Chapter 23 - Don't Hate Me

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Annie’s POV

    I slowly made my way to the car tears falling down my cheeks at a constant pace as I remembered Kyle rejecting the kiss and how he didn’t turn back as he walked away from me. The cold air hit my face whirling my hair around my face as the tears came out colder hurting my face slightly. Why did they hurt? I was a werewolf, this shouldn’t hurt me.

I froze, touching my face with my hands, wiping away my tears that hurt. The wind picked up making me shiver in the cold. I wasn’t suppose to feel this. I can’t be cold, my body wouldn’t let me.

“Annie?” Ben asked worriedly as he ran up to me taking in my horror strict face. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? Annie?”

I stared at him in shock, how can this be? “What’s wrong with me?” I whispered to him lifting up my arm where there were goosebumps.

“Nothing, Annie, nothing you’re just cold....cold?” He looked at my arm worriedly.

“What’s going on? Are you hurt?” Kyle asked quickly coming up next to Ben checking over me to make sure I was okay.

“I’m cold.” I told him not meeting his eyes.

“Cold? Is this a joke, you can’t be cold you’re a werewolf.” He growled at me making me flinch at his voice and he quickly soften it, “Sorry, it’s just hard.”

“What’s hard?” I asked meeting his eyes in confusion. He looked sad and worried before shaking his head and replacing it as a blank expression.

“Nothing.” I shivered and Ben grabbed my hand leading me to the car.

  “We need to see the doctor.” Ben said as we sped down the road back to the house.

“Are you okay?” Caitlyn asked me.

“I’m fine.” I told her softly looking out the window as we passed tree after tree.

Once we were home, Ben helped me out of the car like I was breakable and Kyle watched me carefully as I made my way up the stairs. “Took you long enough.” Sammi broke through the door cheerfully as she ran down the stairs just as a car pulled around the last tree and Brad hopping out wrapping her in a hug.

“Come on the doctor will be here soon.” Kyle said gesturing me inside. I so wanted to take his hand and hold it tight but I was afraid of the rejection he would give me if I tried.

Tears streamed down my face as I remembered the kiss, it was way worse then when he rejected me the first time or even the second because I tried to kiss him this time and he just didn’t...kiss back. My heart ached and my wolf whimpered as I thought of it again. My wolf! She’s still here!

‘What’s wrong with me?’ I asked.

‘Don’t worry even thing is going to be fine, trust me.’ She whispered soothingly.


  ‘The doctor will explain but it’s going to be fine.’

   I sighed sitting on the couch my cheeks covered in tears as I tried to hid my face from a certain someone.

   “I’m I going to die?” I asked quietly.

“No. I won’t let you.” Kyle growled wrapping me into his arms, “You’re going to be fine, I’ll make sure of it.”

  I nuzzled me face into the crook of his neck, “why do you hate me?”

He pulled away and looked me in the eyes. His eyes were filled with unleashed tears as they glossed over looking at me, “I could never hate you.” His voice cracked and that broke my heart even more.

  I wasn’t thinking and I quickly pressed my lips to his and pulled away quick enough that he wouldn’t rejected me. He stared down at me as a tear rolled down his cheek.

“No, Kyle please,” I whispered wiping away his tears, “don’t cry.”

“I love you so much.” he muttered and my hands froze on his face and I wanted to smile as my heart filled with love at his words, but he was crying and that just about broke me.

“I love you too, never forget that.” I told him. I pressed my lips to his but didn’t pull back right away and he kissed me back. It was slow yet desperate and full of love this was everything I needed, nothing more.

“You called me.” The doctor interrupted with a cough.

“Doc, there something wrong, she’s...”

“I know, that was another thing that goes along with the legends, don’t worry though once her mate is whole again she’ll be too.” He sighed sitting down on the sofa across from us as Kyle shifted so he could wrap an arm around me protectively. He grabbed my hand and gave a comforting squeeze as the doctor continued. “you won’t be able to shift or heal like normal werewolves so you need to be careful.”

“I c-can’t shift?” I stuttered.

“Don’t worry, it’s for the best.” he assured me.

“Best? How is this the best?” I cried out my voice cracking as it went up an octave.

  “The mates,” he nodded in Kyle’s direction, “have to fight for your heart not your wolf.”

“What?” I asked confused as Kyle’s grip on my shoulder tighten along with the hand in mine.

“Sure, the tingles and the protectiveness is there like mates but other than that their fighting for your heart, that’s why they have to say they love you to mark you.”

“What if..” I started to ask but stopped myself.

“What? I can answer anything.” He said placing a hand on my knee comfortingly as Kyle growled.

“What if I already made up my mind?” I whispered and Kyle’s head snapped down to look at me but I couldn’t look at him. I stared continuity at the doctor as he smirked.

“Get them to say they love you, you can take it from there.” I nodded and looked at Kyle.

“I love you Kyle.” I smiled and he smirked.

  “I know.”

I looked down at my hands, “Don’t hate me, please.”

“I wouldn’t- no couldn’t ever.” He shook his head confused.

‘I’m doing this for us.’ I told him and that only made him look even more confused.

“Blake.” I whispered and my wolf growled as the pain look crossed Kyle’s face.

A laugh filled the room as Blake’s sent burned my nose.

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