Chapter 15- You Are Family

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Annie’s POV

    I buried my face deeper into his fur as I rode on his back. My wolf was much to weak to shift so I got a ride.

I sighed breathing in his scent and focused on his heartbeat. We were flying through the air at a fast speed and I smiled at the feeling of the wind through my hair. I couldn’t wait until I could run in wolf form. I giggled as he jumped over fallen trees making me have the effect of floating in mid air.

‘Whats so funny?’ He asked.

‘I was flying!’ I laughed.

  He laughed too, ‘Are you okay?’

‘I’m fine.’ I told him still laughing.

‘Oh god...’ he muttered, ‘I’m mated to a crazy person.’ He teased.

“Hey! I’m not crazy!” I shouted out loud and I heard a few barks behind us knowing they were disagreeing with me.

‘Okay, okay, you’re not crazy.’ he told me lazily.

‘Good.’ I told him sharply, ‘I’m hungry.’ I whined.

He laughed. ‘Good,’ he jumped through the air breaking through the trees and landing in a clearing where the familiar house filled most of the yard, ‘Because were home.’  

I hopped off him and swayed almost falling forward when a hand grabbed my wrists swinging me up and into his arms. “If you wanted me to carry you all you needed to do was ask.”

I rolled my eyes, “Shut up.” I muttered but smiled as he set me down gently.

“Annie!” A scream echoed around all the trees as a blond haired figured girl ran out from the door.

“Bailey!” I laughed as I closed the last few steps between us and she flew her arms around me.

“If you ever scare me like that again so help me God....”

“I won’t.” I laughed.

“Good.” She narrowed her eyes but then they lit up as she looked to my left. “Con are you okay?” she asked wrapping her arms around him and he laughed.

“Bay, I’m fine. Are you okay?” He asked worriedly.

“Fine but I missed you tons.”

“I missed you too Bay.” They whispered holding each other.

“Annie!” My mom shouted from the door. A smile spread across my face and I stumbled up the stairs catching myself before I fell to the ground. I laughed as Kyle’s hands shot down to help me up.

“Sorry Baby.” He whispered, I just laughed and flew into my moms out stretched arms.

“Mommy.” I cried as I hugged her.

“If you ever...” She started.

I laughed, “Don’t worry Bailey already gave me that.” I told her pulling away I looked up above her head and found my dad. My dad was big and muscular, his black hair was curly as it stuck up on top of his head. His green eyes smiled as I looked into them. “Daddy.” I whispered as he pulled me in for a hug. Tears escaped my eyes and I felt my mom rub my back soothingly.

“Aw...” Ben called putting his arms around all of us pulling us close me in the middle and he ended up squishing me.

  “Benny!” I yelled and my parents laughed shaking me making me feel like I couldn’t breath, “AH!” A deep growl made Ben jump away from me and I smirked sticking my tongue out at him.

“Alright, alright lets eat..” my mom said grabbing my arm and right on sue my stomach growled.

‘Come on silly.’ I told Kyle when I didn’t feel him behind me.

‘Are you sure? You need to catch up with your family.’

‘You are my family. Now get your ass in here!’ I growled. I felt him enter the room and my body tingled when I saw him smirk at me before sitting across from me.

Ugh! He wasn’t close enough! I nearly screamed in frustration but I was distracted by the food that was set in front of me.

I felt a nudge on my foot sending electrifying tingles up my leg. I jerked back and looked up and met Kyle’s gaze. He smirked and I kicked him. He jerked in his seat banging his knee on the table and everyone stared at him while I smirked.


Short sorry, but I'm not sure if I like this chapter... It would mean a lot if you told me what you think..:)

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