.” He soothed me.

  ‘Tell him thanks for me.’ The voice laughed, ‘If it wasn’t for him I’d have died without you..’

‘What are you talking about?’ I asked my voice shaky.

‘Ask him.’

“Kyle?” I asked pulling away from his embrace to look him in the eyes, “what did you do?”

“Annie, I did it for you.” He told me gently sweeping my hair behind my ear. “You were going to..die.” He swallowed.

  “Kyle..” His mom asked from behind him. He turned around quickly wrapping an arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. “The doctor, what did he make you do?”

“I-I..” He looked from her to me and then back to her before continuing, “He asked me to read..”

“A poem?” she asked worriedly.

“Yeah. How did you..” Kyle started.

  “Don’t let her out of your sight, got it.” She said hurriedly wagging her finger at him before turning on her heel quickly practically running out of the room but somehow she manged to shut the door quietly behind her.

“What kind of poem?” I asked him resting my chin on his shoulder.

“It doesn’t matter.” he said turning his head away from me

  “Of coarse it does.” I whispered placing my hand under his chin turning his head so his eyes met mine. “I love you for saving me. If it had been you I probably would have done whatever I could do to help you. Please don’t regret it.”

“I don’t regret saving you.” He whispered.

“Then what’s wrong?” I asked searching his eyes.

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