Skeleton in the Kitchen?

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I saw a comment of someone saying that jack skellington from nightmare before Christmas should meet marionette and slender. So lets make a chapter on that thanks for the chapter idea :3

 So lets make a chapter on that thanks for the chapter idea :3

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Your pov

I wake up and stretch, my bones making a satisfying cracking sound. I brush my hair and do whatever I do in the morning and go on my phone. My phone is like oxygen, (oml that's me lmao) I can't live without it. I decide after an hour watching Shane Dawson (QUEEENNN) it's time to head downstairs and get some food in my body. I hear hushed whispers coming from the kitchen and I lean on the door to listen in. "Everyone will freak out once they see a skeleton in the mansion! They'll think it's the skin taker!" A familiar voice says. Slender... "Really? If they saw a damn living puppet and they're killers, I think it's gonna be fine." An unfamiliar voice says. "Speaking of the devil." I hear marionette say, suddenly the door opens, revealing my dad, slender, and some skeleton. "Um, heyyyy!" I say nervously, not wanting to get in trouble for snooping. "Bloody Howler....what did I say about listening to conversations?" Slender says with a slight growl in his voice. "Sorry! I forgot please don't do anything!" I beg him with puppy eyes. He shakes his head, I look over to a...smiling skeleton...? If that's even possible. I look him up and down, he's dressed very formal like Slenderman so I guess he's not gonna be that bad? "Hellooo! I'm Jack Skellington! What's your name?" I was wrong. "Uhm, I'm Bloody Howler, you can just call me BH." He smiles wider. "Well hello! I heard that you're Marionette's dearest daughter! Is that correct?" I nod, this guy reminds me of Splendor in a way. "Oh splendid! You have those rosy red cheeks like him!" I chuckle and look at my dad. He's tapping his puppet foot angrily. I giggle and look back at Jack Skellington. "I suppose so, mister." Someone walks through the door. "HOLY SHIT THATS A DAMN SKELETON!" I turn and see Jeff, now wide awake. I laugh at him, he turns to me. "What you laughing at hot topic?" Hot topic? Huh that's new. "Aw you think I'm hot? Thanks." I wink at him and laugh, getting a toaster and bread to make toast. He grumbles and makes cereal. The Skeleton clears his 'throat' and inhales. "I'm Jack Skellington! What's your name strange boy?" I turn to Jeff and Jeff looks up slowly at the skeleton. "First of all, dont ever call me that. Second, it's Jeff the Killer. Nothing more, nothing less." Then Jeff continues to eat his cereal and go through his phone. The skeleton laughs. "Haha! Brighten up Jeffy!" Jeff growls. "It's Jeff you swine." 'I giggle. "Hey, give him a break Jeff he's new here." I place down Jeff's daily coffee. "Oooh~ you two are dating? I never knew this!" My face grows hot, I look at Jeff and his face does the same. "N-no! We aren't dating! Just friends to an extend! Nothing more!" I say, turning back to my toast and spread orange jam on it. "Oh! Forgive me, giving him coffee was just a couple like thing to do! I'm terribly sorry!" I chuckle and turn back to Jeff hiding his face with his coffee mug. "It's alright Jack." I sit at the table and give one toast to my dad and the other to Slender. I eat my toast and look at Jack. "Want anything to eat? I can cook you something." I ask Jack, his face lights up. "Cheesecake?" I nod. I open the fridge and pull out one of the many piece of cheesecake Masky and Hoodie saved for me. "Here ya go! There's plenty, just ask before you take them. There's two people obsessed with cheesecake here, they don't like people taking their cheesecake." I warn him, Jack nods his head excitedly. "Yes yes! I understand! Just give me a fork!" I giggle at his child like behavior. I hand him a fork and he digs in. I place down two more slices and he eats those. "I'm fullll!" He whines, holding his stomach, which I didn't knew existed since recently. I laugh and make tea, I hand the cup to Jack. "Here, it'll help it digest." He gladly takes it and drinks the whole thing. He smiles and places the cup down. "Ahhh~ that helped, thank you dear, you're very nice. I need to see you more often. Sally would be delighted you meet you one day!" I tilt my head. "Um, I'm afraid she already did." Then he tilts his head. "How?" Slender clears his throat and wipes the crumbs off his suit from the toast. "There's another sally, shes in the mansion." Jack nods. "I understand, my sally is different. She's a rag doll." Then RagDoll walks in. "Ya called- WOAH THERES A FREAKY SKELETON IN THE KITCHEN!" Jack chuckles. "Hello! I'm Jack Skellington! Pleasure to meet you, what's your name?" Raggy nods. "I'm RagDoll, my friends call me Raggy." Jack smiles. "Ooo~ Sally would be delighted to meet you to- the other sally." Raggy nods and makes her coffee and puts peppermint extract in it. "I'd be delighted to have the honor Mr.Skellington. I hope your sally is as good as the one here." She teleports Sally in the kitchen. "Hi Raggy!" Sally looks at Jack. "Hi mr.skeleton!" Jack smiles and picks Sally up. "My name is Jack Skellington! You must be Sally!" Sally nods. "Yup! That's me!" "I have a another friend named Sally, she's a rag doll!" RagDoll smiles, her sharp teeth showing due to her mask being off. "That's cool, my name is RagDoll." She chuckles. The door slams open, showing a tired, grumpy, and shirtless Broken. Broken looks at Jack with disgust. "Jack." Jack smiles widely. "Marvin!!" Jack picks up Broken. At this point, RagDoll, Sally, Slender, Jeff, Marionette, and me are all confused. Jeff speaks up first. "Who the hell is Marvin?" Jack let's Broken down and Broken sighs, annoyed. "Marvin is my name, dumbass."

W O A H JACK KNOWS BROKEN! BROKEN'S NAME IS MARVIN! SO MUCH STUFF! No but really, thanks again for the idea Glitch, it was really fun to write, go check her out

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W O A H JACK KNOWS BROKEN! BROKEN'S NAME IS MARVIN! SO MUCH STUFF! No but really, thanks again for the idea Glitch, it was really fun to write, go check her out. :33 Anyway, ill see you guys in the next chapter, BAIII!

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