New description: your name is (y/n), you've been bullied and neglected from your parents all your life. One day your parents decided to give you away to scientists in exchange for money. The scientists brought in a person, who changed your life for...
Back with another chapter! Listen to the song above while reading. It kinda matches with the first part of the chapter. Anyway enjoy!
~nightmare~ You wake up and your strapped on a table with EJ and the gang next to you. You try to say 'guys what's going on?' But it changes into. "I will kill you all alive! I'm a monster! Not your friend!" EJ injects a liquid into you. "Shit I put the wrong one!" You somehow feel stronger. "HAHAHAH! Fool!" Your voice seems deeper and demon like. You break the straps and pounce on-. "SALLY!" You stick the dagger through her chest, making her die. You feel tentacles wrap around you. You face Slender and you bite him with your sharp teeth. He winces in pain and the tentacles recoil form your body. You slice Slender's chest and he falls down. You stab him in the chest, the only way to kill Creepypastas is stab them in the chest. He becomes limp and you lick the blood off the knife. Jeff pins you down and the dagger falls out of your hand. He raises the knife above you but you kick him off and grab the dagger. You stab him in the back. You whisper in his ear. "Weak boy." The dagger extends making it go through the chest and through the person in front of them. Which is Hoodie. "Hoodie!" Toby holds Masky back. "He was my best friend! How could you?! I trusted you!" "Aww so pitiful! You actually thought I was trustworthy! Poor soul. Now die." You stick the dagger through him and Toby. You do the same with Jane and Clockwork. You stab Puppeteer. "B-Blood..." You turn around and see Bloody Painter. "Come one Blood I know you're in there. Please." You try to scream for him but only a growl comes out. "Blood Howler is gone. Just me." You stab Helen. You cry our but again nothing comes out. You stab EJ and BEN. You then stab Dark Link. You see Lost Silver crying in the corner. You get control over your body and hug Lost Silver. "Silver I'm so sorry.." Then you stab him. You stand up and LJ pounces on you. "You're in there sweetheart! I know you are!" You stab him. "My work here is done." Then whatever was in you leaves you there. You cry and with no second thought you stab yourself.
~Back to reality~ You sit up with sweat all across your face. That dream felt so...surreal. It's gonna felt real. Too real. I have to get out of here. You pack clothes, weapons, food, and water. You open the window and jump out, almost landing perfectly. "(Y/N)" a familiar raspy voice calls out to you. You turn your head to Jeff. "Where ya going?" "I'm leaving." He walks up to you. "Why?" "My nightmare. It felt too real and I know it's gonna happen someday. I can just feel it." He rolls his eyes and sighs . "Nothing's gonna happen." He says crossing his arms. "Stay strong. Come on you have a window to climb." You look up and groan. "It's your fault. Now get climbing." He throws your backpack up and into your room. You sigh and climb the house. You finally get to the window and you fall on the floor. "*huff* F-finally." You see LJ staring at you. "Where have you been?" "I was just talking to Jeff." Which isn't a lie. "Why didn't you use the door?" "Jeff made me climb." That's also true. "Why were you talking to him?" You hated liars which you still do so you have to tell the truth. "I had a nightmare. Don't worry about it." What you told LJ is all true, you were talking to Jeff, he did make you climb to window, and you did have a nightmare. "All right then, get ready the girls are taking you out shopping." LJ says trying to hype you up. You groan. "UGHH I don't wanna go!" "Why? You don't like them?" He questions, you shake your head. "What?! No! I'm just lazy that's all." He shrugs. "Well too bad. Get ready." You groan and change into a tank top and high waisted shorts. (Its up there) Of course LJ didn't leave the room. "Um you do know you changed in front of me right?" He says awkwardly, you smirk and shrug. "Duh." You smirk even more and turn into a human. You walk to the stairs and slide down the ramp. "Wheeee!" You jump off and see the girls with smile dog as a human. "Ya ready? By the way we're taking smile." "Ya I'm ready, and cool. Let's go! I wanna drive!" You run outside and Jane throws you the keys to the truck. "We're taking Jeff's truck. But he doesn't know." You giggle and start the truck. Smile hops in the front and the girls are in the back. "Ready?" "Yep." You drive off and in the middle of driving smile puts a hand on your thigh. You blush yet rolling your eyes, keeping your eyes on the road. "Smile! Get your hand off my thigh you nasty ass!" You say flustered. He quickly takes it off and winks at you. You finally arrive at the mall. "Ok we all need fake names." "Ok I have an idea. Jane is Jesse. Clock is Chloe. Smile is Sam. And I'm...Becky....?" (If one of these are your name you can change it.) "Ok! I like the name Jesse!" You smile and step out of the truck. "Then let's go." Everyone gets out and walks in the mall. "Ok what first?" "How about we get something to eat since we didn't have any breakfast." "Ok. Race ya there Sam." You run to a smoothie shop with Sam running behind you. You turn your head and laugh. Then you bump into someone. Your ex?! "(Y/N)? I thought you were dead!" He hugs you and you freeze. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Sam walks up behind you. "Is this your new boyfriend?" "Um I sorry sir I don't know anyone named (Y/N). Sorry you got the wrong person." You walk the rest of the way to the smoothie shop with 'Sam' (btw Sam is my ex's name ew that's the only name I could think of with a S) "Hello I'm R\N. (Random name...) How may I help you?" "Um hey can u get a F/S fav smoothie and.. What do you want Sam?" "I want a mango banana smoothie." The girl winks at smile. "Coming right up hottie." You growl and smile puts a hand on your shoulder. He whispers in you ear. "It's ok. She's a hoe, I saw her giving head at the corner of McDonalds." You laugh and nod. He laughs along. She comes back with smile's drink, not yours. "Have a wonderful day." She winks once again. "Um where's my drink?" "Oh sorry I don't serve dogs!" "Oh you wanna fight?! Fine! Meet me in the forest by the park. I expect you there as soon as you finish your shift." You glare at her and walk away. You turn around and you see that she stopped Sam, you see her handing him a note. She mouths 'call me' to smile. You run back toward her and push her back. "Don't fuck with me bitch!" You grab the note from smile's hand and tear it up. "You better be by the forest!" You grab smile's hand and stomp away. You see Jane and Clock eating. "Oh hey guys! Where's your food?" "Oh ya. Smile go get some food. I'm not hungry anymore." You growl and let go of his hand. He nods and walks away. "Hey what happened?" "Some bitch flirted with Smile right in front of my face. Also purposely forgot my drink, AND gave her number to Smile. Of course I ripped it and she's going to the forest so we can 'fight'." Jane and Clock's face turn angry. "Oh hell no!" "But it's fine. We were gonna fight anyway." You smirk and Smile comes back with food. "Hey I got you some food (Y-....Becky." He gives you F/F and F/D fav food and fav drink You smile. "Thanks Sam." You start eating. You all get up after eating, Sam goes my himself, and the girls go with each other.
~time skip cuz I'm lazy ;-;~ All of you pile in the truck with the bags. Smile drives and the girls go in the back and your in the front with smile. He drives to the mansion, you start to close your eyes then you open them back up. You just remembered that you have to kill that girl. You groan. "Hey smile just drop me off right here." He stops the car and gives you a 'are you crazy look'. "Hey trust me I have to kill that one girl. I have the my weapons don't worry." He sighs. "Fine just be careful." "I will, tell Slender that I'll be home soon. Also since you guys were walking all day tell Jeff to pick me up I'll call him when I'm ready." "Ok see ya." "Bye." You hop out of the car and walk to the location. You see the girl and her friends. Huh. She's a cheating bitch too. I'm gonna kill her friends first. You smile sickly and walk up behind her friend. You knock her out and carry her away. You take her far enough and she wakes up. You stab her chest and walk back to the others. You see the other friend look her the one you killed. "Over here!" You try and sound like the friend that you killed and it worked. "There you are!" You walk up to her and hug her. You stab her in the back and you dagger extends. But you get out of the way of the dagger. She gurgles blood then drops. You see the main girl on her phone. "Ugh where are they?! I don't wanna fight her myself! I'll get blood all over me!" "Oh dear that's already gonna happen. Since you wanna cheat, I'll cheat." You run up to her and stab her. "Howl like a wolf bitch." You say before killing her. She screams in pain, her screams are howls, which are music to your ears. "Welcome to the wolf family." She drops to the ground dead. "Oops sorry your dead, can't join now." You giggle and pull out your phone. You text BEN asking for Jeff's number and he replies with the number. You say thank you and call Jeff. It rings and he finally picks up. "Hello?" "Dude pick me up, I'm done." "Ok I'm walking out right now." "Ok bye." You hang up and text him your location. He gets there in like thirty mins. "About time Jeff." You hop in and you feel a towel under you. "I don't like my seats getting dirty." "Well your mind is, why can't your truck." "W-WHAT?!" You laugh loudly. "Oh ha ha ha." He says sarcastically. You nudge him. "Cmon it was funny." He looks at your hand and picks it up. He stares at it and licks it. "Dude! What the hell!" He chuckles. "What I like blood." "No shit." He chucked and you roll your eyes. Jeff and you arrive to the mansion. You run in and change into pajamas.
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You walk downstairs and flop on the couch. You get up to get water and you come back to EJ sitting in your spot. "Hey dude I was sitting there." "Too bad." He reads from his book about organs. You glare at him and throw his book. "Move." "Since you did that then no." You growl and sit on his lap. "Um (Y/N)...?" "I'm not getting off until you move." He places you down next to him. "There I moved." You stiffen then relax, you place your head on EJ's shoulder and go on Instagram. You two laugh at cute animals, cry at sad or happy moments. Well you do at least. Laugh at funny pics or videos. You yawned and turned off your phone. You lay your head on EJ's lap and close your eyes. He plays with your hair, which is actually calming. You fall asleep leaning on EJ.
Awwww X3! Such a cute ending. Anyway sorry for the delay, I wanted a long chapter again XD. Anyway see ya next time BAIII!