Chapter 12

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"Well if you can't value someone's life, then you're not worth being my friend!" I yelled at him and I heard him scoff.

He turned around to face me and I saw hope written all over his eyes.

"If I'm not worth being your friend, then am I worth being your lover?" This was the first time that his grammar was correct and somehow, it felt like I've heard those sentences before.

Suddenly, a throbbing pain struck my head and I started seeing blurry images.


I found an injured baby bird in the forest when I was trying to hide from a certain someone.  I pick up the baby bird and turned around to meet with a raven haired person who seems to be around my age. I couldn't really see his face clearly because it was blurry but I could feel that I know this person really well.

"What is that?" The person ask and by his voice, I could tell that it was a boy.

"I found this!" I answered, which sounded as a little girl, while holding up the poor bird.

"It's dying." The boy said and was about to snatch the bird away, but I immediately defended it.

"What are you doing?" I question.

He took a step forward while I step backwards.

"W-what are you doing?" I ask in a scared tone.

"It's suffering. So must be killed." He replied.

"No!" I screamed and started running away.

"Come back here!"

As I was running, I trip over a rock and fell down, protecting the poor bird in my hand so it won't get hurt even more. I heard the boy stop behind me and when I turn around, I could feel his aura increasing.

All of the sudden, I felt some courage in me as I face the boy.

"I'm so stupid right! I have healing powers yet I didn't even think of healing this bird in the first place!" I laugh sheepishly and I could feel the boy staring at me intently.

"Why try and help when it's dying?" He questions.

"Because..." I trailed off as I made my hand glowed f/c. "Life in this world is important."

I finally look up from the boy and I could feel that I have a confident face on.

"Well if you can't value someone's life, then you're not worth being my friend!" I yelled at him and I heard him scoff.

He turned around to face me and I could tell that he was smirking. (The boy is not wearing any bandanna)

"If I'm not worth being your friend, then am I worth being your lover?" This was the first time that his grammar was correct.

End of Flashback

I groan in pain as the images, or should I say memories, ended. I didn't realize it but Jericho and Feitan was already by my side, with worries written at both of their face.

"Are you alright Lisa?" Jericho questions as he helped me sat up.

I didn't even know that I fell down the ground due to the headache.

"Y-yeah, just a... headache." Was the words that came out from my mouth as I stared at Feitan.

The sentence that he told me early and the sentence that the boy said in my... memories were exactly the same. If they're both the same, then it only means one thing. Either Feitan and the boy in my memories are the same person or... it was just a coincidence.

"Are you sure that you're alright Lisa?" Chrollo ask and I nod.

I slowly stand up, my legs wobbling and when I took one step, I stumble forward and was about to fall but someone caught me in their arms.

"Are you sure you alright?" Feitan ask in a soft voice.

This was the first time that I heard his voice so soothing and soft. It was like... he cared about me and I felt safe in his arms.

"Y-yeah..." Was all I could say as I got lost in his grey eyes.

"Be careful next time." He helped me regain my balance and when he was sure that I won't fall anymore, he nods then joined the other troupe.

Although after he left, my body misses his warmth immediately. It was as if it's attracted towards him and it's begging me to... hug him? Good thing I manage to held it back though.

This feeling that I have around him... it feels... familiar... who are you... Feitan? Have I known you before?

I then felt a hand on my shoulder that snap me back to reality. I look to who the owner was and saw Jericho.

"Does this mean that I could join?"  Jericho ask as he lock his eyes to Chrollo.

Chrollo cleared his voice and I could feel Feitan's glare towards Chrollo.

"From what I just saw, yes you may join the troupe." Chrollo announce and I smiled.

"Yes!" Jericho celebrated while hugging me and spinning me around.

When he puts me down, a tint of pink appeared on his cheek while he rub the back of his neck nervously.

"S-sorry..." He apologizes and I pat his shoulder.

"It's okay and... congratulations!" I exclaim.

At that very moment, I felt a dangerous aura surrounding us. I look to who the owner could be and saw that it was none other than...


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