New description: your name is (y/n), you've been bullied and neglected from your parents all your life. One day your parents decided to give you away to scientists in exchange for money. The scientists brought in a person, who changed your life for...
Merry Christmas everybody, or happy holidays! I hope you guys have a good holiday and a new good New Years! Now let's get on with the special!
Your pov I wake up, stretching as my bones crack. I smile at the satisfying sound of bones cracking. I get out of bed, sadly. I look in the mirror and see a mess. My hair is tangled, my clothes are dirty, the black circles under my eyes are dark, I just look horrible. "I guess I have a lot of work to do." I giggle as I grab my brush and makeup bag. I brush my hair and put it up into a messy bun. I put on some makeup that looks natural enough, I'm not really a fan of heavy makeup. The fashion show really sucked for that reason, but the dresses were beautiful, and I'm so happy I got to keep them. I smile remembering the moment EJ and I had. I blush and bury my face in my hands. I hear a knock at the door and I open it up to see Hoodie with a elf hat on. I laugh and tilt my head. "Hoodie, why are you wearing that?" "Well it's Christmas!" He exclaims, as he throws me a Santa hat and an outfit. "If you haven't noticed yet, everyone changed their outfit, they told me to tell you so that's why I don't have mine fully on." I nod and pull him in, shutting the door. "I want you to sit on my bed while I get dressed, I want an honest opinion on how I look. Wait-" I notice Hoodie doesn't have his mask on. "Your mask, it's gone." I say with a confused tone, he blushes and looks away. "Well um, they forced me to take it off. And well uh-" I stop him and crawl on his lap. I look into his deep brown eyes as he looks into mine. "Your eyes are beautiful Hoody." He blushes with a deep red and smiles. "T-thank you, yours are b-beautiful too." I smile and peck his cheek. I crawl off his lap and grab my outfit. "I'll be back, then you'll tell me your honest opinion." I walk into the bathroom and change.
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I look in the mirror and giggle. "I wonder who Santa will be." I chuckle and step out. Try not to stumble in the heels. I look at Hoodie for his reaction. His face lights up and he hugs me tight. "You look absolutely beautiful BH." His eyes shine with happiness and bliss. My face turns hot and I smile. "Thanks Hoodie." I kiss his cheek again and we walk out of my room. I see elfs all over the place walking around. I see a tall Santa walk by. I let go of hoodies hand, which I didn't know I was holding, and ran over. I turned the secret Santa around, reveling Slender. "Huh well that explains that." I laugh. He tilts his head confused. "What?" "Well you're the boss of this place like Santa is of the North Pole and you're dressed like Santa." He puts his hand on his chin. "Huh I suppose so." He chuckles as he picks me up. "Well then I guess you're Ms.Claus." He nuzzles his face in my neck and my face turns as red as my costume. "Uhhh S-Slender.." He 'looks' at me and tilts his head. I look around at everyone, it turns out that they're human. "N-nothing.." Slender carries me downstairs to the living room, everyone looks at us and is shocked. "Wow Slender, you made a surprise appearance. I think you weren't gonna come." Jeff says, shocked. Slender shrugs and puts me down. "I decided I should be apart of the celebration. Along with my brothers." Just on cue, there's a knock at the door. Slender walks over to the door and opens it, revealing his brothers. "BROTHER!" Splendor hugs his brother has the other two walk in. Offender walks over to be and offers me a rose. "A pretty rose for a pretty lady?" I smile and decline politely-erm, well sort of. "No thank you pervert, I don't wanna be pregnant this Christmas." He growls slightly but smiles. "Alright, if you change your mind I'll be in the kitchen." He walks into the kitchen, probably gonna drink some wine. Jane and Clockwork walk over to me, their eyes sparkling with happiness. "You look amazing BH!" They exclaim, I laugh. "Thanks you guys do too." "Want to go out tonight after the party? It's gonna be me, Jeff, BEN, Toby, EJ, LJ, Masky, Hoodie, and Jane." Clockwork says. "Well does Slender know?" I ask, not wanting to get in trouble if he doesn't. "Well no.. But you can ask him! He'll say yes to you!" Jane says with a convincing voice, I roll my eyes and sigh. "Fine. I'll ask." I walk over to Slender and tug on his sleeve. He looks down at me. "Yes's BH?" "Can me, Jeff, BEN, TOBY, EJ, LJ, Masky, Hoodie, Clockwork, and Jane go out tonight after the party?" Slender sighs and nods. "Alright, I'm counting on you to make sure all of the, get home safe." I nod and hug his arm. "I will! Thanks Slender!" I run over to Jane and Clockwork. "So? What did he say?" Jane asks. "He said sure, but I have to make sure all of you guys get home safe, so that means I won't drink tonight." Clockwork frowns. "Come on BH, we planned this because you don't have fun anymore! Just have a couple drinks tonight!" She pleads as Jane follows along, I sigh. "Fine, but not a lot." They smile and run off to god knows where. I walk over to RagDoll, Broken, Jeff, BEN, and EJ. "Hey guys, nice costumes." I stifle a laugh, it's funny seeing Broken in a elf costume, he's usually so serious. "Thanks BH! It took me awhile to convince Broken to put on the costume, you know how he is." RagDoll nudges Broken, he huffs. "I'm still fucking pissed that I have to wear this." Broken complains as BEN puts his arm around Broken, well he tries to. "Come on Broken it's not that bad." "Get your filthy hands off time you flirty prick." Broken says sternly, BEN quickly puts his arm back to his previously vacant side. "Alriiight" BEN says clearly scared of Broken. "So, EJ how you been?" I ask EJ trying to get my mind off of Broken in the elf costume. "Well pretty good until I was forced to wear this shit." He chuckles, I follow with a giggle. An arm wraps around my shoulders and presses their cheek against mine. (Face cheek not ass cheek lmao) "Heyyy sugarpop~." A familiar voice purrs in my ear, I giggle. "Hey Sugar~." I say while laughing. It's of course LJ, he puts a lollipop in front of my face. "How about a sweet lollipop for a sweet lady?" I blush at the compliment and take the lollipop. "Thanks Jack." I unwrap the lollipop and pop it into my mouth. I realize it's my favorite flavor, my eyes light up. Heck, I haven't tasted candy since I've arrived at the mansion, which is pretty dang long. I practically moan at the taste of the sweetness of the lollipop. "Oh wow, I never knew you liked sweets that much~." Jack teases me, poking my cheeks playfully. I blush and ruffle his hair. "Yeah, yeah Jack. Whatever." I giggle as he stands properly, his arm moving to my waist snaking around it. I ignore his arm, not bothered by his usual action. "So EJ, did you finally kill that stubborn victim?" EJ growls and shakes his head. "No, that son of a bitch got away. I don't know how that asshole got away." Suddenly a tendril slaps EJ on the head. "There's children present silly Jack!" Splendor reminds him, EJ shrugs. "Oops I forgot." Jeff tumbled down and I look up to see Jane dying of laughter, I can't help but follow. "J-Jeff, *huff* are y-you ok-okay? *wheeze*" I try to say while calming myself. "YOU BITCH!" Jeff pounces on Jane, sending them near the kitchen door. "OW GET OFF ME YOU WIDE EYED FREAK! OW!" Jane shouts at Jeff. "YOU FUCKING PUSHED ME YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING HOE!" Jeff growls at Jane. Soon enough, Trender stops them. "Enough you two, you're gonna ruin the costumes I made. It took me awhile to make all of them." Trender scolds them, wearing a reindeer costume. "She started it, she fucking pushed me!" Jeff points at Jane. "He killed my family, I'm not aloud to kill him so I pushed him." Jane scoffs. Meanwhile LJ and I are leaning against each other for support, due to the fact we're laughing a lot. I look around to see the others have parted away, leaving LJ and me. I finally calm down and look at Jack, I never realized how beautiful his eyes looked when he laughed. They shimmered with pure bliss, his white eyes lighten up every time. He finally stops laughing and notices me looking into his eyes. "Hey sugarpop..." He smiles ever so slightly at me, a warm smile, something I haven't seen on him in awhile. I hum in response, tilting my head. "You're the most beautiful girl I've never laid my eyes on." I blush yet again. "Is that so?" I smile playfully, he nods and places his huge hand on my cheek. "Yup." The space between us gets smaller, smaller, and smaller. Our lips finally touch, his lips are cold, but disappears quickly due to my warm lips. 'He tastes like candy~' I purr in my head. His hand travels down yet again to my waist, pulling my body closer to his. Our lips move in sync, it's like it was meant to be. (Cheesy I know) Sadly, since we have to breathe we pull apart. 'Damn lungs' I curse in my head. His smile growing by the second he places his forehead on mine. I can't help but smile back. "Guys! Time to open the presents!"
~time skip, brought to you by the author dancing in a reindeer costume~
Your POV Everyone took turns, I wanted to go last. I always put everyone else's happiness before mine, especially my family. "Ok Blood! Your turn!" Splendor claps his hands and shakes his new bells. I laugh and nod. "Alright!" I grab a gift with red wrapping paper. 'From: your favorite joker reject <3 to: my puppy (Bloody Howler),' the tag says. I look at Jeff and smile. "I knew you liked the name Joker Reject." I tease Jeff, he rolls his eyes. I open the gift, revealing a brand new pack of daggers, it's a dark red with a camo like print. I smile at Jeff. "Thanks Joker." He smirks and rolls his eyes. I grab another gift with doodles all over it. 'From: Helen, To: Bloody Howler,' it reads in a fancy cursive font. I smile at Helen and open it. Its the painting from when I first arrived at the mansion. There's roses all around me and I'm in a beautiful dress made of roses. "Woah..." I say in awe. "I knew you would like it." Helen chuckles. I carefully set the painting down next to me. I open the rest of the gifts, I revive a red dress, a curling iron (or straightening iron), eyeballs, a gift card to my favorite weapon shop, a huge lollipop, a homemade teddy bear, a book on my favorite fandom, an extra element necklace, chokers, earrings, a gun, a pile of clothes, a gift card for hot topic, and that's it. Some gifts were shared by multiple people, and some were from only one. "Thanks guys! You guys are the best family I could ask for!" I smile at all of them and they smile back. "OK LETS GO CLUBBING!" Clockwork yells impatiently. The people going to the club cheer and pile out the door, me getting pulled along by LJ. We arrive at the club and Jack pulls me close to him. "You're staying with me tonight, there's some creeps here..." He says protectively and wraps his arm around me. I giggle and nod. "Alright sugar." He pulls me to the drink bar and pours me some wine. "Here." He hands me the cup. I'm shocked the club has wine out, that shit is expensive. "Thanks Jack." I take a sip and he pulls me back to the place we were. "After you finish your drink do you wanna go dance?" Jack asks excitedly, you giggle at his childishness. "Alright sure." I chug the rest of my drink and pull him to the dance floor. Then we start dancing the night away.
~time skip~
Your POV
We finally arrive home, I'm more sober than I thought I was gonna be surprisingly. I drag my now drunk friends into the mansion. I feel someone nibble on my ear. I yelp in surprise and look behind me to see EJ, which shocked me even more. "You're sweet~ Heheee..." He slurs drunkly, I push him away and laugh. "Enough Jack." I manage to guide them all to their room and help them fall asleep. "Tomorrow won't be a good day for those drunk fucks." I giggle to myself. I open my bedroom door to reveal Offender in my bed sleeping, I roll my eyes and walk over. I shake him awake. "Hey what are you doing here?" He looks around confused, still in his human form. "W-what? Oh I must've stumbled in here on accident... o-oops I'll leave now." For some reason you feel bad for making him get up when he looks awfully tired. "No no, it's ok! I'll just wiggle in there with you." I smile kindly as I get comfortable. He wraps his arms around me and purrs. "Thanks hon~" I smile. "No problem." My eyes close slowly as I feel his lips kiss my forehead. I smile and fall asleep.
I know this is late, and there probably won't be a New Years one either. Considering that it's practically New Years in a couple hours. Anyway I hope you had a wonderful time, BAIII!