Chapter 27 - Choice

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Kyle’s POV

    I can’t believe that I didn’t see it before. She loved him, like really loved him. Way more than she loved me. I watched their kiss, I saw her reaction when he said he loved her. Her eyes shone so bright with happiness and complete love, I saw the way she attacked him after with a lustful kiss. My heart broke at ever thinking I was what she wanted, what she preferred. I guess I just didn’t cut it.

   My life is literally over I lied to Annie before, I won’t die. It’s worse. I’ll live without a mate for the rest of my life with no one ever being able to fill the hole. I was a goner and Blake gets to live happily ever after with my mate, have her children, laugh with her, and most important he got her heart. I buried my head in my hands as I sat on the boulder in the meadow Annie and I found when she first shifted, the exact spot I rejected her. I looked at the nearly finished log cabin in the middle of the tall grass that I was building for us. I started soon after I rejected her to get my mind off of things hopping one day she’d forgive the evil thing my father made me do and accept me. I figured we could have our own place, not too far away from the pack house, I was going to be Alpha after all. Three years later and this isn’t nearly finished.

  I shook my head in frustration as I pushed off the large boulder making my way to the cabin. I sighed as the future flashed through my mind. Annie sitting on the porch rocking on a chair smiling sweetly as she rubbed her swollen belly. The scene flashed away quickly as it came replaced with a different one, Annie standing in the doorway shouting at two little boys wrestling in the grass. They had her chestnut brown hair and my green eyes and their smaller features reflected us both and I smiled. Suddenly a little girl who looked just like her mother poke  her head out between Annie’s legs and gave a giggle that rang in my ears as they all slipped away. My future, my family.

Tears came to my eyes as I touched the wood of the door where Annie was just standing. I growled lowly at the thought of her with Blake, him taking away the one thing I ever truly wanted. I can’t let him take her without fighting for her one last time. If she still wants to be with him after that then I would respect her wishes but I hopped to God she didn’t. I picked up the hammer began to work.

Annie’s POV

    I picked up myself from the snow my heart aching in pain at Kyle’s words. he wanted me to choose Blake? I didn’t want Blake I wanted him and only him. I wrapped my arms around myself trying desperately to keep my mind off of Kyle. It wasn’t working.

“Annie?!” Bailey screamed attacking me in a hug. “Are you okay?” she asked frantically. I nodded in her shoulder but a sobbed escaped my lips and she whispered comforting words to me. “Jesse’s waiting for you inside, I have to tell Connor I found you.”

  I nodded again and watched her take off into the woods. I turned around and ran into the house seeking the comforting arms of my best friend. “Annie.” His sent hit my nose the same time as his voice rang out and I quickly threw my arms around him and he gently wrapped me into a comforting embrace.

“Jess.” I sobbed into his neck and he picked me off the ground and felt him walking up the stairs. He gently laid me on the bed and sat next to me. “Is there something wrong with me?” I asked after several moments of just me crying.

“No, God Annie you’re perfect.” He soothed rubbing my back.

“Then why doesn’t Kyle want me?” I cried, my heart constricting in pain at the words and my wolf whimpered.

“He loves you, he just wants what’s best for you.” He whispered petting my hair.

“He’s what’s best for me. Jesse I love him so much.” I snuggled deeper into him and he squeezed me tighter to him.

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