Remembering once when you were sensitive,
Your love was cheap not expensive,
Whenever they moved you were defensive,
For once upon a time you were said to have lived.
Remembering once when you wore your heart on your sleeve,
Just so everyone you loved could leave,
Because you know now that everyone deceives,
For that life before every night you grieve.
Remembering once that feeling of levity,
That one last look and the 'are you kidding me?',
Because of the ones who's smirks were deadly,
You are now dedicated to insensitivity.

I Don't Think You Know
PoesiaThis poetry book is about friendships past and present (mainly past). You don't have to relate, but I hope you do. You don't have to like it, but I hope you do. Thank you for taking the time to read any of these poems, it means a lot to me.