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         Amethyst Pov

    Me and Peridot followed Steven over to the food section. 'Those two are a cute couple. I always wanted this to happen but I never knew it could happen!' We arrived at the food section. "What do you want to eat guys?" Steven asked. "You mean Peridot, I'm going on my own. See ya Dudes!" I chuckle and walk away. "They need some space for once, and me? I need some food."

     Peridot's Pov

   "Well that was very unexpected of her." I said Looking in the direction she left in. "Well it's Amethyst! I don't really know when she'll be back so I guess we can eat without her." Steven suggested.  "Okay." I agreed. "What do you want?" He asked. "Um, How about that one!" I point to the sigh that says hot dog. "Humans eat their fury companions?! That is messed up!" "No, but it is still an animal, These animals where raised on farms so they can be eaten.

     "Oh, Ok." I say. He buys two Hot Dogs and give one to me. I stare at it. I analyze the yellow paste on the top. Finally I take a bit. "Hm, this is good I guess, but I'd rather not eat something that used to be alive. "Oh okay, Your a vegetarian!" He says. "A vege- what?" " A vegetarian! You rather not eat meat. "So what else do you want?" He asked throwing away my Hot Dog, "I don't know." I say. " I know something you may like." He runs off and in seconds, comes back with a container. " It's a sandwich." He handed it to me. I took a bite. "It's really good!" I exclaim. I kiss him on his cheek. "Thank you Steven." I say. "No worries!" We then find a bench to sit down and eat. We finished our food and just sat there to talk. We agreed on waiting for Amethyst for a while so we can continue going on rides. The earth's star started to disappear under the horizon and Amethyst still wasn't back.

     "Where could she be?!" I ask a little impatient. "I know that Amethyst comes back whenever she wants to but this is late, even for her. "Where gonna have to leave soon anyways so let's just go on one more ride?" I pull the Puppy eyes that Steven himself taught me. "Man, I really shouldn't have taught you that trick." He mumbles. "Okay, but just one." He surrenders with a smile. "Which should we go on." I ask. "How about the ferris Wheel?" He pointed to it. "It has a beautiful view when it's dark." He said. I clung to him. "I'm scared!" I squeaked. "It's Okay, I'll be in it with you." He re assured me everything was okay. "Ok, let's go." I said with a little more confidence. We waited in line until it was our turn. The ride operator strapped us in and started the ride. As we went up I clung to Steven for Dear life.

     Steven's Pov

   Peridot clung to me as we went higher in the air. " Peridot, it's okay. I won't let you fall." I wrapped my arms around he to make her feel better. As we reach the top Peridot's eyes are now closed. "Look at the view before we reach the top." I say. "No." Is all I hear. I lift up her head by he chin. She lookes me straight in the eyes. "Nothing with happen to you as long as I am hear." I say close to a whisper. "Okay." She said in the same tone she looks out and her eyes widen. I't's beautiful Steven!" She said as we started going back down. "Not as Beautiful as you." I said. The ferris Wheel went around 3 more times before we got off. 

    When we walked away we saw a certain purple gem with a smirk on her face. "Looks like I did the right thing leaving you 2 alone! It made the most romantic set up!" She crossed her arms. "Amethyst you were gone for hours just for this?!" We both yelled. "Well you liked it didn't you?!" She asked. "Well yeah but.....Thank you Amethyst." Peridot said with a little blush. I smiled. "Well, we better get going, Peridot it's pretty late. Do you wanna stay at the temple?" I asked not wanter her to walk all the way back to the barn. "I *yawn* Would acually would like that." She said. "Peridot, you look tired. Do you ever sleep?" I asked. "Yeah, in fact I do. Lapis always did it so I decided to give it a try." She yawned again. when she started to close her eyes I knew I had to do something. 

    "Okay up you go!" I picked her up bridal Style and we walked out of Funland. "Steven? why am I off  the ground?" Peridot asked as she woke up a few moments later. "Just go back to sleep Peridot." I demanded and her head on my shoulder. Amethyst was just staring at me. "What?" I asked. "Looks like this boy is now a man." She chuckled. I didn't really see anything about carrying Peridot that made me a man. "I'm getting tired too. Come on Steven let's just jump to the temple." Amethyst jumped and I was right behind her. When we got to the temple amethyst went into her room.

   I looked at the sleeping Peridot in my arms and brought her up to my bed. I put her down and Sat down next to her stroking her hair. "I love you Peri."I whispered and went to the bathroom to change and then I went to bed having my arms around her cuddling her.

     Author Note: Procrastination People! I started this is the morning and now it is night time. don't be like me people. I luv you!Bye!

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