;-; (pointless A/N)

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hjsjsjskks ok so you know that Slenderman movie that's coming out? Ok yeah so I wanna see it really bad but guess what? THEY AREN'T GONNA PLAY IT WHERE I LIVE. AAAAAAAA

Do you know whyyyyy? Cause a while ago some stabbing happened cause some batshit crazy ass teenagers almost killed their friend for Slenderman. I mean shit, the dude doesn't exist and they go crazy for that mf. Now the others have to suffer because they aren't gonna play it in Milwaukee for the victim's family AAAAA, so we have to fucking suffer cause of those fucks who decided that was gonna be a good fucking idea to stab a bitch for some dude that doesn't even exist. Like BITCH WHAT? Now I gotta go all the way down to Racine and see the mf. God damnit, they can go eat some rotten bananas in jail for all I care. I really wanted to see it smh. That's all, bye

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