I wonder why I'm sad all the time,
Angry until I just clench my fists,
And smile and say sarcastic things.
I wonder why no one really GETS it,
No one GETS anything,
Because it's MY feelings,
And you can't have them.
I wonder why my friends like me,
I think maybe they don't,
And I'm just there to fill a gap.
I wonder why my parents get angry,
For my own good?
But I always feel condescended.
I wonder why I was given life,
Because what am I supposed to do with it?
What is the plan?
Because not everybody can be a superstar.

I Don't Think You Know
PoesíaThis poetry book is about friendships past and present (mainly past). You don't have to relate, but I hope you do. You don't have to like it, but I hope you do. Thank you for taking the time to read any of these poems, it means a lot to me.