[Voice] Abi X Reader

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Requested quite some time ago by Aria_Isuzu

She requested me like 4-5 months ago, but I couldn't find the time to write it, but here it is! Hope you like it ><

Also, this contains a bit of Ash's past and I guess it's kind of a special chapter, but I wonder if anyone will even remember this chapter by the time I get to the arc for this chapter. If you came here from Chapter ???, comment 'me'.


"[y/n], the birds really like you." The blue haired male said as he noticed the birds fluttering around you as you sang. You smiled and continued to sing. Just like how Ashlyn had her dancing, you had a wonderful voice. It was also your weapon. You could use your voice to knock out opponents. You hated it. To think that you had to use your voice to harm others disgusted you. You preferred peace over force. You received the powers as a gift from the blue dragon to be his shield, whatever that meant.

"Abi, you guys are leaving again aren't you?" You asked.

"Yeah, we have to suppress the rebellions at North..." He replied, as a bird landed on his finger and perched on it. You giggled a little at how cute it was. You had were Abi's childhood friend and was there when he received the dragon's blood and became a dragon warrior. Before that he was a pretty weak guy who spent his days helping around the village. It had already been five years since you both left the village to Hiryuu Castle. Everyone have been really nice, especially Ash and Zeno. Their laughter and smiles brightened up everyone's days.

"Good luck..." You said with a smile as if everything was going to be all right, but you were worried for Abi. Abi's powers was scary a well, but it came with benefits. He could see really far and paralyse people with it, but it acts like a double edge sword and hits him with paralysm. That's why you were worried. Zeno guaranteed he will take care of Abi though, Ash as well. Then, you felt a weight lean onto my back. You turned your head a little and noticed the long blue hair. You sighed and smiled.

His eyes were beautiful. If given the chance, you would stare into the golden orbs forever and never turn away. You loved them. You loved him.

You wished this peace could last forever...


"What happened to him?!" You gasped as you saw all the blood on Abi. You rushed over and carried him to the clinic to treat him.

"Sorry [y/n]. They captured me because they wanted the dragon powers..." He muttered, wincing in pain. Ever since King Hiryuu passed on, news about such men out to capture the dragon warriors spread. They felt threatened and wanted the powers for themselves. Abi was the most vulnerable one with his lack of physical ability so they targeted him first. Ever since then, he stayed in King Hiryuu's Monastery, covering his beautiful eyes with a cloth.

You tried to talk to him, but he avoided you and it hurt a lot. Ash tried to comfort you, but things were not going as well on her end. The dragon warriors suspected her as she was the last person to see King Hiryuu before he passed on. They thought she did something to make him so.

You were frustrated. You wanted to kill those men who captured him that day so you snuck out and killed every man who wanted to capture him. You, who hated violence more than anything, was sinned with blood on your hands. You no longer cared. As long as you could protect the one you loved. You killed and killed, your name spread across the land as the 'Siren', for you killed using your voice. Your beautiful voice that you swore never to use to hurt.

You were going insane every moment. You often sat down and wondered when you could stop, but it never ended. You were sinking down into your sea of sins. Your heart was no longer pure, but you sought peace. Hoping that it would be the end of it all, but you were also afraid. Afraid of how Abi would think of you now after you've killed so many humans. You kept running away from them, from him. You didn't want to face him. You didn't want him to think of you as a monster.

"[y/n]!" You heard your lover screaming your name as you laid motionlessly on the floor. You have been fighting for years. Waiting for someone to save you from the dark road you were walking on. You saw the familiar blue hair and golden eyes of him, but he looked a little older. You wondered how long has it been. You must look terrible from the lack of care you have been giving your body.

"Abi..." You muttered his name and you felt small droplets of water run down your cheeks. He carried you up and hugged you as he cried with a smile on his face.

"What's wrong... Abi?" You asked weakly with a smile. You were happy to finally see him again. Streams of tears ran down his cheeks. His eyes were covered again. I took them off slowly and saw them. The beautiful golden eyes that love so much and my lover. Leaning in, you placed unit lips on his and hugged him tighter. He didn't pull back and kissed you back. It had been so long since you felt such happiness. It felt so peaceful like time stopped for you.

Then a sharp spear shot through your body and you jerked back with your eyes widen in fear. Blood spewed out of your mouth and you fell onto the ground.

"Well, if it isn't one of the dragon warriors and the Siren. I must be lucky~" the man who shot you said happily and stepped out of the shadows.

"Stay away from [y/n]," Abi ordered and protected you. He went straight for the man, using his dragon powers and paralyzed him, but what he did not account for was the backup men behind the main guy and there were lots of them. Abi's powers struck back on him and he was paralyzed. The men approached you guys. You gritted your teeth and struggled to get up. You were going to be Abi's shield no matter what. With that, using all you might, you screamed. Your voice killed them all in an earshot. You were able to protect him and the world suddenly seemed to have faded into darkness.


"Abi, why did you accept the dragon's blood?" 

His face turned bright red. "It's a secret..."

"Eh? Come on! You can tell me!"


"Come on! Abi!"

"No [y/n]."

You pouted. "When can you tell me?"

"I don't know..."

You woke up and the first thing you saw was the familiar blue haired boy you loved so much. He was sleeping next to your bed, his head rested on the mattress and he grabbed your hand tightly.

"Abi." You wanted to call out to him, but when you tried to speak, no sound came out. You lost your voice. The truth came to light. You used too much of your voice for something you hated, hence it turned against you and stole your voice from you. Your precious voice. Abi's eyes opened slowly, he glanced towards you and his eyes widen.

"[y/n] Why are you crying?" He asked and wiped your tears. You were finally happy, yet you could no longer sing for him. "Talk to me [y/n]."

You could not talk so you shook your head and cried harder. "Abi. I'm sorry."

"You... lost your voice?" He asked in a concerned tone. You nodded slowly and wiped your tears. He patted your head and hugged you. "It's all right... Just don't leave me again... I love you [y/n]."

"I... I love you too..."


Years later, you and Abi got married back in your hometown. You had a little kid named [child/name] and he had Abi's dragon powers. Ever since the name he was born, you noticed Abi growing weaker and weaker. Not only that, but he was losing his powers and dying. Now, he was lying on his bed, too weak to even move. You cried as you gripped onto his hands and your child's.

"[y/n]... I may not be able to see you anymore... But I just wanted to tell you... I got the powers because I wanted to protect you. I've always loved you..." Those were his last words before he slept for eternity.

"Idiot... I wanted to protect you..."

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