Finally together...

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Thank you for 1K! I hope you enjoy this chapter, and hopefully cry or something, well cry from cuteness of course!

Warning!: contains feels
Previously on Bloody Mess:
"I have an idea!"

"DOLLHEART!" Shadie runs in and shushes me, RagDoll walks in and sighs. "What? You know what! I'll take this shift Shadie, but thanks anyway." RagDoll says, "Ok sure ya. Bye." He says glaring at me and me and I stick my tongue out. He scoffs and walks out. "What now?" "Is your side ok, I mean Grayscale stabbed it pretty hard." I say, she looks at me confused. "Uh what?" She says, I sigh and throw my hands in the air. "Fuck it." I hear her hiss, I look up at her and she locks eyes with me. "Blood...?"

RagDoll POV
"Is your side ok, I mean Grayscale stabbed it pretty hard." I look at her confused. "Uh what?" She sighs and throws her hands up. My head starts to pound and I hiss.

Memories come flowing back into my brain and I start remembering my life as a pasta.

"Blood...?" I ask. Blood looks at me with excitement in her eyes. "You remember! Now get us out!" She says. I nod and start unlocking everyone's cell. "There's a window over there! Cmon!" I say. We run to the window and people start getting out. I'm the last one and I climb through. "There's the well!" I say. I carry some people and Slender carries some people, we go up the well and run to the mansion. We all get there and the boys flop on the couch. Grayscale walks up to me with a angry face and I sweat a little. To be honest I kinda developed feelings for her... "Um hey Grayscale need some-." I start to say. She slams her lips onto mine. I freeze but then kiss back, she pulls away and looks away. (That rhymed!) "I hate you..." She mumbles. I chuckle and hug her. "I love you too." I tease her. Everyone aw's expect for Jeff and I blush. "S-shut up!" I say, lettinggo and cross my arms. "Aww is RagDoll flustered?" Jeff says teasing me. I growl. "Jeff I swear to Zalgo I will rip your balls off and you won't have any children at all." He rolls his eyes. "Like I even want a kid." Everyone laughs. I sigh and Grayscale taps my shoulder. "Hm?" I hum. "Can we move in together? I have my old cabin, it's clean and stuff." She asks. I smile and nod, she hugs me and I hug back. Silver walks up to me and fake pouts. "So we aren't gonna see each other anymore?" She says. I chuckle and ruffle her hair. "Of course we are, we're gonna visit a lot right Grayscale?" I ask. She nods. "Yea I guess." I smile. "Ok well bye!" I say. "Bye!" Most people say. We walk out and arrive at the cabin. She lifts up my mask and kisses my cheek. "Welcome home Raggy." She says. I pull her close and she puts her head on my shoulder. "Welcome home...." I say smiling.

Awww! RagDoll and Grayscale are finally together! Congrats love birds!

RagDoll and Grayscale: Thanks!

Anyway thanks to M-MarBella for the OC and the idea of Graysclae and RagDoll being together. Also I'm sorry this is another short chapter, but anyway BAIII!

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