Chapter 21 - Realizations

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Annie’s POV

    I lied. A second after our lips met, my heart ached in pain causing me to pull away. He leaned in more to my neck and his hot breath tickled me making me smile.

“Come on I need to change,” I told him, his warm arms wrapping around my waist as we walked up the stairs.

“I don’t think so.” My dad came from up the stairs, “The boy here will wait downstairs.”

“But dad..”

“Not a problem sir.” Blake told him letting me go and going back down the stairs.

  “Honey, I realize you’re confused right now but you can’t just act on impulse alright. You can’t take this lightly.”

  “Yes dad, I got it.” I pushed past him and made my way to my room.

  I quickly changed into my sweats and bounded down the stairs.

  “Hey.” his warm voice greeted me at the bottom, his hands in his pockets. I smiled at him.

“Kyle!” I screamed jumping on him, luckily he caught me around the waist to keep me from falling.

“You look amazing.” he growled in my ear nuzzling me in the neck.

“You’re making me blush.” I told him embarrassed.

  “You look absolutely stunning.”

  “Kyle.” I laughed and he lifted me off my feet. He brought me into the living room where he sat on the couch and pulled me on top of him so I was straddling him. I smiled and he smirked.

  A low growl came from behind me and I turned quickly around to see Blake glaring at Kyle. I simply got off Kyle and sat next to him still touching his leg because I couldn’t handle not touching him.

  “So,” Sammi broke the silence as she sat down next to Blake, “Who are you?”

  “Sammi.” Kyle warned her.

  Blake smiled and looked at Sammi, “I’m Annie’s mate.”

  Kyle stiffened next to me growling a little, I placed my hand on his knee creating circles calming him.

“What?” Sammi laughed looking over at us, “Are you serious? Can’t you see that they are clearly mates?”

Blake looked over at us and his eyes narrowed in on my hand but I wasn’t going to stop because otherwise Kyle would rip his head off. I was just looking out for him and because really didn’t want to.

  “I noticed.” he told her through gritted teeth not taking his eyes off me.

“Then how can you be her mate too?”

“I just am okay.” he snapped turning to her he raised his hand up and I flinched.

  Kyle’s hand from my waist was gone and my hand fell onto the couch roughly as he disappeared.

  “Sammi!” Brad came into the room wrapping his arms around her glaring at Blake who was pushed up against the wall by Kyle.

“Kyle!” I shouted getting to my feet.

  “Annie.” Brad shouted holding me back as I tried to get to him.

“NO!” I cried.

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