Chapter 26

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"He found out what I was planning so he tried burning me." She removed the hair that was covering her face and it was burnt. "I tried healing most of my body but his power was too strong I only managed to heal half of my body."

By what she was telling me, it made me hate our father more. The only reason why he's trying to kill everyone around me was because he wanted my powers to bring back our mother? You can't bring someone who is already dead back to life! Even I can't.

"He will pay for this." I swore to myself. "I am going to make him pay if it's the last thing I do."


Star light, star bright,
First star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have this wish I wish tonight

I hope this plan will work

"Y/n." I snap my eyes open when I heard Feitan calling my name.

We were both up the roof at that moment, just looking at the stars and the moon. I hummed in respond so he knows that I'm listening.

"You're going to fight them aren't you?" He asked and I felt my breath hitched.

I didn't know what to reply to him, rhat everything was already planned and we're suppose to forget each other. Yes forget each other. I asled Danchou to create a potion that will make me forget everything within twenty minutes.

That will give me enough time to have a word with my father, and after that I will be clueless with everything around me. Although I asked Paku to give me a memory of why I am there, to kill my father.

That is all I'm going to remember, I asked this request because there is one more plan and that plan will destroy my heart.

The plan to kill Feitan...

I remembered what Kathryn told me about my mother when I was born. She didn't tell the other Spiders because they didn't want them to worry.


"Y/n, there is one more thing about you. The day that you were born, you came out dead." Kathryn told me and I widen my eyes.

If I was dead back then, how am I still alive today?

"Our mother sacrificed her Nen to save you. Her wings holds a very powerful Nen and she gave them to you. Although she didn't die because of you, she died because our father killed her. From the beginning, our mother suspected that when she was pregnant with you, he was changing. Our father thought you were dead but he didn't know that she already gave our mother's Nen to you. She entrusted you with me and I left immediately." She started explaining and tears started streaming down from my eyes.

How could our father be so cruel? He wanted our mother's Nen just so he can be powerful! At that moment, an idea came into my mind.

"If he wants to get my Nen and take the power out of my wings, what will happen then?" I questioned and sadness washed over her.

"It will be the end of the world. Our father had stolen so many different types of Nen, he only needed yours so he can make himself immortal. He also took my wings, which was the same colour as our mother that's why I couldn't take the spell off Feitan. Unlike you, you can heal any injuries while I can remove spells. But with my wings gone, my Nen is not that powerful." She replied and I nodded.

"So the only thing to do is to give someone else my wings." I said my thoughts out loud and she widened her eyes.

"But that would only work if someone is dead. Plus it's way too risky Y/n, if you're planning to fight our father you will need your full power to defeat him." She objected as she figured out what I was planning.

"It's also a risk if I fight him on my full power. Like what you said, he already stole so many Nen ability. If he were to take my one as well, then that's a bigger risk for all of us and everyone else in the world." I tried explaining to her about my perspective and she still wasn't convinced about what I'm thinking.

"But Y/n, I already lost our mother. I can't afford to lose you." She cried and I pulled her into an embrace.

"Don't worry, you won't. That's a promise." I soothed her.

End of Flashback

After that, we planned of a way on bringing someone back to life. Although not just anyone but someone we can trust to keep my powers. And that's why I asked Chrollo to erase me from Feitan's memories, it's a sacrifice to keep him alive and to keep my Nen away from my father as I try and find a way to kill him.

"Y/n?" I was brought back to reality when Feitan called my name.

"Huh? What?" I asked him and he gave me a worried look.

"Are you okay? Something bothering you?" He repeated his question.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I tried sounding calm as possible and it seemed like he bought it.

Hopefully he doesn't ask me again otherwise I might tell him the truth of our plan.

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