Chapter 26 - The Last Kiss

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Alright another chapter:)

Okay so maybe some of you are confused so I hope this clears it up.

**She's a little bi polar but only because she now has two mates and she's just trying to figure things out.Which is why one minute she's with Blake and the other minute she's with Kyle.

**Another thing is she does like Blake but just not as strong as she likes Kyle. And she's alway cuddling  and kissing him because she want him to say he loves her, so she can be marked and things can go back to noraml.

If anthing else is confusing, don't be afraid to ask. I hoped that cleared up your questions if not then maybe this chapter will.  But if it doesn't just ask again and I'll try to explain where I'm trying to come from..:)


Annie’s POV

    I woke up wrapped in Kyle’s arms as he leg was over mine protectively, preventing me from getting up.

“Kyle.” I poked he’s chest, “Kyle, I need to pee.” I told him poking his chest. He grumbled holding me tighter, “I’m serious Kyle I really need to pee.” Nothing. Fine. I struggled as I unwrapped myself slowly from him. It’s working I thought as I got his leg off me but his arms still held me close. I sighed this is never going to work. I smiled as an idea came to me.

I gently placed my lips on his and he groaned kissing me back, twisting so I was straddling him. I smiled when his hands touched my hips, good he’s up. I pulled away and looked up at me smirking, “I could get used to this.” I laughed and pushed myself off him, “Where are you going?” He asked worriedly.

“Just to the bathroom.” I looked over at him and he pouted, “I’ll be out in a second.” I laughed shutting the door.

I wrapped the towel around me tightly as I opened my door to my room, forgetting my clothes in my room was the only thing I was thinking about, well that and Kyle. I missed him. I sighed running my hands over the clothing and settled with a dark wash jean and a cute blouse with ruffles. After I closed my door I was attacked. By Kyle.

He started kissing up my neck and I moaned as I pressed my body to his. “Brother here!” Ben shouted snapping us apart. I blushed madly as Kyle growled at Ben sending a shiver through me. “Don’t growl at me, Annie there’s someone here for you.”

I looked confused and then I smiled, “Blake’s here. Finally.”

“Finally?” Kyle asked hurt. My heart ached I didn’t want to hurt him I just really wanted to get this out of the way, so I could spend the rest of my life with him.

‘Kyle, it’s  not what you think. Believe me.’ I told him.

‘How is it not what I think? You’re obviously in love with him.’

“That’s not it, I swear.” I sobbed out loud pleading for him to listen to me. I couldn’t tell him my plan, I needed his reaction for Blake to be real. It was to much of a risk.

“Whatever.” Kyle waved me off slamming his door in my face as I tried to reach for him. Tears slipped from my eyes, he hated me.

I silently made my way down the stairs where Blake was standing. A smile spread crossed his face and his eyes sparkled with delight. I tried to smile at him but my heart ached as I heard banging from Kyle’s room.

“I need to talk to you.” Blake said grabbing my hand leading me out the door.

“Blake, it’s cold out here.” I complained not in the mood.

“Don’t worry I’ll keep you warm.” He told me throwing his arm around me pulling me closer to him. I shivered in disgust as my wolf howled to her mate.

“Thanks.” I whispered softly, I need to do the best I could to get him to say he loved me so I can go back to Kyle.

“Why are you crying?” he asked as we sat down in the cold snow.

  “It’s nothing.” I shook my head snuggling closer to him, even though I didn’t necessarily like his touch he was warm and I was freezing.

“Come on Baby,” he cooed in my ear tickling my neck. I laughed leaning into him more. “I love your laugh.”

I looked up at him and smiled, so close. “Is that all you love about me?” I asked searching his eyes.

   He shook his head leaning in. Why can’t he just say it! He’s so damn frustrating. I mean I love him, I do but like a brother or a friend. Not like I loved Kyle. My lips met his and it took everything in me not to push him off me. I heard a loud growling and pushed Blake away but he put his hands on my hips and pushed me into the snowy ground not braking the kiss. This reminded me of Kyle from yesterday, except for the fact that I loved him and wanted it.

“Blake.” I whispered breathlessly and a little disgusted with myself.

“I love you Annie.” He whispered pulling me closer.

I smiled and pressed my lips to his knowing this would be the last time I would ever have to kiss him. “I love you too.” But I didn’t clarify, not yet.

“Let me mark you.” he nibbled on my ear and I shivered in disgust once more as panic over took me.

“Not yet.” I told him pushing him away, “meet me tonight alright. We’ll have a ceremony, a party of sorts.”

He nodded, “I’ll see you tonight then babe.”

I smiled and nodded at him as he walked away. I sighed in relief, that could have ruined everything. I need to find Kyle, I need to tell him the good news.

“Kyle!” I beamed at him as I took in his face, he looked about to cry and my heart broke. “Is everything alright?”

“Fine.” He mumbled not meeting my eyes.

“Kyle?” I asked grabbing his hand.

“You told me to trust you, and I did.” he laughed darkly shaking his head, “I loved you with everything I had Annie, but that was all I big lie, wasn’t it?” he asked and I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off, “It doesn’t matter now. You have Blake.” He shrugged off my hand and his eyes met mine, “I hope your happy with him, I really do.” he whispered walking away.

  “Kyle. Please wait.” I cried trying to catch up to him.

“Leave me alone Annie,” he shouted, “Choose him. You deserve to be happy with someone you love.”

“No, Kyle!” I yelled as he shifted into his black wolf taking off into the forest.

  I took off after him my face covered in tears as the cold wind slapped against them making me colder. But I didn’t care. I need to get Kyle.

   How did this plan back fire on me? I was stupid enough to have a plan in the first place. ‘Kyle!’ I shouted and it echoed in my head as I choked on a sob I tripped and landed face first into the snow. I curled up into a ball in to much pain to get up or even move. My wolf howled in agony but got nothing in return.

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