One minute we're hating,
The time is running out,
Our words have become a blur,
We scream and then we shout.
One minute we're best friends,
It's all well in paradise,
But the bad times are closing in,
Foreboding like a vice.
One minute we're angels,
It's not that hard to tell,
Going around giving smiles,
Pretending like all is well.
One minute we're devils,
No ability to bite our tongues,
Going around like henchmen,
Our words like bullets from guns.
One minute we're the superstars,
The ones who people greet,
In a friendship like ours we learn,
You take the bitter with the sweet.

I Don't Think You Know
PoesieThis poetry book is about friendships past and present (mainly past). You don't have to relate, but I hope you do. You don't have to like it, but I hope you do. Thank you for taking the time to read any of these poems, it means a lot to me.