Chapter 24

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A look of relief washed over her face and she continued crying. I stood up and helped her up then she pulled me into an embrace.

"T-thank you Danchou..." She loudly whisper and I stroke her hair.

I should be the one thanking her, for facing this problem on her own and not putting the troupe in danger even though we are willing to help her.

"Tomorrow you will get your tattoo, as a sign that you will be an official member of the Phantom Troupe." I told her and she nodded.

"Also I have one last request..." She spoke and it made the situation for me even harder.

Reader's POV

"Come on Y/n, you can do it!" Shalnark cheered for me.

Today was the day that I start my training to get stronger. They wanted me to bring out my transformation again. Actually that was my second time transforming. The first time was back in the orphanage.

Feitan wasn't around that time so Jonathan and Jake planned on picking up on me. All I can do is heal that time, I found out later that I could make a barrier when a drunk man decided to throw a glass of bottle on me.

Anyways it was fine if they only bully me, but they brought Kathryn with them. They were going to hurt her and I was so mad at them that my vision became black and the next thing I know, my clothes changed, I have a rose wings behind me , my nails are longer, my hair turned white and thorns were surrounding me.

Jonathan and Jake got scared at what they saw. I tested my powers and the thorns obeyed whatever I want them to do. I captured both of them but I didn't hurt them that time. I just left them hanging up the tree upside down.

I didn't bother checking up on Kathryn because I know she was fine but I transformed back to my normal form at will. That was the first time that happened, and it happened again yesterday when I was protecting Feitan.

"Alright, pretend that you and Feitan are in trouble right now. Think about what you felt back then." Shalnark instructed me.

Everyone in the troupe was watching me, even Feitan. He disagreed on my training but I insisted because I convinced him that I wanted to be stronger which he agreed in the end. He didn't know any of my plan, only Pakunoda and Shalnark knows about it.

Anyways, I tried thinking of what I felt back then. I could feel my Nen increasing but then it disappeared immediately.

"Oooh, so close. Focus more Y/n, if you really want to protect those whom you love, you have to be able to control this other Nen ability of yours." Shalnark encouraged me.

Protect those whom I love...

I looked at everyone else in the room, it is all of them. Even though I only met them in a short while, they made me feel welcomed and part of the family. My eyes landed on Feitan, the person whom I wanted to protect the most.

No matter what happens Feitan, my Cutie, I will always love you! And no matter what happens to me, even if you forget about me, I will still love you until the day I die.

I took a deep breath and focused on awakening this other power that was in stored somewhere inside me. As I feel my Nen rising up, I felt myself changing. We were outside the basement by the way.

Come on Y/n, you can do it! Do it for everyone, do it for him!

And finally, my whole body glowed and I have awakened the other side of me. As soon as I transformed, I was so happy. Even everyone else, except for Feitan, was shocked at what they just witnessed.

"Yes, I did it." I told myself and Shalnark immediately went to me to examine me.

"Whoa, I never expected you were telling the truth." He commented and I sent him a glare which he just sheepishly smile.

He went around me and when he was done, he stopped in front of me.

"Wow, not only your power has increased, your speed and strength had increased as well. Do you have any power on your wings?" He asked and I tried opening my wings.

The moment they opened, petals started falling out of it but I didn't feel anything different.

"I still feel the same." I said with a poker face.

"Okay, wings is useless and messy." He pointed out. "But these thorns are deadly, it can pierce through anything for it is stronger than steel or any metal in the world. Nails are like Feitan's one, do you think you can beat Feitan in this form?"

"Not sure, I always thought that I am stronger than him." I jokingly said and he smirked while standing up.

"Wanna see?" He challenges and I smiled.

He got his umbrella out, meaning that he is serious about this fight. He immediately disappeared and I could sense where he was. Not sure how but with this new ability of mine, it feels like I can read his next move.

I deflected his attack with my thorns as he chose to attack from behind. I then wrapped his sword with my thorns and tried capturing him, but he quickly jumped up. I made my thorns move to capture him but he was too fast.

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