Waffle Time!

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HEYO my Tems! I know it's kinda crazy that I skipped a year but I was out of ideas and also thanks to Silver-Chaos for helping me again with another awesome chapter, so in any case, enjoy!

           Your POV
  I wake up and walk downstairs, I see Silver on the counter with Toby talking to her, of course she isn't listening though. "Mornin' guys." I say, grabbing some yogurt and start to eat, Toby waves to me and Silver does the peace sign. "Morning Blood! So anyway Silver." Toby says. I giggle and Slender with the rest of the gang walks in with Sally in his arms, I run over to Slender and look at him with puppy eyes. "Can I please hold Sally?!" I ask with puppy eyes. He sighs and carefully hands Sally over to me. "Yay!" I whisper, Sally cuddles into my chest and I quietly squeal. "So cute!" Silver walks up to Slender. "Hey Slender I'm gonna go on a killing spree for like two days kay?" "Alright my child, don't get hurt." He says. "I won't. Bye guys..." She says in a depressed kind of voice and walks out. Sally wakes up and walks over to Lilly and colors with her, while Jackson is talking with EJ about the human body, yeah he eats human organs like EJ now. "Hey Blood, I bet you can't bet me in Mario Cart." BEN says, challenging me to a game. (Pls sponsor me ;-;) I walk over, grab a controller and smirk. "You're on elf." I say, glaring at him. He glares back. "Ok then Twilight reject." I growl and we start the game.

~thirty minuets later third person POV~
BEN and Blood played many rounds and Blood most of them. "WHAT?! HOW?!" BEN throws the controller and Blood chuckles. "Well I'm really good at-." A sound of glass breaking cuts off Blood, they all look at each other with scared faces and run upstairs. They open the door they heard the scream in and see Silver on the floor bloody, laying in a pool of her own blood barely breathing, with a picture of her sister, Emilia, her, and her step mother Katie she always hated.(edit: the title was to throw y'all off)

Dun dun DUN! Cliffhanger! Aha, so again a huge thanks to Silver-Chaos for helping me again with another awesome chapter, and I'll see you Tems later, BAIII!

Words: 371

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