Chapter 32: I'm here to stay

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It has been a week since grandma passed away... I still remember when we were just having a normal day until we got home and saw her lying on the ground. Zeno panicked and rushed to her side, shaking her awake, but she did not get up. She was not breathing anymore.

Zeno locked up in his room ever since. He must have been blaming himself. We won't able to save her in time. No matter how powerful of a goddess I am, I can't change the fate of another's life. Humans all are fated to die one day, just like I did.

I knocked on Zeno's door. "Zeno, are you there?"

There was no answer as I expected.

"I'm coming in." After I say that, I kicked the door down, revealing an empty room. Where could he have gone?

Taking quick and short steps, I rushed to the forest. From what I remember during my time watching him after his grandmother's death, he fell into despair and 'I' was the one who brought him back, therefore, this is my duty. As the one who loves him and only him eternally.


"Zeno, let's go home."


Zeno sat lying against a tree, looking down with lifeless, red and puffy eyes. I stood in front, looking down at him. I've seen him like this once before. It was a little after Hiryuu died. He locked himself in the monastery for a few days and no one was allowed to go in.

When he came out, he acted like everything was normal and I, who was chased out of the castle for my assumed deeds, watched him from a distance as he pretended and smiled his way through everything. Even when he had finally found his happiness...

Once is enough.

"Zeno. Let's go home."

I kneeled down and faced him.

"Would grandma want you to be like this?"

His ears perked up when I mentioned her.

"Then what would she have wanted? She left without saying anything." He speaks up in a low, questioning tone.

"I'm sure you know yourself that she just wants you to be happy. Even I, a stranger you two met just days ago knows this."

"How can I be happy knowing the one who took care of me is gone?!" He shouted at me. "You don't know anything! How she was different! She was the only one who accepted me in spite of what everyone said about me! You don't know anything..."

"I know" That you will have to move on from this, cause you'll have to do it again and again in the future... "how important she was to you, but even so, how you know her best. Tell me wouldn't she be wishing for you to be happy?"

"I have to be happy?..."

"Yes, humans all are fated to go someday even your grandmother. We just have to learn to accept it and move on. Besides she isn't really gone. She still lives on in your memories. It's only when you forget that she really is gone forever."


"Zeno. Want to go home?" I reached out my hand, waiting for him to react. Please say something or I will never know what you are thinking...

With much hesitation in his gesture, he reached out and grabbed my hand. I pulled him up and helped him stand up, but his gaze stayed on the ground. Unable to take it anymore, I placed my hand on his moist cheek, lifting his face to face me. Looking at his indifferent expression made my heart ache.

Letting go, I crashed him with a hug. "Zeno, in life, people come and go, but I'm here to stay. Please know that. Just say my name, I will be there and it'll be okay."

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