Forget the last author's note, I wasn't myself. Just continue on with your life and forget please. Thank you for your support though <3Broken's POV
It's been a couple weeks since I've been here. I already have been in many fights. With Jeff, BEN, EJ, LJ, and shit even Slender! I bet I look hella rude but it's not my fault. I'm called Broken for a reason, oh but RagDoll. Oh she's just wonder- I mean she's ok. We've been hanging out but nothing serious, she has another meeting to go to today. I don't know why but I feel sad that she's leaving. Even though the meeting is like an hour long and the drive is like five minutes. She's like the only true friend I have, the others are just in the side. But these past few days I've been shutting people out because if my feelings. I'm not used to having them so I just shut them out. I was confused ya know, I bet I made RagDoll feel bad. But when her meeting is over I'll make it up to her- wait, what am I talking about?! I'm not supposed to be nice! Ugh! "Broken? It's me RagDoll, I just wanted to say bye." Oh how bad I want to see her. But before I could stop myself I opened my bedroom door. I see RagDoll in a cute business woman outfit. "You look stupid." I say while trying to force a chuckle. But the truth be told, she looked beautiful. "Shut up, like you don't!" She says like giggling, boy her giggles are heaven on earth. "Well bye Broken! Be good while I'm gone!" She walks downstairs to leave for the meeting and I close my door, locking it as well. I slide down the door with my head in my hands. "What is she doing to me..." I hear another knock at the door and I hear a voice. "Child, may I come in?" Of course it's Slender, we fought yesterday because I wouldn't do a mission, I didn't do it because I'm not a
. But then he explained that it doesn't matter, so I got mad that I was proven wrong and I shut everyone out more. I walk into my bed and I sigh. "Is anyone around you?" "No, everyone left to kill. The kids are with Splender at his mansion. "Don't come in then, talk to me through the door." "Ok I understand. So why are you shutting everyone out but RagDoll?" I scoff and look away from the door. "Don't tell anyone, but I think I have-." I get cut off by tears coming down my face, I sob in my hands thinking about my past. Slender teleports I front of me and hugs me. "What's wrong child?" "I think I...have feeling for RagDoll..." I sob louder, I'm not used to having feelings. I feel hurt, fear, passion, love, just plain feelings but mostly fear. "That's nothing to be sad about." "It is, I'm not used to having feelings. I'm scared RagDoll won't feel the same and shut me out like I did to her. I'm sad that she sees me as a friend. I'm hurt that I shut her out without no explanation. I feel love and passion whenever I think of her. I'm...scared....confused.. Help me Slender." I look up at his face and he lets go, he puts his hands on my shoulders. "Don't be Broken. Everything is gonna be fine. Truth be told I think she likes you too. She loves to be around you, she blushes around you, and the way she looks at you gives it away Broken." "You really think so?" "Of course, I wouldn't doubt it for the world." I wipe my tears and slightly smile. "Thanks Slender, you really helped me. I'll confess to her tomorrow! I'll make it up to her!" I smile brightly and Slender chuckles. "Atta boy. I believe in you." "Thank you, your like the father I've never had. Thank you Slender." "It's alright Broken. Want to go somewhere to shop or something?" I smile and nod. "I would love that Slender."RagDoll's POV
"So then if we increase the sales we will reach our goal. Blah blah blah blah blah." I space out look out of the window. I hate meetings, even since I'm the CFO of the company. I always have to be there or I'll be fired. I think of what Broken is doing. My feelings for Broken have grown over the weeks. Two weeks ago I wouldn't admit it, but last week I accepted it. But I know Broken only sees me as a friend. It hurts me that he's been shutting us out though. Even me, it hurts so much, but at least he opened the door and smiled. "How does that sound Rose?" I look up to see Eric, the bitch of the office. "What?" He rolls his eyes and sighs. "We hire more people to work for us and go to door to door selling our products." I shake my head as he gives me a death glare. "No it would cost too much, there are lots of houses and that would damage our budget I established. The workers the more worse for the budget." He smirks. "Well but if that way we can sell more and then we'll have more money then the budget will raise and-." I put my hand up and he stops talking. "I'll have to stop you right there. But what if they get annoyed and they put our door to door thing on social media? Then whenever they knock they'll ignore. Trust me that have happened to many companies and they ran out of business. So that no good, our nonstop ads on tv, YouTube, the radios, and the newspaper have gone out of hand, Mr.Eric. I'm afraid your idea is no good. But maybe next time. You all are dismissed." I stand up from my chair, and go by the copier. I've been meaning to copy something. Oh by the way the meetings are always in my office. I sense someone behind me and I turn around to see a pissed Eric. "You think your better than me since your the CFO huh? DON'T YOU THINK THAT ROSE?!" I wipe the spit off my face and look him stern in the face. "Of course not Eric I think we are the same. I'm a little better and stronger but that's it. Now please out of my office." I turn around and I feel him snake his arms around my waist and rest his head on my shoulder. "Oh the things I wanna do to you~." I push him away and growl. "Fuck off Eric. I have someone." He chuckles and comes close to my face. "Now who may that be~." I think of Broken and I think of a name that would suit him. "....Paul...Paul Broken." He smirks. "Paul huh? Seems fake, come on doll lets just have fun.. Just you, and me." You push him away and gather your things. "No Eric. Never, now I need to leave. Have a good night." I push him out and lock my office. I walk out and go in my car. I sigh as I drive home from work. I finally arrive home and I teleport on the couch. "I'm home!" I yell and the kids come down with Splendor. "Raggy!" Lilly jumps on me and I hug her. "Hey Lil!" She's my favorite kid here, she's always happy. I've never seen her mad or sad etc. "Come on Jack and Sally!" "What about me?" Splendor pouts. "Ok ok come on- WOAH!" I suddenly get pulled away a from them and into a tight hug. "I missed you." I look up and see Broken. "Oh hey Broken. I missed you too." We both blush a bit and he lets go. "Slender needs to talk to you." You nod and pat his chest. "Ok I'll see ya later."Hey thanks for 6K again. It means a lot. And with that said I'll see ya later BAIII!

Bloody Mess🔪 |Creepypastas X !Wolf! Reader COMPLETED (UNDER EDITING)
FanfictionNew description: your name is (y/n), you've been bullied and neglected from your parents all your life. One day your parents decided to give you away to scientists in exchange for money. The scientists brought in a person, who changed your life for...