New description: your name is (y/n), you've been bullied and neglected from your parents all your life. One day your parents decided to give you away to scientists in exchange for money. The scientists brought in a person, who changed your life for...
Heyyy so I just created a new book called You Made Me A Believer, it's an X reader fanfiction like this. But I made the plot, characters, and most of the art. So uh ya do me a favor and check it out please?? Well I hope you enjoy this chapter (and the other book cough) and yeah!
Your pov "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Sally screams as she jumps on me for the 100th time. In all honesty that really didn't help my soreness from yesterday, we killed a lot, run a lot, jumped over fences, and hopped into windows. "Dude come on let me rest.." I groan while covering my ears with my pillow. I feel the pillow ripped from my grasp and someone pull me up. "Child, today is the day we train together, all day." "But I'm sore from killing with Jeff!" He places me by my closet. "Too bad, get ready. It'll be in the backyard. Come on Sally." Sally jumps from my bed to slender's arm and they leave. "UGggh!" I stand up and stretch. "Fucking hell why does it have to be today." I pick out a cute training outfit that is easy to move around in.
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I recently stole this from a victim' who seems to be a badass trainer. I put on some light makeup and head downstairs. I head to the kitchen to get a couple of bottles of blood and there's a whole pack. "Wow they must know me and EJ are gonna use a lot. "Hey (Y/N), I mean BH, can you get EJ some blood bottles?" Blood bottles? Huh must be these.. "Sure BEN." "Thanks!" I grab four blood bottles, two each. I walk outside and see everyone looking badass. "Hey BH!" RagDoll runs over to me with pulling Broken behind her. "Hey BH." "Hey guys! You guys look cute!" RagDoll smiles, from what I know of since she has her mask on and Broken clears his throat. "Thanks!" "Ya uh thanks." They have look taste in training clothes, I'm impressed.
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"Well hope you guys do good in training!" "You too!" I walk over to EJ and hand him his blood bottles. "Here blue face." He chuckles and takes them. "Thanks puppy." I roll my eyes. "Oh fuck you." He laughs and nudges me. "Karma's a bitch." Slender claps his hands, making everyone turn their attention to him. "Alright! I will be assigning groups so listen up! Ok there's BEN, Jeff, Jane, puppeteer, and masky." I hear some groans and high fives. "Ok next team will be Sally, Lilith, Jackson, and Neveah." Of course I hear yes's. "Then Toby, (Y- BH, Broken, and Trender." My teammates walk over and I give them all a smile. "Oh darling! You have some style!" "Thanks Trender! You too!" I say even though these weren't really my clothes. "Ok next is Dark Link, RagDoll, Alexis, Midnight, and Music." "Damnit, I didn't want he to be with that perv." Broken says while he glares at Dark Link as he flirts with RagDoll and Alexis. I put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey it's all good, at least she's with her brother." Broken sighs and looks away. "Right.. Let's just go do some push ups or something." "He's right darling, let's go train." We walk to the mats where you do push ups, I sit on the mats and smirk. "Hey you guys wanna have a push up contest?" Broken tsk's and rolls his eyes. "Sure but I'm gonna beat you." You glare at him and chuckle. "It's on."
Time skip "And the final count is Broken with 58 and BH with 57! Close call but Broken won!" Trender declares. "Fucking hell." I cross my arms and pout. Broken smirks and wipes his sweat. "Told ya I would beat you." "Ok teams! Switch stations!" "C-come on g-guys. We have pull ups n-next!" Toby yells as he runs to the pull up station. "Ok I'm coming Toby!" I yell back as I run with him. Toby suddenly makes a stop. I try to stop but I'm going to fast, afraid that I'm gonna hurt him I yell out. "Toby watch out!" He turns around, just then I bump into him and fall, I close my eyes not wanting to get flying dirt in my eyes. I use my arms to keep me from falling any farther. I open my eyes to see Toby right in front of my face. I realize what situation I'm in and scramble off him trying to hide my blush. "O-oh gosh! I-I'm sorry T-Toby!" He stands up and puts his hands up to calm me. "Dude c-calm down its a-all go-good!" He ticks. "Ok are you love birds done? We still have to train." We turn to Broken and nod. "Right!" I run to the chalk to prevent my hands from blistering up. I grab on to the pole and breath out and in. I try to pull myself up, which took a good five seconds. I finally get the hang out it and pull myself up and push myself down with fairly good speed. "W-woah! BH slo-slow d-down!" I took down and see Toby sweating by the gallons. I realize the great pain in my arms. "FUCK!" I fall down and close my eyes for the impact but it never comes. I open my eyes to see yet again Toby holding me in my arms. "T-Toby." I look into his eyes. (He took off his goggles and mouth mask thingy because it was too hot) "(Y/N)." We look into each other's eyes and start getting closer. "OK SWITCH!" Slender yells louder than usual. (Yes slender is gonna crush on you too, for the slender lovers) I cough and jump out of Toby's arms. "Uh thanks for catching me dude." He looks away and blushes. "Yeah no problem." We walk to the next station. Clearly already tired.
Time skip I chug the last bottle of blood, I didn't think EJ and I needed the whole pack. "Fucking hell today was tiring. I'm gonna probably be in so much pain tomorrow." I say as I wipe the sweat off with a cold towel. Jeff sits next to me on the floor and chugs a water bottle. "And that's why I'm not doing shit tomorrow." I laugh and nod. "Yeah same. I'm gonna stay on my bed and do nothing besides go on the Internet and binge watch videos on Netflix and YouTube." (cough cough me cough cough) "Can I join you? I'll bring a lot of snacks and stuff." Jeff asks. I smile at him and nod. "Sure, make sure no one sees you. I don't want anyone knowing about this. Just me and you." He smiles. "Of course puppy." I growl. "Thanks Joker." He throws a empty water bottle at me. "Shut up you little shit." I laugh and stand up. "Well I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow Jeff." "Have lots of nightmares." "Fuck you~" "You too Puppy~" I throw a empty bottle at him as a walk away. I walk up the stairs, which took awhile, and open my door to see Smile Dog and Grinny Cat sleeping in my bed. Leaving just enough space for me. "Hey guys." They look at me. "Hey BH." Grinny Cat says. "Hey dude." Smile dog says tiredly. I crawl into bed and get under the covers, somehow suddenly cold. The ac must be on the max, this shit is cold. Just as he reads my mind, Smile Dog turns into a human and gets under the blanket with me. He cuddles with me and nuzzles into my neck. The feeling of his hot breath on my neck sends shivers down my spine. I finally get comfy and close my eyes, falling into a very deep sleep.
Well that was the send of this chapter! Make sure to go check out my new book, You Made Me A Believer, it's a x reader fanfiction with my oc's. I hope you liked this chapter and I'll see you guys later BAIII!