Being Lazy with Jeff + Fluff

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Yes hello my sparkling hoes, that's your guy's new name :333 i am of course gonna write another chapter for my dear Creepypasta X reader story. This chapter contains some fluff, which is cuddling, maybe some little kisses and other things. I hope you enjoy!

Your pov
I sit up and groan from pain, working out two days in a row is painful the day after. I hear a ding from my phone and pick it up, I read the name and it says 'My favorite Joker Reject <33'

J: Jeff
Y: you
J: hey are you still on for today puppy?
Y: yes I am joker reject, are you gonna bring the snacks?
J: of course, I make a promise didn't I?
Y: yeah yeah just hurry up, where are you?
J: I'm at the store that snacks do you want?
Y: (favorite snacks)
J: ok I'll see you in about 10-20 mins
Y: okk byeeee

I stand up to walk but fall down instantly. "Well fuck me sideways and call me Trump I can't do anything." I stand up again, holding onto my bed stand and steady myself. Once I get the hand of it I slowly but surely get my computer and hook it to my tv in my room. I hear a knock at my door and limp towards it. I open the door to see Jeff with a mountain of snacks in his arm. "Jesus Jeff, come in." He nods and throws the snacks on my bed. "So what are we watching?" Jeff says with his raspy voice. "Well I was thing of (favorite netfix show)." He hums in response. "Ok sure, sounds good." I start the first episode and start unfolding the blanket with my legs. Jeff sees my struggle and helps me unfold it. "You're so lazy you can't unfold it normally?" He rolls his eyes. I giggle and nod. "Of course, it's the art of laziness." He laughs and punches my arm. "Shut up! Hahaha!" I shush him and look at the tv.

Time skip
We've watched 1 whole season of the show. We're still not done. I shiver, though I have a thick blanket on me it's somehow still freezing. Jeff notices and pulls me towards him. I snuggle in his chest, my eyes still glued to the tv. He rests his chin on my head. A couple minutes pass and I hear Jeff softly snoring. I giggle and I grab my remote. I turn off netflix and get comfortable. I rest my head on Jeff's chest, I feel his arm snake around my waist. I slowly let sleep absorb me into itself.

Next Day
I wake up to see Jeff staring at me. Unsure if he's asleep or not, I talk. "Morning Jeff." "Morning Puppy." He smiles, which is hard to tell since of his scars. "Fuck you." I grab a pillow and shove it in his face. His voice muffles in the pillow and I start laughing. He starts tickling me and I start hitting him with the pillow. "S-stop! Hahaha! JE-JEFF HAHA!" We fall on the carpet floor, his ice cold blue eyes staring into mine. His body pressed against mine, his face coming in closer. I blush, closing my eyes. I hear a knock at the door and we scramble to the door. I open the door and see Laughing Jack at the door with the kids. "Heya BH and Jeff! The children want you two to play with us!" The kids nod their head excitedly, Jeff and I look at each other with unsure looks. I shrug. "What's the worst that could happen?" He shrugs back and looks at jack and the kids. "Alright we'll play with you guys." Their eyes light up and smile. They hold up two blindfolds. "You'll have to put on these blindfolds!" Lilith and Sally announce as Jack holds them up with his arms. My eyes try to adjust to the blindfold but it's awfully tight. They start to lead me to way that is unknown, everything seems so new when I'm blindfolded. "Ok there's steps here." Jack announces, warning us to be careful. We go down the stairs one by one. "Wait, all the rooms are upstairs.... Where are you taking us?!" Jeff asks not trusting them at all. "Don't worry Jeffy! It's fine!" Lilith says reassuring us. I furrow my eyebrows. "He has a point, where are you taking us?" "Like I said don't worry!" We stop at I assume to be the final destination. "Ok take their blindfolds off!" My blindfold is yanked off my head, I adjust to the sudden light. When I adjust to the sudden change of light a full on fashion show set up. My eyes widen and my tail starts to wag. I smile, my sharp teeth showing. Woah! The lights are so bright!" My smile soon falls and my tail stops wagging, I stare at them. "This means....ill have to be a...model..." They giggle and nod, clearly enjoying me suffer. "Fffffuuu-." A cold hand covers my mouth, preventing me to finish what I was saying. "We don't say such profanity in front of children, now do we BH." I look up at Slender and shake my head in fear, my tail going in between my legs. His hand is removed from my face. "Excellent, now, Trender has set up a fashion show. I knew the people in the show will not be happy, so I decided to join my self, voluntarily of course. I wouldn't be happy either if I was forced to be in a fashion show." I look around and see only a handful of people. "Wait, where is everyone?" I ask, very confused. "Well, only the people performing in the fashion show are here." Jeff shakes his head in protest. "Oh nonono! There is no way I'm gonna be in a stupid fashion show!" Slender's tentacles grab Jeff. "You have no choice but to, Jeff. Luckily I am joining everyone else in this show." Slender growls as Jeff basically shrinks in size. "Y-yes Slender...." Slender places Jeff down. "Very well, you shall talk to the other people here until Trender tells us what will happen." Jeff and I nod and walk towards our friends. I walk towards Broken, RagDoll, BEN, and Laughing Jack. Jeff walks towards EJ, Masky, and Liu. "Hey guys! So you're chosen to be in this stupid show?" Broken grumbles and rolls his eyes. "Yeah, it's a bummer. I was gonna relax and do nothing all day, just like yesterday. But noooo, they just had to schedule a stupid fashion show." BEN smirks. "Come on Broken it's not that bad, you'll get to see smoken' hot RagDoll and BH. Rawrrr~." BEN flirts once again. Jack starts laughing as RagDoll tries to calm Broken down while laughing. Me on the other hand is shook, my cheeks are as red as tulips in the spring. BEN winks at me. "Someone is flustered~." I hide my face in my shirt. BEN, Jack, and RagDoll laugh harder, I swear I can feel Broken getting more pissed by the second. I hear someone clap loudly. I look up and see Trender on the stage. "Listen up! Today you beautiful people will be walking along this sparkling floor with my best designer clothes. We will have most of the Creepypasta in the mansion at once. We will not rest until everything is perfect and ready for the show. Do you understand?" Yes's, cheers, and grunts are heard across the handful of people. "Great now everyone get backstage!" We all walk backstage, preparing for the hard work that's gonna come our way.

Finally I got this done, sorry it took awhile! I've just been lazy and stuff. I started middle school, there's more drama than last year which sucks. My home room teacher is nice though. But the boys are just immature af. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see y'all later BAIII!

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