Famous Father and Panic Attack

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I'm just gonna say this, don't attack me when I say who your father is. I have my beliefs and you have yours, thank you.

Your pov
I wake up, rubbing my eyes. I get out of bed and go downstairs, I see a weird puppet man sitting next to slender at the dinning table. "Mornin' Slender, who's this?" I ask, getting some blood from the fridge and take a sip. "Well um, BH, this is your father." I choke on the blood and spit it in the sink. I turn into a coughing fit, shocked at the news. When the coughing dies down I turn to them. "W-what?!" I clear my throat, I hold my shirt in my fist. I feel like my heart is gonna pop out of my chest. The burning pain in my chest is unbearable. I start breathing heavy, tears streaming down my face. They don't love you. He hates you, that's why he left you. I'm having a panic attack. I fall to the floor on my knees. Still clutching my shirt near my heart, tears flowing like a waterfall. My constant hiccups and sobs stop me from breathing. My attempt to breath makes it worse. "....no.....no....no....no....it's all a lie...." I mumble. They're using you. They don't love you. He came back to use you. YOU'LL NEVER BE LOVED BY ANYONE! Tears keep flowing, it's getting harder to breath. "...no....it's not true..." I try to calm myself, but I doubt my attempts to calm myself down. "...they're using me....he doesn't love me...he left me....I'm useless...ill never be loved..." I suddenly feel someone hug me. I start shaking. "Shhh...." The quiet, and soothing voice calms me down. It works, my breathing slowly gets back to normal, I stop crying, i stop shaking. I look to see the puppet again. I look at him with fear in my eyes. "Shhh...it's okay honey...daddy's here..." They hug me tighter, but in a comforting way. I sigh and pull away. I stand up and dust myself. "I'm sorry about my sudden...panic attack.." I apologize. "It's alright, I know it's a lot to take in. You're other father wasn't actually your real father. Your actual parent is a puppet." The puppet says playfully. "Yeah.." I laugh, he follows along, laughing. Slender seems to have disappeared. All of a sudden the door slams open, with a frantic looking EJ and Slender. "Oh hey guys." I say, drinking blood again. "I thought...you were having a panic attack...?" Slender says confused. The puppet shrugs. "Well I couldn't just sit there and see my daughter having a horrible panic attack. So I did something and calmed her down." I nod. "Yeah, and damn was that think scary." I shudder at the voices whispering. EJ lets out a relieved sigh. "Oh god, I thought you wouldn't snap out of it for 3 hours like Jeff did once. He didn't fall asleep for two weeks. He only fell asleep when someone was there with him. Boy, was he scared to death." He shudders as well, scarred at his best friend being scared to death. "God, I'm so glad that wasn't as bad as his." I throw away the bottle that was once filled with blood. I grab a small bag of pretzels and walk out. I get held back and see my 'father.' "Hm?" I say, he look at the two. "May we have some privacy please?" EJ and Slender nod and walk out. "Ok sit." I sit down, obeying my so called 'father.' He sighs and sits down as well. "I know that you have a lot of questions, I will try to answer most of them. But let me speak first." I nod, not fighting back. "It all started when I met your mother. I was still a human back then, she was the most beautiful person on the earth. One thing led to another and you were born. I was overjoyed, I had a child of my own. One day though, I started working for a company for the night shift, one of my co-workers though." He pauses and shudders. "He wasn't right in the head. He was merely insane. But I didn't know then, he called me in one day asking if I can cover a shift he and another co-worker had. He said the other co-worker was sick, I said I would be there. When went in the office i couldn't believe my eyes, the other co-worker was dead on the floor. Blood flowing everywhere, the next thing that I saw terrifies me to this day. I was him, my insane co-worker standing above him, with a knife covered with blood. The insane co-worker's name was Vincent. He was unusual, he was all purple with pure white eyes. I don't know how he didn't get killed by other people thinking he was a sort of demon. And he was just that. I ran, as fast as my legs could take me. I went in a box the animatronic puppet, Marionette would always go in. I went in, t be met with Marionette and a bunch of plushes of the other animatronics. Vincent called my name, he sounded so insane, it was scarring. I guess one of the toys had a squeaking effect, and it went off. He came to my hiding spot and looked over the edge of the box. He said "I found you~" in the most chilling way possible. He killed me, somehow my spirit was stuck inside the animatronic Marionette. I left the building however, I left. After 20 years, I got out of that hellhole. My one and only goal was to see you. After I saw the news that you killed your parents and you were on the run I was broken. I didn't know where you would be. But I heard a couple of boys talking about someone named Bloody Howler, I had given up and had nothing better to do so I had listened in. They said your name, I assumed you were Bloody Howler. I followed them to the house, it led me to here, and I saw you. You, in all your glory, I was so happy. I couldn't wait to have you in my arms again. But I had to take it slow. I watched you for awhile, then I left the note. Then I talked to you visa mind. I'm sorry that I hurt you after that. Anyways, I followed you in your killing that night, you were so very tired that night. I felt bad, so I carried you home, I was met with Slender, angry. I told him my story and he understood quite quickly. And that's it. Any questions?" I blink, shocked at all the information. I shake my head still shocked. "Yeah I know that's a lot to take in. Why don't you take a nap to process the information, that's what I always did." He carries me to my room and lays me on my bed. I start to feel tired. He starts to leave, but I grab his craw like finger. "Wait...stay." He chuckles and climbs in bed with me. We snuggle as he holds on to me. Like a father would do to his little girl, and that's what that exactly was. Smiling, I fall into a deep slumber, processing all the information I got today.

W O W MARIONETTE'S YOUR DAD?? Like I said, don't attack me saying, "oh marionette is a girl blah blah" I have beliefs, I will stay thinking that Marionette is a guy, until Scott says otherwise. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, BAIII!

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