Meeting RagDoll and Silver Chaos

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                            HEWO! So um I decided that I'll add my OC and Silver-Chaos OC so ya enjoy!

                     Slender's POV
I straighten my shelf then someone teleports in front of me. "Hey Slendeyyy! How ya been bruh?" RagDoll says, another creepypasta of mine. I sigh. "RagDoll please don't  call me Slendy." I say. "Cmooonn at least I didn't bring Sil with me." She shrugs and sits on my chair, I sigh. "Well we have a new pasta." "Gender? Single? Name? Creepypasta name?" She says quickly. "Girl, yes single but the others do like her, Y/N, and Blood Howler or Blood for short." I explain, tidying up my office. "Oh damn is she hawt?" She asks. BEN busts in through and door and smiles widely. "Hell ya she's hawt!" He yells. They high five and I sigh. "Hey Slender, hey BEN. Oh do we have a new pasta?" I turn around and see Blood. "No Blood this is Ra-." I say, but I get cut off by RagDoll. "Heya sweet cheeks I'm RagDoll." She winks and Silver comes through the window. "DUDE WHAT THE HELL?! YOU LEFT ME!" She yells. "Eh so what Sil, take a chill pill." RagDoll says calmly. "Dude you left me at the house and you made me walk here! Oh hello." She stands up and extends her hand for Blood to shake. "I'm Silver Chaos, and you are?" She shakes her hand slowly. "I'm Blood Howler, you can call me Blood or Y/N." "I could tell we are gonna be great friends!" Silver says smiling widely. "And I can tell we are gonna be a great couple." RagDoll says, flirting with Blood. (Oh and btw Silver is a girl and RagDoll is too) Silver slaps RagDoll upside the head and she falls off the chair. "OW, MY FUKIN BACK!" RagDoll yells. "Oh god they're back?" Jeff groans. RagDoll stands back up and glares at Jeff. "Yes I am mr smiley trash bag." RagDoll growls (Get the ref?) He growls at her but I hold her back. "Children please not in my room at least." I say annoyed. RagDoll sticks out her tongue and Jeff flips her off, she grabs his finger and breaks it. "OWWWW!" He hold his finger and RagDoll falls on the floor laughing. "RagDoll this isn't funny, please fix Jeff's finger." I say, still trying to tidy up my offices She rolls her eyes. "Fine." She heals his finger and he flips her off again. "I will break it again and I won't fix it." She shows her sharp teeth and he slumps down in my tentacle. "PFT HA!" She laughs and the others do too. "Man, Jeff I thought you weren't scared of her!" BEN says. "Shut up BEN! She has sharp teeth and she broke my finger!" Jeff growls. "Anyway wanna hang out with me and Silver, Blood?" RagDoll offers. "Sure you guys seem cool!" Blood smiles. The girls walk out to do whatever they are gonna do and I let Jeff go. "Now shoo! I need to tidy up in here." I say. They run off to somewhere and I sigh. "What a mess they made." I start cleaning up and I find one of Blood's daggers. "I'll give it to her later."

                   Sorry for the short chapter I was out of ideas, so ya I'm sowwy. Anyway, BAIII!

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