Broken's Relation with Jack

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Your POV
I jolt awake, loud sounds blasting in my ears. "HUMP ME, FUCK ME-." I throw my earbuds off, throwing them into the person's face next to me. I open my eyed and see Jeff with my earbuds thrown across his face, having a smug look in his eyes. "Mornin' puppy." He says with a playful tone, I chuckle darkly. "This is the second time I've been woken up by some loud ass fucking sound this week. I'm pissed as fuck because it's also two days. In a god damn row. If this shit happens again this month I will personally de-gut every god damn person that woke me up." I say, pissed as hell. His eyes widen, then he starts laughing. "Note taken. I'll make sure no one dies. Come on puppy, breakfast is ready and your sister is downstairs." He says, pulling my arm making me sit up. "I'm fuckin tired." He shrugs. "Oh well." He picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder. "Waiiit~ My blanket..." I whine, Jeff huffs and throws the blanket over me .
"Ok go." I say, he starts walking downstairs but bumps into something.
"Oops. who put that wall there?" He says, I laugh and hit his head playful. "Idiot." He laughs and continues walking downstairs. We get to the living room and he throws me on the coach. "You can walk the rest of the way, it's too early to be carrying you all this way." He says, I groan and get up. "Fine meanie." I say, he chuckles. "Child..." He says. I hit him. "I'm not a child!" I say, he shrugs. "Suuuree." I roll my eyes, not arguing with Jeff any more. I walk in the kitchen and sit down at my seat. I grab pancakes, turkey bacon, and toast with apple butter. (Apple butter is fucking delicious I recommend it 👌) "Hey Broken can you tell us your life before you become a pasta?" Sally asks, everyone looks at Broken, including me. He sighs and crosses his arms. "I suppose, no one is busy right? It's gonna be a long story." Broken looks around, no one speaks. He sits up, still crossing his arms. "Alright then, here we go."

~Flashback~~Broken's pov~

I giggle at my brother's attempt to climb the trampoline. "Forget it Sammy, you're only 5." I say, not wanting to spend my 11th birthday at the hospital. "But I'm a big boy!" He says, pouting. I laugh while walking towards him. "Come on let's go get some juice and chips." I offer, trying to get climbing off of his mind. He jumps in excitement. "Yeah! Yeah!" He runs towards the snack table. I smile, looking around, spotting my mom fixing the decorations my cousins probably broke. "Hey mom, did anyone show up?" I ask her, hoping for at least one person to show up from school. She nods. "Yes, Aunt Carol showed up with your cousin Oliver, you like playing with Oliver right?" She says, I shake my head. "No, I mean anyone from my school." She sighs and shakes her head. "Sorry honey, no one in your school showed up..." My eyes water, shrugging. "It's okay I guess...maybe their just busy today...." I try to play it off. "I'm gonna go get some chips. I run off, I run into the woods behind my house. There's this one place I go to calm down. It's a circle of trees, painted with holiday symbols, probably from teenagers. I sit against the Valentine's Day tree, sobbing into my knees. "It's unfair..." I hear what seems like a door open, I look up to see what it is, I see a skeleton coming out of the Halloween tree. Frightened, I freeze up, staring right Then it looks at me dead in my eyes. I start to shake uncontrollably, more tears welling up into my eyes. It comes towards me, I'm unable to move due to my intense fear. "Hello there... Why are you crying?" It asks, I'm unable to speak. It tenses up. "Oh dear! I'm so sorry! I scared you haven't I? I'm dearly sorry little boy..." He says softly, the shaking doesn't stop. "I won't hurt you...I promise." He smiles, holding his hand out for me. The shaking decreases, I take his hand getting myself back up. "I'm Jack Skellington, and you are?" I look away shyly. "Marvin..." His face lights up. "Marvin...! Such a handsome name for a handsome boy!" He compliments me, I smile a bit. "Thank y-you si-sir..." He nods. "Do you want to go in here with me? It looks fun, does it not?" He asks me, pointing at the door signaling Christmas. I nod excitingly, Christmas is one of my favorite holidays. "It does!" I say. He laughs cheerfully. "Then let's go, Marvin!" He pulls me by the door and opens it, he looks at me excited, then we leap in. We land after taking a couple rolls, snow falls down onto the peaceful town I see before me.

~time skip, you know how the movie goes~

Jack smiles at me, Sally standing next to him. "Thank you for that exciting adventure, Jacky!" I thank him, smiling after the fun I just had. "It's a pleasure, I'll miss you Marvin." He says sadly, still smiling. "How about this, I'll come back by the trees on each Saturday, then we can have fun again!" I offer, smiling in anticipation. His face lights up. "Of course! Oh that would be delightful! Happy birthday Marvin." I thank him. "Thank you Jack, this is the best birthday so far!" I hug him, he hugs back. "Anytime Marvin." We pull away, and I exit the spooky world of Halloween, not without looking at the new friends I made today. I hop out and close the door behind me. I look around, sun still shines through the little spaces in between the tree's leaves. It seems that time has stopped when I went in their world. I begin to walk back to my house. "Marvin!" I hear my brother yell, running at me and embracing me in his arms. "Hey Sammy!" I say, smiling. "Where were you?" He asks, I think. "I just needed some time to myself Sam." I explain, he nods, still smiling. "Ok, well it's time to open the presents!" He pulls me to the table filled with presents, I laugh at his excitement. Best. Birthday. Ever. I say in my head

~flashback over~

"And from then we started hanging out, until I was in my teens and I considered it lame to hang out with him anymore. Which was probably one of the worst decision I have ever made, but not my first." Broken finishes, leaving all of us stunned. "Well fuck me in the ass and call me Donald Trump I didn't expect that." Jeff says, stealing a strawberry from my plate. I smack his head, scolding him for stealing my strawberry. Broken shrugs. "Yeah, it's weird how we met. And it's weird how I actually hung out with him for so long, considering he's a talking skeleton." (Megalovania intensifies) "He was also a total stranger, and a lowkey creep." Broken adds, Jack gasps. "Am not!" He crosses his arms and pouts. Broken chuckles. "Sure you weren't, boney boy." He says as he reaches for a strawberry from the bowl. "Don't call me that Marvin." Jack teases, Broken smirks. "Touché, old man, touché."

~time skip cause it's 6 am and I'm trying to get this out as soon as possible~

"OH YEAH DADDY! HARDER BH, HARDER!" BEN yells, my face turns red hot. "SHUT UP BEN!" I yell at him, covering my face in embarrassment. Everyone laughs, we're playing truth or dare, well we were until BEN got off track and drunk half of the whiskey bottle. "MMM YES!" He rubbing his nipples. "BEN YOU'RE FUCKING DRUNK." I yell at him, embarrassed at the fact he's moaning my name at a voice level that is basically torture to my ears. He giggles and hiccups. "Yeah so what I'm drunk? Got a problem sw-." He cuts himself off, passing out. Everyone laughs, I stand up. "Well I'm gonna go to take this drunk elf to bed, along with myself." I say, hauling BEN over my shoulders. "Me as well, it's getting awfully late, you all should do the same." Slender says, everyone agreeing with the idea. I haul up to BEN's room, placing him down on his bed. I go in the bathroom and grab Advil, water, and a bucket. "You'll need it buddy." I pat his head, snickering, waiting for the hangover to come. I make my way to my room, Sam already half asleep in her bed all cosy. I change my clothes

 Even though it's still winter, somehow I'm still hot

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Even though it's still winter, somehow I'm still hot. So I put on a tank top and velvet shorts. (Pic above, also those shorts are a need :00) I hop in bed, not covering up cause it's fucking cold. Just as I was about to close my eyes, the door opens, revealing Smile Dog. "Hey Smile, what's up?" I say. "Jeff is taking up the whole bed, can I sleep here tonight? There's no room to sleep, even if I tried." He asks, clearly fed up with Jeff. I giggle. "Sure Smile, come on." I pat the space next to me, he jumps on and gets comfy. "Thanks BH." He Thanks me, I rub his head. "Anytime Smile." We snuggle, my eyes closing, ahh the sweet release of slumber.

Yeahhh you guys have a chapter finally, and thanks for understanding the authors notes. You guys are so amazing :') anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter, BAIII!

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