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              Steven's Pov

     'Her hand is so soft! I can't believe she doesn't use lotion or anything to moisturize. One of the many reasons I like her is that she is still for the most part a mystery. She is always staring into space just thinking. I would give a million dollars to know what she's thinking for one day. "Steven, what was the name of those 2 guys again?" She asked turning on he tablet. "Good Mythical Morning!New episodes every weekday." I say. "Got it!" She says as she writes it down.

      We were only a few feet away from the barn door and she says. "Today was not exactly as I hoped it would have gone but I'm glad the I was with you because to be honest, you are the only one keeping me sane on this crazy planet. If you weren't here I would have been did something that would have cost my life!" She chuckled. "Well if it's fine by you I would like to meet up for something at the temple, say  5:00 p.m?" I hoped that she would saw yes. " Hehe Whatever." She said while rolling her eyes with a smile on her face. " Great love yo- I mean bye! I meant Bye!" She held a confused look on her face, then she shrugged it off. 

     "Good night!" she said as she went in. "Good night!" I said and I walked to the temple. "Man Steven! You have got to be more careful! You almost said you loved her! Steven you are so impossible when it comes to Peridot!" I sighed then jumped the rest of the way to the temple. 

     As I walked in all I know was one minute I was happy and thinking about how great tomorrows gonna be and the next minute all I see is an angry Pearl in my face while Garnet and Amethyst are sitting on the couch. "Steven! Do you have any idea how late it is?! I was so worried I was gonna call the police! You know you should always tell us where-Pearl!" Garnet cut her off. "Y-Yes Garnet? Pearl turned around with a confused on her face.

    "Come sit down your over reacting, even for you." Garnet smiled. "Yeah P chill! Steven was probably making out with his girlfriend and lost track of time. Amethyst said as calm as ever but still a smirk on he face. " You two quiet." Garnet said. "Steven I sense that you want to tell us something, something that involves you and Peridot." Garnet said with a smile nodding at him telling him to spill the beans. "I want to tell peridot that I'm In love with her and maybe ask her to be my girlfriend.He finally said.

  "That's wonderful Steven! Isn't it Pearl and Amethyst?" Ganet asked telling them to support him. "Yeah it's wonderful Steven!" Pearl and Amethyst said however they were holding back their real opinions. "Great I told her to meet me here at the temple, but I'm going to be at the barn getting things ready for our perfect evening. I need Pearl to tell Lapis that I'm coming over tomorrow to fix up the barn." " Right now?" she asked. "Right now but make sure Peridot doesn't see you!" I said she nods and warps over there. "Now I have plans for you 2." I then began telling them everything they are supposed to do. This is gonna be perfect.

   Author Note: Thank you for a hundred reads! Seriously I thought I was gonna have like 2 reads or something. My present to you is this Chapter and the next 2 or 3 chapters.Stevebn plan is gonna be amazing I promise! Thanks so much again I wanna hug every single one of you! I really do Luv you! I hope you have a really good night. Sweet dreamz!!!!!!!!!!

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