Off Work and Depressing Shit

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        So the family problems got better! Which is really surprising! So enjoy this chapter and I will try to update more!
    RagDoll's POV
Today is my day off from work, but tomorrow is the meeting that I HAVE got to go to, it sucks. "Oh my sweet Jesus!" I hear a yell and I teleport downstairs. I see cookie dough and flour everywhere! I see Blood laugh her ass off while Splendor gets yelled at by Slender. I see Sally giggling while licking a spoon with powdered sugar on in. "Sally, what happened?"I say as I stretch, Sally looks at me with her toothy smile. "Well, me and Splendy were trying to make cookies and brownies for our tea party with music but he couldn't use the oven so we grabbed your fire necklace. Or so we thought it was your fire necklace but it was actually the explosive one so we blew up the kitchen." I chuckle and I pat her head. "That's why you guys don't take my stuff, I guess I'll have to make cases with a lock for everything I own. Can I please have my necklace back?" Sally puts my necklace in my hand and grabs the whole jar of powder sugar, I take it away just in time before she digs her spoon in there again. "No Sally, you can't just eat powder sugar plain. Now let's clean up the kitchen and make real cookies and brownies?" "Yes!" She jumps up and down excitedly and I teleport my explosive necklace into a case but teleport my water and air necklaces to my hand. "Let's clean up since we can't clean in a dirty kitchen." I put my water and air necklaces on and I squirt soap everywhere with my air powers and I rinse the place with the water. Then I blow lots of air around the kitchen to dry it, then I hear yells from Jeff. "Stop! I'm fucking floating! I'm off the fucking ground!" I stop blowing (not like that yah nasty) and I laugh. "Sorry Jeff! I was cleaning the kitchen! Now let's get baking." I teleport my fire necklace to my hand and I put it on. "What's with all the necklaces, girly?" I glare at Jeff and smirk. "It's my element necklaces, and I have the fire one on me. Do you want me to set you on fire again?" He growls and pours milk into his cereal. "Exactly. Now, let's get our ingredients."

~le time skip when they make the shit~
I dust off my clothes from the flour and place the cookies and brownies somewhere high enough so nobody can get them. Literally, nobody not even the slender brothers. I hid them well in my opinion, I'm good at hiding things. But last Easter was a flop...

     ~flash back~
"Raggy, I think you hid the eggs too well..." Says Slender uncertain of the hiding places. "Oh they'LL find them sooner or later. Give them a couple more minutes." Slender sighs and rubs his temple. "It's been an hour and they still haven't found any."

~normal POV~
I laugh silently and I walk into Grayscale's room. "Hey babe what's up?" She looks at me and growls. "Don't ask me what's up! Don't call me babe either! I know you take me for fucking granted! We're over!" Tears stream down my face as Grayscale stomps out of the mansion. "N-no..." I stumble downstairs yelling after her. "Gray! Babe please! I do love you!"I catch up to her at the door and turn her around. "Please.... I do love you, it's just my job and drama. Plea-." "BULLSHIT! YOU NEVER EVEN TALK TO ME!" I freeze in shock and sadness as she runs out the door furiously. I fall on my knees and I cry into my hands. I hear people crying around me and silence. Someone walks behind me and hugs me. I look into their face and I see Blood crying. "S-she's gone Bl-Blood! I should h-have told her I l-love her m-more!" I stand up and punch a hole in the wall. "ITS ALL MY FUCKING FAULT!" I run upstairs into my room and lock myself in.

Slender's POV
All the kids except Emilia cry into my pants. Staining them with tears. Sadness fills my body as I pick the children up and try to calm them. "It's ok.... It's for the best..." Or so I hope... I rock them back and forth, I sigh. I look at Blood heartbroken, I think of RagDoll feeling bad. She loved Grayscale so, we all did. It's a pain to see her go.after the children fall asleep I set them on the couch and walk over to Blood that has her head in her hands. "Blood? Are you alright?" She looks up at me with fury and sighs angrily. "Of fucking course not Slender! My best friends broke up and one of them left, leaving one heartbroken! Do you think I'm fucking ok!? No! Look around everyone is fucking sad, Slender!" I take a step back in shock and she signs with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry it's just....drama. I can't handle all this, but it's probably for the best. They were falling apart anyway. I guess I'll go try and comfort RagDoll now... See ya." She heads upstairs and more sadness washes over me. My fifth best pasta left, everyone is depressed, Grayscale won't probably come back, and nobody is gonna feel up to do anything today. I teleport into my room, I flop on the bed. I sigh as my eyes slowly close and I drift off to sleep.

      Your POV
I walk into RagDoll's room and I see Grace comforting her. (That's the-disgrace aka Silver, she changed her name) Grace looks at me and motions me to come. I sigh and sit on the bed next to RagDoll. I rub her back and I wipe my tears. "It's ok Raggy, it's for the best..." "N-no it's not... I loved her... Now she's gone...!" She slams her fists on the sheets and sighs. "I'll just...go to sleep and accept the fact she's gone." Grace and I nod then we walk out, making sure to shut off the lights. "Welp, good night Blood. And thanks for coming, I can't really comfort people that well. Haha." I chuckle and we go our separate ways. I open the door to my bedroom and I flop on the bed. "I don't like this..." I fall asleep and dream about duckies again.

        Sorry for taking so long, school is so ugh. I still have homework to do...shit... Welp I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, BAIII!

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