Chapter 22 - My Heart In Pieces

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Annie’s POV

    Kyle had to go home during lunch and it made my heart long for him, especial since he followed me around for the first half of the day. Blake took this as an advantage and came up to me while I relaxed under the trees outside waiting for Kyle to return.

“There you are.” he laughed. I took my eyes away from the entrance of the school lot to look at him as he sat down next to me.

“Here I am.” I smiled reaching for his hand.

He grinned back and entwined our fingers, “Where’s Kyle?”

“He left.” I sighed.

   “Good.” He said pushing me down onto the grass getting onto of me smiling.

“Hey. We’re at school.” I told him but smiled too.

   “That only makes me what to kiss you all the more.” He growled bring his lips to mine.

This is what I needed, so I kiss him back as well as I could. I pushed him off me while sitting up not breaking the kiss as I pushed him back into the grass so I was on top of him. He grabbed me by my hips placing me on his lap so I was straddling him as he shifted into a sitting position, trying to hide my disgust I pulled away catching my breath facing behind him as he kissed me neck, my eyes rolled back as a moan escaped the back of my throat.

  I pulled him back to my lips as he trailed kisses up my jaw not being able to take the teasing anymore, when his lips met mine my heart ached but I pushed through that and kissed him harder and he groaned.

  I pulled away feeling sick with myself and let him kiss my neck once again as I tried to recompose myself. The tingles shot over my skin as his lips made contact so it was easier to pretend it was Kyle and I put a smile on my face as I pulled completely away to look at him.

“I knew you’d want me soon enough.” Blake whispered huskily in my ear.

“You bet.” I whispered back but it was shaky.

The bell rang through the court yard and he groaned tightening his grip on my waist while I laughed.

“Annie..” He groaned huskily.

   “Come on, we’ve got class.” I smiled getting off of him looking in the direction of the cars. I gasped when I saw Kyle’s car parked in the spot. My heart instantly glowed at the thought of him close and I quickly directed my smile to Blake as he stared at me.

  “Why are you so smiley?” He asked wrapping an arm around my side pulling my to him as we walked to the door.

  “I’m just really happy.” I told him smirking.

  “And why is that?” He growled playfully squeezing me to him.

  I laughed, “I think you know.” I told him winking as I pulled away from him to go find Kyle, “I’ll see you later, alright?”

  He grinned shaking his head in laughter, “I’ll see ya later.”

I turned around and ran down the empty hallway and nearly screamed as I ran into a hard body. Arms steadied me before I fell backwards, “Hey, why are you in a hurry?” Brad laughed.

  “I’m so sorry.” I laughed looking up at him, “I have class.”

“Me too,” He chuckled, “and you don’t see me running like a mad man.”

“It’s mad woman.” I glared but smiled, “We should hang out soon, I miss hanging out with you.”

“I know but I’m coming over to see Sammi tonight.”

“Yeah about that,” I narrowed my eyes, “Why didn’t you tell me she was your mate?”

“Because I saw it on your face when I first saw her and you in the same room, you hate her.” He shrugged.

“I don’t hate her.” I told him and he cocked and eyebrow not believing me, “What? I don’t.”

“Yes you do. When we were outside your house...” He started.

“Hate and hated are two completely different things,” I told him smirking crossing my arms.

“What?” He questioned looking confused.

  “I hated her, past tense. She’s a nice person now that she isn’t into my mate.” I shrugged.

“I get it now.” He laughed.

“You’re a quick one.” I patted his shoulder going past him. “Oh and she say hi.”

“You talked to her? Is she here?” he panicked looking widely around causing me to laugh.

  “This morning.” I smirked.

  He shot me a nasty look, “That wasn’t funny.”

  “I didn’t mean it to be, I was just informing you.”

“Oh,” He smiled rubbing the back of his neck, “well, uh, thanks.”

“No problem.” I told him turning back around to continue on my way in search of Kyle.

  I looked around every room and nothing, that's strange.  I sighed finally opening the door to my class when the bell rang singling that school was over, I guess I spent more time looking for Kyle than I thought.

   I went to my locker grabbing my bag slinging it over my shoulder as I looked down the hall for Kyle. Giving up after the last person left the hall I went out to the back where car lot was. “Annie!” His voice called out in front of me. Startled I tripped on the stairs and fell forward. “Annie!” Kyle cried worriedly his arms catching me just before I hit the ground. That could have been bad. “Are you alright?”

  I nodded weakly as the tingles shot around my body making me weak. I missed his touch too much. “Kyle what are you doing here? I was looking everywhere for you.” I told him as he put me back onto my feet watching me carefully.

“I was out by the car waiting for you but as fewer people came out, I got worried.” He told me looking me over for any scratches.

  “I’m fine. Honest.” I told him when his eyes met mine, electricity flowed through our eyes drawing me to him. I cupped my hand around his neck pulling his face to mine but he didn’t kiss me back and I pulled away hurt. Tears pricked my eyes as I turned away from him not wanting him to see my face. “Kyle.” I whispered. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and he shook his head and walked away from me, braking my heart into pieces.


Shorter but I felt like I should end the chapter there, so that's what I did.:)

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