Litte short chapter thanks to Silver Chaos

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Hey guys? Special thanks to Silver-Chaos for helping me! So ya enjoy this short chapter!

Your POV
I wake up and look around the best I can and I see faint light. "What the fuck..."I go into panic mode and jump around, I hit my head and I hold it biting my lip while trying to hold in a wave of sweats. Someone comes in but I don't hear then because I'm in too much pain. "GUYS WHERES BLOOD?!" "Everyone look for Blood!" "Blood come on where are you?! Come to Jeffy!" I finally listen but the door closes. The fuck? I hear people screaming my name and crawl out of under my bed. When I did get here? I probably rolled over and got under my bed somehow. Anyway why are they screaming my name? I open the door. I look right and I see Masky with Hoodie. "Um guys why are you yelling my name?" I say hella confused. They turn around and tackle me. "OW! MY TITS!" I scream in more pain. (I'm sorry I had too XD) "GUYS WE FOUND BLOOD!" Masky yells. "Found? What do you mean by found?" I say still on the floor. "Wait where even were you?" Hoodie asks. "First can you get off me?!" I say still trying to hold in the wave of swears. "Oh ya sorry.." Masky says flustered. They get up and you hug your chest. "Blood..." I stiffen and I turn around to angry Slender. "U-um hey S-Slendy.. How ya d-doin'?" I say nervously. "Explain young lady." He says sternly, crossing his arms. "Well I um, somehow I woke up under my bed and I hit my head, then um I wasn't listening to things around me could I hurt my head, so I guess when someone came in they didn't see me and thought I was missing so ya I'm sorry don't kill me!" I say in one breath and cover my head. He sighs and I peek from a space in between my fingers. "It's fine just everyone go back to what you were doing!" He says in an annoyed tone. They sigh and walk back to the things that they were doing. "You can uncover your head Blood I won't hurt you." He says calmly. I let out a relived sigh and he hits me in the back on my head. "Ow! You said you wouldn't hurt me!" I pout and hold my head. "There was a bug there." He chuckles. "Was not!" He chuckles again and walks away with his hands behind his back. "Was to." He says. I stomp behind him. "Was not!" I whine. "Was to."

.Time Skip.
"WAS FUCKING NOT!" I yell, getting annoyed. "Hey watch your fucking mouth in front of Sally." Slender says annoyed. I cross my arms.

           Hope you enjoyed this short chapter and again thank you to Silver-Chaos helping me with this chapter! Anyways have a great day and BAIII!

Stay Alive |-/

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