Chapter 4

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At the moment, I'm in my room, crying on my bed. Why am I even crying? Then I heard some noises out my door. I slowly walked on my door, holding on the knob and turned it. I opened the door, to see blood everywhere. My mom and dad... are they even my parents? Were dead. There were people with mask and protective suit on them.

One of them saw me and walked towards me. 

"There's one more. A child, what do we do with her?" He ask.

"She might be their child, let's kill her." One of them replied.

I didn't feel any fear nor the urge to run away.

"I don't think so, I'll take care of her." The man in front of me said and with that, he took me home and took care of me.

I had better life than before. Well, I prefer my life now than before. We live in a small village, but everyone knows us and were friendly, so it was a big change. Thanks to Jeffrey, my now new dad. He gave me the name... Lisa. 


I woke up with the sun shining down my face. It had been six years since I got rescued from the darkness. Since I didn't remember my name, dad, Jeffrey, gave me the name Lisa. I had friends around the village like Jericho, David and Ella. They were nice friends.

Yeah, life is much better now than before, spending eleven years in that torture and it's been three years since the day that Jeffrey rescued me from it. I wanted to remember something before the torture but no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to remember any so I just gave up trying.

Though the name 'Cutie' was the only thing I remember but I just ignored it since I don't know where it came from. I did my daily routines, then went in the field where I'm suppose to meet them, my friends. I saw them sitting down and I waved at them, which they return it. I sat down beside Ella. I am now eighteen years old, Ella was also sixteen, Jericho was nineteen and David was nineteen.

"Hey." I greeted.

"Hi Lisa." They all greeted back.

This was such a great feeling. Even though I cannot remember anything from my past, at least I have friends here. Aside from Cutie in my past, I remember that I have healing powers and I was able to create a barrier, like a shield. But I didn't tell anyone. I know I have been living as a Lisa, but I still want to remember my name before I got the name Lisa.

"EARTH TO LISA! ARE YOU STILL THERE?!" Ella yelled and I flinch.

"W-what?" Was all I said.

"You zone out. Geez, is it about that Cutie again?" She ask and I sigh.

"Not really, I was just wondering what might my past before I got rescued be." I sigh in frustration.

"Don't worry, they will return eventually." Jericho said with reassuring smile, which I returned it.

"Thanks Jeri." 

"Anything to make you happy." 

"You know what would be best right now?" David ask, going in the conversation.

"What?" Ella smiled.

"Let's play Tag!" David exclaimed.

"Sounds great." Jericho agreed and we all stood up.

"David's in!" Ella giggled, while David pouted.

"Why is that?" He whined.

"Because you were the one who suggested it."

"Fine." David sigh in defeat.

"And also the fact that you're the fastest in all of us." I added.

"Well you're the second." Jericho commented and I smiled.

We played Tag for half of the day, the person who got in the most was Ella, then me, then Jericho and David. I notice that David was always tagging Ella, while Jericho was trying to tag me. After we finished playing Tag, we played Hide n Seek. At the moment, Jericho was in.

I run in the forest, climbed up the tree and stayed hidden. I stayed there for like eight minutes, so Jericho might be having trouble finding all of us. David was good at hiding, so am I but Ella, if Jericho was in, she always show herself immediately. So at this moment, Jericho might be finding me and David.

I was about to return for it was getting dark when all of the sudden, I heard some people talking below me. I took a peek, and saw about eight people passing by.

"It's another mission accomplish." A blonde dude with green eyes said happily.

"But we would had finish it if Phinks didn't decide to play." A girl with pink hair rolled her eyes.

"HEY! WHY ME?!" Another blonde guy with no eyebrow exclaimed.

"Either way, the two of you made it longer." A short, black hair with glasses on muttered, but it was clearly enough for everyone to understand.

"What did I do?" The pinkette girl ask.

"Well if it wasn't for your thread getting cut off, then it would had been faster."

"Whatever, how about tell your Blinky to at least quicken cleaning all of the blood, then the job would had been faster."

"Stop complaining, what do you think Feitan?" A little guy with white hair, but all I can see was his left eye ask.

Feitan, that sounds familiar. Had I heard that name from somewhere?

"Tch." A guy with black hair, grey eyes with a bandanna and a skull printed on it that was covering half of his face, answer.

He seems... familiar?

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