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         Peridot's Pov

      In the Morning

   I  wake up in Steven's bed. I try to turn around but something is holding me down. I just assume that it is Steven judging by we being in his bed. I finally manage to roll over and I look at him. 'He looks so cute when he's sleeping.' I messed around with his hair. I can't believe how soft it is! I then saw his open his eyes and say. "Huh?" Really softly. "I didn't say anything Steven, Go back to bed." I say with a caring voice. "Nah, I might  as well get up." He got out of bed and went to the bathroom with cloths in hand. I felt kind of bad waking him up.

    He come out moments later all neat and stuff. I go over to his dresser and find a brush, I pick it up and brush my bed-head away. I walked downstairs where Steven was making breakfast. "what are you making?" I ask already knowing what it was. "Cereal." He said giving me a bowl. he poured the sweet oats in my bowl and gave me some cereal. "Thank you, pebble." I say. I think that it is a cute nickname for him. He paused. "Well if I'm a pebble than your cute." He says. "I know I am." I say with confidence. He looks up with a gasp and a smile on his face.

     I laugh. As I ate I started humming a tune. "what is that tune you humming?" Steven asks. "Don't worry about it. I say Kinda suprised that he heard it at all. We soon finished our cereal and I helped Steven clean them out. "Peridot me and you need to have a talk." Steven demands. I sit on the couch. "About what?" I asked seeing what I just got myself into. "Well, yesterday! I told you I have got to tell you what not to show people." He sat down beside me. "What?! That? I thought you were joking!" I was suprised that he was serious. "Nope. You need this talk!" He demanded. "I am not having this talk! Especially not with a boy!" I said. "Fine, Would you rather have it with Amethyst?" Steven said with a smirk. He already knew he got me. The next thing I know is that I sitting her with a BOY having a GIRL talk.

   "Peridot you need to know this because you should keep some things out of some human's sight." Steven explained. I sighed. "Like what Steven?" I smiled trying to make it seem like it was useful to me. He pointed to my chest. "Like that." He answered. "I  know you had a bra on but you need to keep those 'babies' to yourself." His cheeks were red, mine were emerald green, you could feel the awkwardness in the room.

    I had a real question, And now I regret asking it. "But what about you? I love you. Isn't there some exceptions?" He pauses. He is now blushing really hard. 'Was that inappropriate to say?' I now feel my cheeks heat up from being embarrassed. " No! Don't be embarrassed! There is exceptions, but that's not something to think about right now." He says. "There is one other thing that you need to keep out of sight... Well two... your vagina, and your butt." My cheeks are so hot at this point. "Okay Steven! Nice talking to you I'm going outside now goodbye!" I ran as fast as I could to the door. I ran to the beach and sat on the sand. 

    "Inappropriate! I don't wanna hear Steven out of all People talking about this!" I took beep breathes for a few seconds to try and calm down. "I still don't know what he meant by ' That's not something to think about right now' ." I looked out in the ocean then back at the Temple. I shivered. 'That is the last time I be free to show Steven just anything.' I get up and dust the sand off of me. "I'm still learning." I sigh once again. 

      Love Like You

      I started to sing the song that I made a few weeks back. 

    "If I could, Begin to be,Half of what you think of me"

      "I could do about anything, I could even learn how to love"

      "When I see the way you act, wondering when you'll love me back"

       I could do about anything,I could even learn how to love like you"

      "Love like you"

       "I always thought, I might be bad now I'm sure that It's true" 

        "Cuz I think your so good and I'm nothing like you"

        "Look at you go, I just adore you"

         "I wish that I knew, what makes you think I'm so special"

            I stopped singing for a second.Then I heard someone continue the song.

           " If I could begin to do, something that does right by you"

            "I would do about anything I would even learn how to love"

           I turned around to see Steven, We both continued the song

            "I would do about anything, I could even learn how to love"

           When I see the way you love, Shaken by how long it took"

           I could do about anything I could even learn how to love like you"

                  End of Song

        "Steven, how do you know my song?" I asked curious. "You used to sing it while you where in the bathroom. I couldn't help but listen." He said coming up to me and hugging me from behind. "I made that song about you, How I felt about you." I say looking at the ocean. "I'm sorry, Peri. I Shouldn't have forced you into....that." He said looking away. I hugged him. "It's okay, You clod." "Okay, I had that coming." Steven laughed.

     We walked in and saw Amethyst laughing so hard on the couch it looked like  she was gonna shatter. "What's so funny?" We both ask in unison. "You guy's sure can't trust me when I'm in the house!" She laughed. "Wha?" I was confused. "I'm sorry, but I had to! I listened in on your conversation and man! You could feel the awkwardness from my room!" she explained "Clod, you have 5 second to run before I shatter you with my gravity connector!" I ran to her and almost jumped on her but Steven held me back. "Hey, what can I say, I'm Amethyst." Amethyst shrugged. "I hate you." I muttered and walked up to Steven's room. "Amethyst Why?!" Steven yelled and walked up with me.


      Author Note: WTF did I just type!? I don't even know guys it just kinda happened. I had to make this a chapter cuz I knew it would be funny. WE are almost at 1k reads guys! Thank you to everyone that made this possible! I luv you bye!

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