Chapter 20 - Legends

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Kyle’s POV

    I’m beyond annoyed that once I finally get her she’s ripped away from me and I have to share her with yet another person but not just any person no, the one guy who wants her just as much as I do. The one person who could possibly take her away.

I paced my room and a soft knock brought me back to reality. I opened the door without thinking and was surprised when I saw Sammi.

“I need your help.” She whispered softly. Ever since she’s found her mate she has become softer, friendlier and over all a better person and I didn’t really mind hanging around her so much anymore.

“What’s wrong?” I asked pulling her into my room concerned.

“I-I..think...” She trailed off closer her eyes, she took a deep breath and continued, “I think I’m pregnant.”

“Did you tell Brad?” I asked the possibilities running through my mind, great now I need to protect her even more.

  “I just found out. I can’t tell him, I can’t tell anyone.” She shook her head tears in her eyes.

“It’s okay, we’ll tell my father he can help.” I told her grabbing her hand and leading her to my fathers office.

I knocked on the door three times to tell my father it was me and it was important. “Come on in.” his quick reply came through the door.

  As soon as the door was shut my dad turned around in his chair. He had a worried look on his face and he looked at me with pity. “I heard.” He said gravely staring at Sammi.

“What do I do?” She asked quietly.

  He shook his head, “I don’t know.” he said standing up walking around his desk coming up to her. “But you are not allowed to leave this house unless you’re with me or Kyle, understand?”

  “But Brad..” she started but stopped short as she noticed my fathers cold stare, “yes, Alpha.” She bowed.

  “Good,” He then turned to me and his eyes instantly turned softer, “I’m sorry son, for everything.” He said and I nodded, “You need to watch her,” he pointed to Sammi, “don’t leave her side.”

  “Dad!” I shouted, “Annie..”

“I know son,” he shook his head, “I’m sorry but our entire  race is in danger here my hands are tied son..”

“Whatever.” I muttered and threw open the door and walked out of the room when her laugh filled my ears.

“Sorry I didn’t mean too,” She laughed throwing her head back as Blake came through the door covered in a stick substance.

“Yeah, yeah. Come here and give me a hug.” he told her walking towards her.

“No, ew you’re all gross.” She giggled.

  “But I want a hug..” he whined as he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Blake!” She squealed.

“Karma Annie.” he laughed. Everything went still as the stared at each other.

  ‘NO!’ My wolf growled.

  They got closer. I couldn’t watch this, so I took off threw the back door and shifted into my black wolf.

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