The drawing up there is a wip since I'm too lazy to complete it. But uh this chapter is really sad, since we lost a good oc in this book. They've been in the book ever since. And they were the first oc in the book that wasn't mine. But today sadly, we say goodbye to them.
RagDoll's pov
I smile at the little girl in my bed, Neveah. I play with her hair while smiling like a loving mother. She groans then opens her eyes. When she sees me she backs away on fear. "W-who are you?!" She says shaking with fear. I put my hands up. "Woah woah! I'm nice! I'm RagDoll, you can call me Raggy if you like." I flash her a friendly smile and she relaxes a bit. "I-I'm Neveah.." I nod. "Oh I know." "W-WhAt?!" I back up, my hands still in the air. "I didn't mean it like that! Broken just told me your name! I'm nice, i promise!" She nods and comes closer to me. I pick her up and hug her. "There's other kids here, they're nice. Do you want to go meet them?" She nods as she smiles shyly. I walk to Sally's door and knock. Sally opens the door and sees Neveah, she gasps. "I have a new play buddy?!" I nod and set Neveah down. "Her name is Neveah, she just came here so be nice." Jackson and Lilith pop up in the process scaring her, I put my hand on her back in a reassuring way. I squat to her level. "This is Sally, Jackson, and Lilith." I say pointing to them. She walks to Jackson and hugs him. He looks at her and smiles shyly. "Hi, I'm Jackson." "Neveah..." He hugs her and I smile. I stand back up and stretch. "Are you gonna be ok Neveah?" She nods her head and nuzzles into Jackson's arm. He blushes and hugs her tightly. I giggle. "Ok, be nice gu-." I look up to see Slender wearing a dress. I burst out laughing and Slender growls. "RagDoll...." He says in a threatening way. I stop laughing and put my hands up smiling. "Ok ok! Geez Slender. But I have to admit you do look good in a dress. Anyway guys be nice, I'll see you later Neveah." She waves as I close the door. I start walking to Silver's room. "I haven't seen her in awhile so why not visit." I knock on her door with no answer. "Silver? Are you there?" No answer, just as I turn around to leave I here choking coming from inside. I quick open the door to see Silver coughing up large amounts of glitter and BEN with Jeff looking scared, trying to help her. "BEN! JEFF! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Jeff shakes in fear and tears starting to well up in his eyes along with BEN. "Me and BEN wanted to prank her by giving her a cupcake filled with a lot of glitter. We thought she would take a bite and notice it but she shoved the whole thing in her mouth a-and-." I cut him off and try to help Silver. I try get all the glitter out. I start sobbing as her face turns blue. "Silver please..." I try harder to get the glitter out but lots is still there. "HOW MUCH FUCKING GLITTER DID YOU PUT?!" BEN wipes his tears. "Two whole bags..." I look at them with mad wide eyes. "HOW THE FUCK?! I DONT EVEN CARE!" My red hair turning to black. As I try to get the glitter out, she stop struggling. She starts to cry, she puts a hand on my cheek and tries to smile. As tears land on her body I put my hand on hers. I wrap my arms around her and hug her, crying endlessly. Then her body goes limp in my arms. I check for a pulse but there isn't any. "No.. No.... Silver... WHY?!" I cry into her shoulder and let out a distressed scream. My hair still a pitch black color. The door bursts open, a gasp escapes a mouth. "Silver.." BH says. I hear crying behind me. I cry harder. "You..." I say in a demonic voice. "YOU FUCKING BASTARDS! HOW COULD'NT YOU HAVE NOT KNOWN IT WOULD KILL HER YOU FUCKING IDIOTS?!" I say as I try to pounce on Jeff and BEN. Then someone holds me back. "LET ME FUCKING AT THEM! THEY FUCKING KILLED MY BEST FRIEND! THOSE FUCKERS, THEY KILLER THE PERSON WHO KNEW MY STRUGGLES AND WHAT IM GOING THROUGH!" "RAGDOLL, BABY CALM DOWN!" I go limp and fall to my knees, crying in my hands. "She's...gone..s-she's all f-fucking gone..." BH and Broken hug me. "What ha-." I hear my brother start, then he gasps seeing Silver's limp body. I turn around and he sees my black hair. "She's dead Liam... She's dead..." He tears up and hugs me. BH and broken stand up and talk to Jeff and BEN. Liam rubs my hair, trying to calm me down. "Raggy, I'm so sorry..." I cling onto him to tightly. I notice my hair turning back into my normal red color. The room starts to darken, and blackness overcomes me.Your pov
I walk over to Jeff and BEN with Broken. He looks pissed. "Jeff, BEN, what happened?" I say in a shaky voice. Jeff wipes his tears and sighs. "W-we wanted to p-prank Silver and g-give her a cu-cupcake filled w-with gl-glitter... We d-didn't know I-it wou-would kill her..." "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU NOT KNOW YOU CANT DIE FROM GLITTER!?" I place my hand on Broken's shoulder. "Broken, please calm down. They didn't know." He growls at them. "You better fucking feel bad, you killed Silver, and hurt all of us. You fucking bastards." He walks out of the room and slams his door. I sigh and look up them, they start crying harder. I hug them. "Guys it's ok, it's not all your fault. You didn't know, it's ok, stop crying." They cling onto me tightly. "R-RagDoll passed out.." I let go and I see RagDoll in Liam's arms, limp just like Silver. Slender sighs and picks up Silver's body. "I'll tell the others, we'll have her funeral soon." He teleports away. I turn to the two boys and sigh. "Guys, go to your rooms and sleep. You've had a rough day, I'll bring you food. You can stay in there as long as you like." I smile at them and the nod. I walk them to their rooms and sigh. I walk to the living room and sit on the couch. Toby looks at me and smiles. "Hey BH! Wh-what's up?" I look over to Toby. "You didn't here?" His smile drops into a frown. "N-no.. What's u-up?" I start crying. "Silver died..." He gasps and starts sobbing. I knew he was really close to her, they would eat waffles and mess with people all the time. They were best friends. I hug Toby. After awhile I hear Toby snore softly. I smile weakly and I fall asleep with himI honestly cried writing this. I'm sad to see Silver go honestly. But hey, two chapter in one day, that's good right? Well anyway I'll see you guys next chapter, BAIII!

Bloody Mess🔪 |Creepypastas X !Wolf! Reader COMPLETED (UNDER EDITING)
FanfictionNew description: your name is (y/n), you've been bullied and neglected from your parents all your life. One day your parents decided to give you away to scientists in exchange for money. The scientists brought in a person, who changed your life for...