Chapter 13

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NEW CHARACTER BY user71616641 thank you for this new character!!! Appearance is above

Name: Haruto Akane

Age: 17

What is his problem towards Jericho?

"Mi will not allow it!" Feitan protested as he walks towards Chrollo.

"Oh? And why is that?" Chrollo questions

"Mi won the battle and you said-" Before Feitan could even finish his sentence, Chrollo interrupted him.

"I said whoever get the first severe hit is the winner..." Chrollo trailed off and I widen my eyes as I got what he was trying to say.

And here I thought that Feitan is the winner

"Before you to take Jericho down, he manage to aim a punch on your chest by only a milliseconds before you hit him. In that case, Jericho is the winner... am I right Shalnark?" Chrollo explained and look over his shoulder to make eye contact with the cheery blonde male.

"Y-yes it is Danchou!" Shalnark replied and glance at Feitan.

It was pretty obvious that he didn't want to go against Feitan but what Chrollo was telling every one is correct. I may have not seen it but I could see Feitan touching his chest from time to time.

"I see..." I muttered then turned to Jericho while making my hand glowed f/c. "This will only take a while."

As I place my hand onto Jericho's cut, he widen his eyes and his mouth went agape.

"Y-you have healing powers?" He ask and I nervously smile.

"About that... hehehe." I didn't know what to say because this was the first time that he saw me using Nen.

"What happened with 'No secrets' huh?" He teasingly pointed out and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever. At least now you know about it." I stick my tongue out and and he smirk.

"You're forgiven."

"Tch. I'm outta here." I heard Feitan said as he walks out of the door.

"What's up with him?" I ask after I finished healing Jericho.

"Well that's interesting." Shalnark said while putting his pointy and thumb finger under his chin.

"What? What's so interesting?" I questioned and he look at me then smiled.

"I guess you should find that out yourself... Lisa." He answered and I raise my eyebrow before obeying.

I ran after Feitan without saying another word. I don't know why but my gut is telling me to follow him. When I reach outside, I have no idea where to find him so I ran into the forest, letting my feet leads me to who knows where.

"Feitan!" I called out but no one answered.




After calling for like the hundredth times, I finally gave up. I leant against the tree and rest for a while.

"Where are you?" I ask no one in particular as I held both of my knees, panting in exhaustion.

Suddenly, I heard a rustling sound from my right side and I perk my head up. That's when I realise that I was far away from the base and it was actually night time now.

How stupid can I get?

"Hello?" I called out and the rustling sound stop.

Okay, that's weird!

The rustling noise came back again and I felt my heart almost jumping out of my chest. I gulp as I walk towards the noise when suddenly, something came out from it and it made me scream at the top of my lungs.

"Ow! That hurts my ear!" A voice startled me and I jump back and crash my back onto a tree.

I look down to see a red haired male. His hair was messy and you could see bruises all around his body.

"W-who are you?" I ask and he stared at me.

"You're cute, I like you." With what he said caught me off-guard.

"W-what?" I ask while feeling my face heating up.

This guy is weird!

"Nothing." He stood up but fell back down the ground.

My reflects kicks in and rush towards him as I caught him in my arms. I look down to see his leg bleeding and a deep cut was made.

"What happened to you?" I ask and even though he's just a stranger, I felt like I am safe around him, that my instinct is telling me to trust him.

"Well, ehehe me and my stupidity." He replied while rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact.

I sigh and let him down gently.

"Don't move." I commanded and he saluted while holding his position.


I laugh at his reaction and made my hand glow f/c then placed it on his wounded leg. Five seconds later, the cut closed up and it was healed, as if it was never there.

"There, good as new." I said and the guy immediately stood up while testing his now healed leg.

"Thank you so much!" He squealed like a five year old then what he did next was unexpected.

When I stood up, he rush to me and hug me while spinning me around like there's no tomorrow. He then puts me down and hug me tightly.

"I owe you one!" He whispered.

I felt something grab my hand and pulled me away from the red haired guy. I turned around to meet with a grey eyes.

"Feitan?" I ask and he glance at me before glaring at the red head before him.

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