A boy was bullied a long time ago,
His story I'm sure you've heard, it's one everybody knows,
He was bullied for his imagination, because he was unique,
Stuck out like a rainbow in a wasteland, empty, rotting, bleak.
A boy was bullied by his old friends,
He told them to stop, again and again,
But they were relentless, it was their little bit of fun,
One day he decided to tell the bullies that they'd won.
A boy was bullied and hurt into the ground,
The bullies were convinced that he was hell bound,
So the boy decided to teach them a lesson,
In his parting letter he wrote his confession.
A boy was bullied so much he went berserk,
He was bullied till he cried at how much his heart hurt,
So one day he climbed to the top of a sky scraper, his name they were calling,
But soon he was lost in the thrill of free falling.
A boy was bullied until his untimely death,
The bullies committed the worst kind of theft,
So before they may have found it funny,
This is a story about a boy who was bullied.

I Don't Think You Know
PoesíaThis poetry book is about friendships past and present (mainly past). You don't have to relate, but I hope you do. You don't have to like it, but I hope you do. Thank you for taking the time to read any of these poems, it means a lot to me.