Sally's meet

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Your POV

At this point, I'm sooooo confused. I find a skeleton in the kitchen, and Broken's real name is Marvin. "How come you never told us?" Raggy says, just as confused as me. Broken shrugs and grabs a bowl. "I never figured you guys needed to know." Then he fills his bowl is oatmeal and water. "It's just a name, nothing that special. I mean everyone has one." He places his bowl in the microwave and turns it on. He sits down and Jack eagerly sits next to him. "Mind telling us how Jack knows you?" Marvin shakes his head. "I'd rather not, besides you guys have been in the kitchen for far too long. Maybe later." The microwave goes off and Marvin retrieved his oatmeal. Then he leaves the room, with Jack following his close behind.

~Time Skippp cause it's almost 3 am and I'm lazy~

I wipe my brow sweat and huff. I finished killing a victim I've had my eyes on lately. He was a strong male, he didn't go down without a fight I can tell you that.

I dip my finger in his blood and write on the wall. 'Howl like a wolf -Bloody Howler :)' I smirk at my masterpiece. My moment of pride gets interrupted by sirens going off. "Shit..." I curse, throwing myself out of the window. I run in the forest and turn to see someone running along with me. "Hey BH!" I see Jack smiling at me. I look at him like he's crazy. "What are you doing here? How did you find me?" I say looking behind me, cops on motorcycles following close behind us, too close for comfort. "Shit! Nevermind that!" I turn into my full wolf form. "Hop on!" Jack gets on my back and go into a full sprint. My wolf form is fast so we arrive at the mansion in less than a minuet. I run into the mansion, panting. I haven't been in my wolf form in a while. "That was great! Sally darling! Look it's the wolf girl I was telling you about!" Then a rag doll looking girl walks in.

"Oh my!" She says, covering her mouth

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"Oh my!" She says, covering her mouth. Coming closer. I backup, an instinct I have. "Oh, it's alright!" She extends her hand. I come closer, Jack still sitting on my back. She pets me, awe comes over her face. "Your so soft!" I chuckle. "Thanks, I try." She gasps. "It talks!" Jack nods. "Yeah! She's only in her wolf form! Turn into your creepypasta form!" I turn into my normal form, causing Jack to fall off my back. "Wow! That's so majestic!" Sally squeals touching my wolf ears. I chuckle as RagDoll walks in. "Why's there an actual rag doll in our living room?" Sally turns to RagDoll. "I'm Sally! What's your name dear?" RagDoll looks at Sally in disbelief. "Um, uh, I'm RagDoll. My friends call me-." "RAGGY!" Sally runs at RagDoll, her pink nightgown flowing behind her, Charlie waving wildly. Then Jeff behind her, probably scaring her. "Jeff is scaring me!" She says jumping into RagDoll's arms. "Jeff! Enough!" She yells at Jeff, Jeff laughs. "Her face! Priceless! Come on Raggy, it was funny!" Raggy shakes her head, laughing a bit. "It's funny but try to do it less often." "Hey! It's not funny!" Sally pouts. I smile and stand next to the other Sally. "Sally, this is Sally." Sally looks at the other Sally with her big green eyes staring in excitement. "A doll! Dolly!" Sally jumps out of RagDolls arms and stands in front of Sally number 2. "Hi I'm Sally!" Sally says, the other Sally smiles. "Hello dear, my name is Sally too." Sally smiles. "Do you want to play with me?" The other Sally nods. "I don't see why not." Sally pulls the other Sally upstairs, both laughing. I smile at them and sit on the couch, BEN playing video games. "What cha' playing BEN?" BEN looks at me then looks back at his game. "Fort nite. It just came out and everyone is going crazy over it. And I can't fucking WIN!" BEN says, just as he dies. "FUUUCKKK MEEE!" He yells, I wink at him. "When?" BEN turns to me and smirks, filled with lust. "Right now, baby." He says, huskily. I blush, I always fail trying to make BEN flustered. "I was kidding!" BEN comes closer to me, now towering over me. "Mmm~ I wasn't~." Then yellow strings throw BEN off me. I laugh and look at Puppeteer. "Hey dude, thanks for that again." The puppeteer smiles. "No problem, that's basically my job now." We laugh, BEN comes back but running with cheesecake in his hair. Not far behind him, angry Masky, Hoodie, and Jack rub after him, throwing forks at him. They run upstairs. "OW! FUCK! THAT ONE HIT ME IN THE BACK YOU ASS!" I hear Jeff yell, we laugh harder, my jaw starting to hurt. "Oowww. My jawww." I say giggling, my laughing dying down a bit. Puppeteer chuckles. "Wanna watch the new episode of This Is Us?" He asks, I nod, preparing for a ocean of tears to fall.

~time skip again because it's actaully 3:13 am~

"THAT WAS SO SADD!" I yell, tears falling fast. "I KNOW!" Puppeteer yells back, tears streaming down his face. We cry into each other's shoulders. The dad died, which I expected but it was still sad. "Why are you two fucks crying?" I look over and see Jeff. "The dad diiedddd!" I whine, still crying. Jeff's face softens. "You're tired, here." He carries me, I cry into his shoulder. He carries me up the stairs and into my room. He places me down on my soft bed, he turns to walk out but i grab his sleeve. He turns back to me. "Can you *sniff* stay please? *sniff*" I say, he nods, handing me some tissues. I thank him and blow my nose. I throw them in the bin and put on some good smelling hand sanitizer. Jeff gets under the covers, I snuggle closer to him, taking any warmth I can get. He wraps his arms around me and my eyelids slowly close. Sleep embracing me with its open arms.



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