New description: your name is (y/n), you've been bullied and neglected from your parents all your life. One day your parents decided to give you away to scientists in exchange for money. The scientists brought in a person, who changed your life for...
70k!! You guys are amazing! Ily guys sooo much, this means a lot to me! We aren't that far from 100k!
I wave to Splendor. "I'll miss you BH! Make sure to visit!" He yells, I smile. "Will do Splendy!" Then Slender teleports us back to the mansion. "It's a pain that you called to pick you up, especially at 1am, BH." Slender half scolds me, I shrug. "Sorry, your brother didn't wanna let go of me. Besides, I got my nails done!" I show him my black acrylic nails. "I mean I'm not really a fan of getting my nails done, but black really is my color, don't you think?" I ask Slender, he looks at me and chuckles. "Of course, my child. You look wonderful in black." He ruffles my hair and we step in the mansion, Jeff sits on the couch. "Oh shit, look who's back." He says, I laugh. "What's happening Jeff?" I ask, as I plop on the couch next to him. "Nothing to be honest, I kinda missed you, kid." He says, I hug him. "Awe, Jeffery missed me! I missed you too, Joker." He scoffs, but chuckles shortly after. "Welp, I'm tired. Night guys!" I say, standing up and going to my room. I look on my bed and see Smile Dog cuddled in my blanket. I giggle, and take a picture for memories. I push him aside gently, and crawl in bed. I close my eyes and slumber soon takes me into a soft embrace.
~dream authors POV~
You're running, you don't know what, all you know that is, it will kill you and not show mercy. You look back to see what it is, tears fill in your eyes. It's the pastas. You scream to them. "Slender! Stop please! Jeff!" They don't listen, you look at your sister. "Emily! Stop please, I'm your own sister!" She doesn't listen, they get faster. Tears blind your vision, you turn into your wolf form and run as fast as your four legs can take you. You go into a cave, they run away from the cave, thinking you went that way. You pant heavily. You start sobbing. "What did I do wrong?" You say, trying to stop the unlimited tears from your eyes. You hear footsteps coming from deep in the cave. You jolt up and get back on your four legs, you growl to the figure. It's Zalgo. "Bloody Howler, what brings you here?" He asks, you growl louder. "Fuck off, Zalgo. I'm not in the mood." You say, tears stopping, but threatening to fall. "Ah, I know why. People very dear to you, practically the family you never had, they wanted to kill you, for no reason what so ever. The CreepyPastas." He says, like he's tempting you. You turn into your pasta form, you crash down, the tough side leaving completely. You sob into your hands. "I'm completely torn apart Zalgo, my own family, my life, they hate me. If you want to kill me, kill me now, I have nothing left..." You manage to say. "I would....but I want to make a deal." He says, you lift your head up. "A deal...?" He nods, and smirks sickly. "You join my team, and we take out the Pastas, all of them. You can get revenge." You consider the idea, you feel a wave of rage rush over you. You nod. "Deal." He smirks, and holds out his hand to shake, you shake it. "Great. I'll see you soon BH."
~end of dream your POV~
I wake up, I look around. The feeling of rage still lingers. My fist ball up, I get out of get quickly. I grab my paint and paint a note on the wall. 'goodbye forever traitors. see you in war.' I throw down the paint and grab a suit case. I shove my clothes and other important things in it. I close the suitcase and drag it to the window. I open the window. I turn back around and grab a cloak and put it on, putting up my hoodie. I go back to the window and push the suit case out. I jump out of the window shortly after, landing perfectly. I take my suitcase and start running, running far away from that hell.
~time skip~
After some running I finally get to a well, the well to Zalgo's dimension. I throw my suitcase down, and jump down. I see Zalgo standing in front of me, my suit case in his hand. "Ah, Bloody Howler, I've been waiting." I growl. "Shut up, where am I staying?" I say, looking around. He chuckles, and points to a big house. "In there with me and the others." I groan. "Fine, just lets go, I've had a long day." He nods and walks me to the house. We walk in and everything is neat and new. Unlike the pasta mansion, everything is a mess and old. A pang of sadness goes through me, then I suck it up and it's gone. "Isn't it better than the Slenderman Mansion?" He says, almost like he's mocking the mansion. "It'll do." I say plainly, someone jumps on my back. "うわー!新しい味方!とてもエキサイティング!" (Wow! A new comer! So exciting!)I throw them off my back, whip out my dagger and put it to their neck. "Who the fuck are you?" "ああ〜フェイシー!私は大地だ!" (ooh~ feisty! I'm Daichi!) "I have no idea what the fuck you're saying." Zalgo, laughs. "He's saying, that you're feisty and that he's name is Daichi." I look at Zalgo. "Does he live here too?" Zalgo nods. "Yes He means no harm!" I look at Daichi, and I back off. "You could get yourself killed by me, don't do that ever again." He nods, still smiling. He's a Japanese boy, his eyes are an unusual greenish blue color, with brown hair. "Daichi means, from the Earth, he has powers of nature." Zalgo says smiling at cheerful Daichi. "Gah! Daichi! You could've gotten yourself killed. I look behind me and see a girlwith blonde hair, grey eyes with black specs in it. She looks at me and bows. "I apologize, since we haven't been in Japan it seems like he's lost his manners. I'm Tsuki, meaning moon. I'm his sister, I'm just really good at combat, you can see who's the cooler one." She chuckles lightly, much more calmer than Daichi. "How come you speak English but he doesn't?" I ask her, putting away my dagger. "Ah! But he does, he just doesn't want to, hencethe fact he understands English very well." I look at Daichi and he nods, stillsmiling cheerfully. I roll my eyes and look at Zalgo. "Where's my room?" I ask him, he points to Tsuki. "She'll show you." I nod and motion for her to show me. She starts walking, Daichi follows. We go up stairs and she leads me to a door with the letters T and W painted in black, with a toxic green background."He changed your name to Toxic Wolf, bet he didn't tell you huh?" I shake my head, not bothered by it. "Welp, here's your room, have a great stay." She says, smiling lightly, I nod and go into my room, closing the door.
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Very modern like, but I'll take it. I throw my bag on the floor and crash into my bed. Sobbing into my pillows for a good hour, then crying myself to sleep. New life, new enemies.
HEY GUYS SO THATS THE END OF THIS BOOK! It's so sad to see this go, but I'll tell you guys when the sequel is out, which will be soon! I'll see you guys in the next book or chapter, BAIII! ;-;