Unidentified Letter

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Your POV
I wake up and stretch, no one waking me up, no yelling, no mess. "YOU SLENDER LOOKING SHIT!" "JEFFERY WOODS CALM YOURSELF!" "Aaaand I spoke too soon." I say with a breathy laugh. I grab my washer blanket and drape it over my shoulders. I open the door to see Jeff and Offender at each other's necks. "CAN YOU FUCKTARDS HAVE EVERYONE HAVE A PEACEFUL MORNING FOR A DAY IN MY LIFE?" They both look at me and Jeff runs to me in a protective type of way. "SOME FUCKER LEFT A NOTE FOR YOU, AND OFFENDER WAS TRYING TO GET TO YOUR ROOM WHILE WE WERE READING THE NOTE! HE WAS GONNA RAPE YOU." Jeff accuses Offender. "NO I WASN'T YOU HOE! I WAS GONNA WAKE HER UP FOR BREAKFAST!" Offender growls, Jeff rolls his eyes. "I DONT THINK WE'RE HAVING A SIDE OF SAUSAGE THOUGH YOU RAPIST!" "FOR FUCK SAKE I WASN'T GONNA RAPE HER!" I growl, tired of their yelling. "CAN YOU FUCKERS SHUT UP? LET IT THE FUCK GO, IM GETTING TIRED OF ALL THIS YELLING SO DAMN EARLY!" I pull them downstairs and throw them on the couch. "Behave." I walk into the kitchen and grab some yogurt. I see a note on the counter.

'Dear my daughter, (Y/N),
I have missed your presence. So I will be taking you back. Soon my dearest, I am ecstatic for your return.

Your father

I look at the note in pure shock. "BH, um, yeah that's a thing. Do you know who could've written that note?" I turn around to see Masky. "Actually no, I killed my father and I'm pretty sure of that..." I say. I'm so confused, who could be my real father? Maybe it's all a joke.. it is not a joke my child. Who are you why your father of course No, I killed him give up the act I'm not acting, you'll find out soon my child What?! No come back! Silence, that's all I hear in my now empty mind. Someone was just there. But who was it? I hold my head in my hands. "What's wrong?" I get startled by Masky's voice. "Oh I forgot you were there. Someone was just talking to my in my mind. They said they were my father, I don't even know what they're talking about.." I say, confused. Masky grabs my hand and pulls me to Slender's office. "Slender! BH heard someone heard someone talk in her mind! It's a demon, her father is a demon!" Masky yells frantic. My face stays emotionless, I think about my 'fake parents' and how they treated me. "...I lived with strangers..." I mumbled to myself. "God...this is so weird.." I mumble again. Slender shifts uncomfortably. "Um, yes take a seat." Masky and I take a seat, we look at each other, confused on Slenderman's sudden change in mood. "Alright so tell me what all happened BH." I look at him with an uneasy look, I swallow my spit and sigh. "Well um, when I read the note I was thinking about who my real father would be. Then I thought that it was a joke, but a voice came and told me it wasn't. I asked who they were and they said they were my father, and I told them to stop acting and they said they weren't acting and they said I would find out soon. Then they just left." I say fiddling with my fingers. Slender stands up and clears his throat. "Well then, that sort of helps, now we know your father is a demon. If something else happens that seems like important information come to my office immediately." I nod and walk out to the kitchen again. I see Jeff and Offender still on the couch. "Woah, weren't you just in the kitchen?" Jeff asks, shocked that I'm walking towards the kitchen again. I guess he didn't see Masky and me run to slender's office. "Well, my so called real father talked to me in my mind and Masky was there when it happened and I told Masky what happened then he dragged me to Slender's office. Speaking of which, Slender seemed a bit off... do you think he knows something about my father?" Offender chuckles. "Probably, old Slender knows a bunch of things, and I mean a bunch~" Offender purrs, i blush. "S-shut is Offender! No one asked you about...t-that!" I yell at him. He chuckles and nods. "I'm just sayin honey~" I roll your eyes and walk into the kitchen and see Toby making waffles. "Hey Tobs, you making waffles again?" Toby looks at me and smiles (because he doesn't have his mouth guard on) "Yep! They're soooo good! You should try one!" He hands me  a plate with two waffles and syrup. "Thanks Tobs." I coat the waffles with syrup and take it bite. The butteriness of the waffles and the sweetness of the syrup is like a drug. "Oh my god, now I can see why you have an addiction to these things!" I giggle and finish the waffles "Yeah! It was my mom recipe!" He says proud of his mother. "It's really good, what's the price for it?" I joke, he shakes his head smiling. "It's not for sale~" He says laughing, I laugh along with him. Forgetting my real father contacting me with the note and the whole mind thing. Toby and I have some fun and make more waffles. He teaches me the recipe and tells me not to teach anyone. "Only Sally, Splendor, and you know, so don't tell~" Toby says, I laugh and nod. "I won't Tobs, I promise." "Pinky promise?" He says holding out his pinky finger. I giggle and link our pinky fingers. "Pinky promise." He smile and hugs me. "Thanks for actually paying attention to me! The others are busy and I was getting really bored!" I pat his back, laughing at his actions. "It's alright Toby, I needed to get my mind off things. Anyway, I'll see you later, I'm gonna go kill." We pull apart and he waves. "Bye BH!" I wave back. "Bye Tobs." I walk out the mansion and go kill.

~Time Skip~
I finally get finished killing some random family I've had my eye in for awhile. I yawn. "Wow I'm tired." I say with a tired laugh. My eyes keep on closing but I shake myself away. "Hello my dearest daughter, I see you're tired." I nod, not realizing what's happening. "Alright I'll carry you to the mansion then." I feel someone carry me. "Thanks.." I mumble tiredly. As I make my way home with a random person carrying me I get more and more tired by the second. I hear the mansion door open, by then I'm fading away from reality. "Mar-" I hear someone yell, my sleep cuts them off and embraces me in their arms.

Oh mannn, someone yelled your fathers name :00 too bad they didn't finish before you fell asleep hah. Anyway, I'll see you in the next chapter, BAIII!

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