Chapter 9- Reasons

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~Kyle's POV~

I can't believe I said that! She just made me so angry!


I was in my fathers office, him giving me updates on Sammi's family.

I heard a thud above me but ignored it, he was telling me about how they were still being threatened, I heard another noise from upstairs. What is she doing? I couldn't help but wondering, I focused on her room I heard her laughing and I smiled..

“Jesse, I'm fine.” Her voice breathless but still managed to make the sparks ripple through my body.

“That's because I'm on top of you.” I growled. He's what?!

“Whats going on? Kyle?” My dad shouted but I was already out the door.

“Sure is.” I heard her gasp and I climbed the stairs. I flew open the door and the sight stabbed my heart.

Jesse was on top of my beautiful mate. She looked frightened and I looked into his eyes, they were dark a sing that his wolf was beginning to take over.

She pushed away from him and came to my side. She put her hand on my arm instantly calming me. I flinched as I felt warmth spread through me. I glared down at her. I didn't want to be calm!

“Kyle, I'm...” She began to apologize. Her voice was calming too! Damn mate privileges.

“Get. Out. Now.” I commanded Jesse letting my Alpha voice seep into it. He jumped off the bed and out the window but quickly shot a look at Annie, that drove me crazy with anger. I went to the window locking it I growled, I need to see how to put an alarm on the window.

“What the hell were you doing?” I asked as the picture of him on top of her replayed in my mind.

“I was,” She stared, “Jess just came to see if I was okay.” I growled, my wolf begging me to kill the guy she mentioned.

“I don't care.” I told her hiding the hurt in my voice by shooting daggers at her but I couldn't be made at my perfect mate.

I saw her look guilty. I wanted more than anything to comfort her, “I wasn't going to do anything.” she whimpered softly. I almost broke down.

'Be strong son, make her believe you now, you're so close.' my dad told me.

“Do what you want, I could care less.” I wasn't thinking before shouting out, “I love Sammi.”

I heard her gasp for breath, my heart breaking at the sight of her. I wanted to wrap her in my arms and tell her everything would be fine, that I didn't mean it.

'Finish it.' My father commanded. I glared at Annie and walked out of the room my heart breaking.

'What have you done!?' my wolf shouted, 'go apologize, tell her its not true! Tell her you love her!'

'I should.' I agreed with him, I stopped walking and turned back around.

“Kyle!” Sammi shouted from down the hall. I groaned and made my way to her.

“What?” I asked annoyed.

“Were going out. Come on.” She said grabbing my arm. I shuddered from the feel of her cold fingers on me.

She led me into my room shoving me on the bed and made her way to my closet.

I closed my eyes. Why did I say that? I loved Annie more than life it self, Sammi made me feel disgusting.

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