Chapter 7- The Painful Truth

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~Annie's POV~

I opened my eyes slowly, I recognized my room in the dim light coming from outside, everything was neatly place just the way I left it.

I sighed getting off my bed. I didn't know how I got home. A sharp pain came from just below my neck.

“Ah,” I winced walking over to the mirror that hung on my wall. I gasped, a purpleish blue bruise was there.

He bit me! I started to feel warm and dizzy. How was I still here? I mean he didn't... did he?

'Kyle! He would know, go ask him.' my wolf told me.

'He wouldn't tell me even if he would talk to me.' I told her still looking at the scar.

'Worth a shot.' she suggested.

I sighed, 'You're right whats the worst that could happen?'

I the same knocking sound. I laughed as I pushed the window open. “What do you want now?” I asked Jesse.

“Move.” he said.

“What?” I asked in confusion but he was suddenly in my window, pushing me onto the floor as he fell on me. “Jesse,” I laughed shocked.

“Hey babe,” he smiled. I laughed again shoving him off me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked sitting on my bed.

“I heard what happened, and I wanted to make sure you were alright.” He told me sitting down next to me.

“Oh, that.” I whispered looking down at my hands.

“Yes that,” I could tell he rolled his eyes and he poked my side. “You okay?”

“Fine.” I told him, thinking about what that guy told me about Kyle not caring.

“I don't believe youuu...” he sang pushing me back on the bed, he jumped on me.

My sides griped in pain as he began the tickling.

“Jess,” I managed between giggles, “I'm fine.”

He smiled and leaned down to whisper in my ear, “That's because I'm on top of you.”

I put my hand behind his neck and pulled his ear to my mouth, “Sure is.”

He gulped and I laughed spinning around so I was straddling him and leaned in, “How do you do it.”

“What?” His voice husky.

I laughed leaning in right above his lips. I ran my hands down his chest, his breathing turned heavy, I laughed sitting up.

Jesse growled and flip us back over so he was on top. I laughed until I noticed his eyes were black. Oh no, he's too far gone...

The door flew open and Kyle stormed in. I pushed Jess off me and he let me go, as I noticed his eyes were turning back to normal.

I ran to Kyle putting my hand on his arm, he flinched and glared at me. I take it he heard everything.

“Kyle, I'm...” I began to apologize.

“Get. Out. Now.” Kyle told Jesse, commanded using his Alpha voice.

Jesse jumped off the bed and out the window quickly but not before throwing me an apologetic look. Kyle ran to the window and growled locking it.

“What the hell were you doing?” he shouted.

“I was...Jess just came to see if I was okay.” he growled when I said Jesse's name.

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