New description: your name is (y/n), you've been bullied and neglected from your parents all your life. One day your parents decided to give you away to scientists in exchange for money. The scientists brought in a person, who changed your life for...
Heyyyy I'm back and well my internet is fully gone and I'm using my mom's hotspot so this might come out late but hey at least ya got a chapter! Also the pic up there is Midnight aka RagDoll's brother aka Liam along with RagDoll taking a pic. (Edit: I drew em again in 2018)
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Toby's POV Oh god, I hope Silver's gonna be ok. But when is RagDoll coming home? Slender walks into the living room and looks at me. "Toby, I need you to go on to the airport." Was he reading my mind? "No child I wasn't. Now on you go, don't tell anyone where your going, just tell them your on a mission." "Ok Slender." I walk out and turn into my human form, I really don't like it, no one does, it reminds us of our past. But aI have to get RagDoll. (I writing this on the bus lol, if there's any mistakes I'm sorry) I hop into Jeff's truck and drive to the airport.
~le timeskip still Toby's POV~ I finally arrive at the airport and I walk in. I go to some weird exit Slender told me to go to and wait. I'll just call her. I dial in her number and call her, it rings for awhile but she picks up. "Hey Toby! So why did ya call me?" "Oh I'm coming to pick you up, where are you?" "Right behind you." She hangs up and I turn around, SHE WAS THERE! I hug her and she chuckles while hugging back. "Hey Tobz, I missed ya! So how were things?" "Um well, Silver is um, hurt?" "SILVER IS WHAT?!" "Hey don't worry. But um the good stuff is she's healing one in the mansion did it! Well we think no one in the mansion did it... But it's all-." Then she teleports us to the mansion doors and she slams them open and running in, leaving her bags behind. "WHERE'S SILVER?!" "RagDoll!" Everyone runs toward her, but Grayscale ran faster than everyone else, them she kisses RagDoll. She pulls away and smiles. "I missed you." She hugs RagDoll close and RagDoll hugs her back. "Gray, where's Silver?" "She's in the ER built in EJ's room." RagDoll lets go of Silver and teleports upstairs. We all hear a door slam open and some yells. "Well, um, at least she's back? I'm gonna go eat some waffles." I awkwardly walk into the kitchen and pull out this whole box of waffles and throw them into the stove. It's how I cook waffles, it's gonna take to long with the toaster. So why not the stove, same thing right? Right. As soon as the timer goes off I run to the stove and get my waffles. I grab the waffles and run to the ER, I always bring waffles for Silver since well she can't get any herself, so I bring it! Beside she's like a sister to me! Along with Emilia, or that little figure who we didn't know, also Silver's dog Chasey. I knock on door and I hear a little, 'Come in.' I walk in and see RagDoll rubbing her eyes and Silver on her phone. "Hey Sil, I brought you come more waffles." "Oh sweet! Gimme!" She throws her phone on bed and I hand her half of my waffles, which is 12 for her and 12 for me. Ya I eat around 24 waffles, but ever since Silver came I always gave her half. "Thanks Toby." "No problem!" I smile and RagDoll giggles. "You guys are so adorable. I'm jealous." We all laugh and I shake my head. "Nah we think of each other like a brother or sister. We don't like each other that much." (Your all lucky Toby fans ;>>>>) "Still you guys would make a cute couple, anyway." She stands up and stretches. "I'm gonna go spend time with my brother and girlfriend. See ya." She salutes us as she walks out. "Silver you might wanna get some-." I turn around and see Silver already asleep. "Sleep." I smile and turn off the lights, I close the door and walk downstairs.