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        Peridot's Pov

    I finally got there and I noticed no one was there but Amethyst. "Hey Amethyst, have you seen Steven? Where supposed to be handing out today." I said walking up to her. "I know where he his. But you have to do exactly as I say." She smirked. I don't have a good feeling about this. We went outside and I looked around. "Why are we out here?" I asked annoyed. "Close your eyes." she said. "I'm not falling for your tricks Amethyst." I said with anger. "Just close your eyes! I promise it's not a trick!" Amethyst said with a giggle. I had no choice but to believe her, so I closed my eyes. "Now what?" I asked very nervously. "Just relax." She said. 

     I finally relaxed and when I did felt her pick me up and put me on her shoulder the jump off. "What the?!" I screamed. I opened my eyes and we were in the air! "Aaaaaahhhh! Amethyst put me down put me down!" I screamed as I kicked and hit. WE finally landed and I got down of her. "Amethyst I didn't tell you to kidnap her!" Steven said. I saw Steven and ran to him. "Steven that gem is crazy I said as  I held on to him. "I didn't kidnap her.... I gem-napped her." Steven chucked at the joke.

    When I calmed down I saw the barn all fixed up through the opened door and I went inside. "Steven, what is all this?" I asked in amazement. He came up behind me and said a night for me and you. I didn't understand but I knew something was up. I smiled and played along. "So why are we here?" I asked expecting to get an answer. "You'll see!" Is all he said. He lead me past a table near the fish tank wall and out through the back door I installed. We went back there and I saw a picnic blanket and a basket along with with some lights. Just as I was about to say something we heard Garnet yell "your not welcome here!" We both ran back inside the barn to find Connie.

      "There you are Steven. What happend to my invite? I hope it isn't lost in the mail." She smiled an evil smile.

       Steven's Pov 

  "Connie why are you here?! How did you know I'd be here?" I Growled. " When you were at the cliff I heard you say one sentence that told me everything. "I hope she'll say yes." "If you weren't talking about me then Peridot is going down." She then pulled my mother's sword from behind her back and slowly walked to us. "Don't make us hurt you Connie, this is really not civilized!" Pearl said summoning her weapon.

    "I'll take down all of you if it means being with Steven!" She yelled.  They all had their weapons out at this point ready to attack. I got my shield out and covered Peridot. "You. You took him from me. We could have been together if it weren't for You!" She said charging write at us. We moved out of the way just in time and the gems got infront of us to protect us. "This is what I think of your little get up. She then started ruining everything. The tables, the  decorations, and the food Pearl prepared for them.

    This is when Lapis had enough and used the water from inside their meap-morp (Toilet and grabbed connie making her drop the sword. "You can mess with us bigger gems all you want but when you mess with my freinds Peridot and Steven you make me mad. You don't want to make me made. Understand?" Lapis let go of her. "What if I do continue to mess with them? she asked.

    Garnet then unfused and sapphire stayed behind as ruby pretty much lost it. "You mess with them you mess with me and I'm an eternal flame baby! She then sumoned her gauntlets and chased Connie out the barn with sapphire right behind her saying..."Get her! Get her! Get her!"

    Once Garnet came back. Peridot looked mad. "Why does she hate me so much? I tried my best to be freinds But she hated me." "It's not you, it's her. I don't know anyone as fun, intellegant,silly, and lovable as you." I hugged her. Well,we better start cleaning up steven's ex-girlfriends mess." Amethyst joked. " I don't know how you can joke around at a time like this." Pearl said in amazement. "I'm sorry Peridot. This was not my plan." I said. "Of course it wasn't, Your to sweet for that."She said. We then went over to help clean up. I saw the small black box and I put it in my pocket and Joined the others. 

    Author Note: Whoa! Drama bomb! This was my greatest chapter I think. Well, good night! I luv you! Hopefully another chapter tomorrow.I don't k now why I'm tired this early but I am anyways, Stay awesome!

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