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Listen to the music cuz it fits with the first part of the story, that's all. Enjoy!

You and your sister, Emily, are playing in your front yard playing catch. At that time your family was perfect. "Catch Emily!" You throw her the red ball but it bounces in the street. "I'll get it!" Emily runs in the street to retrieve the ball. You look over and a car is coming. "EMILY! LOOK OUT!" She turns her head and the car hits her. You run over to her and put her in your lap. "Emily please..." She touches your cheek. "It's Y/N, I'll keep you safe." She groans in pain. "Shh Emily, close your eyes. The pain will go away." She shakes her head. "Your pain in your heart won't. I'm staying." You start crying harder then before. Emily, your little sister is dying. "Em cmon, I'm fine. Your little, your pain will stop. It hurts me, I don't want you to go. But you have to." You cry into her neck and she pulls your head up. "Are you sure big sis?" You nod giving her a smile she won't see ever again. "I'll wait for you sis." She closes her eyes and stops breathing. You cry into her neck and hold on to her tightly. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry." You hear sirens and you look up to see a female. "Give me your sister, we will try everything we can." "NO!" But she still takes her. You stand up and stomp over to the car that hit her. (Btw you're 16) You see a male with a mad face. "YOU SCUM! YOU CLEARLY SAW HER! SHES NOT SHORT!" You punch him in his jaw making him pass out. A police officer holds you back. "I HATE YOU!" You spit on him. "Alright missy that's enough." "ENOUGH?! HE KILLED MY SISTER!" You pass out.

(Normal POV)
You walk up crying in your hands, remembering your dear sister. "I could have saved her! But no! She died! It's all my fault I should have told her to stay awake! Then none of this would have happened!" You throw and pound on things in anger. "(Y/N)?" You still throw things and throw a fit. "(Y/N)!" You turn around and see BEN. The tears still coming down from anger and sadness. "What's wrong (Y/N)?" You soften and fall on your knees sobbing. BEN walks up to you and wraps his arms around you. "Shhh, tell me what's wrong." You calm down and wipe your tears. "My sister...she died. I couldn't save her..if only I told her to stay awake. None of this would have happened, my family would have still been perfect, I didn't need to kill. My thirst of blood wouldn't have been even thought of!" You clutch onto his shirt and cry into his shoulder. "Hey. It's ok, if none of that would have happened you, you would have never met us." You sigh and slightly smile. "R-right." You pull away. "Thanks BEN." He smiles and wipes the rest of the tears. "No problem Blood. Wanna go play Mario Cart?" "Ya! Race ya there!" You stand up and run to BEN's room. You burst through the door and jump up and down. "Yay! I win!" BEN comes in panting. "How *pant* can you run *pant* that fast?" "I guess it's because I'm part wolf." You smirk and jump on the beanbag. You grab a F/C controller and BEN sits in the other beanbag. He puts him the game and you pick rainbow road. "Really?" "Hey! I like it." You chuckle and pick Daisy (she's my fav character :3) He picks Luigi and winks at you. (Cuz luigi and daisy are the main otp along with Mario and peach.) You smile and you start the match.

"HOW?!" You laugh your butt off because you beat BEN so many times. "But I'm like the king of video games!" You wipe a tear. "Well you have been dethroned because I, Blood Howler is the queen! MUAHAHHAHA!" He smirks and turns off the console. He hovers over you and licks his lips. "Well then you can be my queen. And by the way, Blood Howler?" "Yeah, I guess that's my name know." Yellow strings grabs BEN and throws him off you, again. "Hey Puppeteer!" You say casually like nothing happened. "Hello." He says waving. "Seriously?! Again!?" You giggle and help BEN up. He rubs his head. "Don't hit on her BEN. A queen like her doesn't need a king." You giggle. "Thanks Puppeteer." You high five with him. "Hey! She has to pick one anyway." "I don't have to, I could live the rest of my life with no partner." You smirk. "Well I'm gonna go ask Slender if I can train with someone." You walk to Slender's office and knock on his door. "Come in." You open the door and see Slender at his desk. "Hey Slender, can I train with someone?" "Of course Blood. Masky! Come train Blood!" "How did you know..?" You ask confused. "I hear everything." Masky runs in and grabs your wrist. Then he runs with you outside. "I've been waiting for this day! Ok first I'm gonna teach you then tomorrow we will fight." You nod and smirk.

                          ~time skip again~
"Alright it's time to head in." He yawns and you   two walk in. You wave and walk to your room. You dig through your dresser and find some decent pajamas. (Edit: the other pajamas were too 'girly' so I'm changing them so I stop getting comments about them)

 (Edit: the other pajamas were too 'girly' so I'm changing them so I stop getting comments about them)

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"It'll do." You run downstairs and see Hoodie sleeping on the couch. You smirk and run towards him. "Hoodie!" He jolts awake and you jump on him. You laugh into his chest and he chuckles lightly. "H-hey Blood." He says in a groggy voice. "You can't sleep on the couch." You say like a mother scolding her 6 year old.  "Y-you did it y-yesterday!" He says proving a point. "So what. Come on let's go to your room and I'll tuck you in." You pull him up and run to his room. You push him in bed and cover him with the blanket. "B-Blood-." He says flustered. "Shhhh go to sleep child." You put a finger up to his lip and turn off the light. You walk out and walk to your room. You cuddle with your teddy bear and fall asleep. Just then you feel someone grab the blankets off you in the middle of the night. "Hello?"

Cliffhanger! I did the chapter at my nephew's bday party so ya. My brother-in-law's sister caught me and asked what I was writing. I said a fanfic for someone. I was so embarrassed, >~~< I still am. Anyway BAIII!

Stay Alive |-/

Bloody Mess🔪 |Creepypastas X  !Wolf! Reader COMPLETED (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now