Chapter 8

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"Haha! Your... face!" I repeated what he said and I fell down the ground, laughing so hard while he glares at me.

Then a flash back just came in my mind.


It was raining so hard and I could see a mini me with someone that was blurry and I couldn't really see it but the both of us were running, maybe back home. We then found a small shelter and we went there.

I could see that I was really feezing and the person that was blurry turned to me. He pulled me towards him then hugged me.

"W-what are you doing?" The mini me ask.

"Body heat, me cold as well."

"O-oh! R-right!" The mini me was flustered.

"Haha, your face is all red!" The blurry figure laugh at me.

"S-stop it!" Mini me covered her face then look up.

"You know honey, it's not nice to laugh at a girl." Mini me said and even though  I cannot see the blurry figure, I know that he was blushing.

"Haha! Your face!" Mini me copied him.

End of Flashback

I blink a few times at the flashback before I returned back to reality.

W-what was that about?

"Alright you lovebirds, that's enough." Shalnark, I heard Chrollo call him that name, teased us.

This time, me and Feitan blush together. Also, my heart skipped a beat which was new to me.

Eh? Why is this happening to me?

"Any way, Lisa, have you made up your mind yet?" Chrollo ask as me and Feitan exchange our scarf back.

He already tied the scarf on his face which I plan to keep my one on my hand. I saw Feitan's eyes telling me that I should join and I sigh.

"Fine, but can I get back to my village first? I want to get something and I want to write a letter to my family there. It's just... I don't want them to worry with my sudden disappearance." I reasoned and he nods.

"Fine, but Feitan will go with you."

"Ugh, fine." I didn't complain.

To be honest, I like his company. It's like I already know him but don't know him. We travelled back to what I called home in the last six years and when we got there, everyone was awake.

They must have been searching for me.

"Hey you!" I pointed at Feitan who was below the tree.

Yeah, I was up the tree hiding while he was below the tree that I was on.

"What?" He ask in annoyance.

"Stay. Here." I pointed at the tree and he rolled his eyes.

I jumped down the tree then went out of hidings. Jericho was the first person who saw me and he immediately ran towards me, putting me into his arms.

"Lisa! I was so worried when you disappeared?! Where have you been?!" He ask as he pulled away.

I felt a blood-lust behind me and I knew it was Feitan.

What is he doing? He'll blow his cover!

"I'm sorry if I worried you but... I'm all fine. I was just... wandering around the forest." I use my thumb to point the forest behind me.

"Where did you get that top?" He ask while pointing at the cloak that Feitan made me wear.

Oopsie! I've forgot that I was still wearing it!

"Erm..." I tried thinking of an excuse and before I could say one, someone interrupted me.

"Me found her in the forest with bandits." Feitan went out of his hiding, which shock me.

He went between me and Jericho.

"And who are you?" Jericho ask.

"Me the one who saved her." They had a stare down and I have to slap my face mentally.

Geez Feitan! What part of 'Stay. Here' do you not understand?!

"Lisa! There you are!" Ella screamed as she run towards me and hug me tight. "Where were you?! We were all worried sick!"

And soon, David was here and so as Jeffrey, my step-dad. 

"What happened?" Jeffrey ask.

"Well apparently this guy found her in the forest with some bandits then saved her." Jericho answered and I sigh.

Guess I have to go with the flow now.

"I-it was horrible! Five guys was around me and they took off my clothes. I was so lucky that this sir have save my life! Thank you very much sir." I bowed to Feitan and he raise an eyebrow.

I gave him a 'Just go with the flow look' and he rolled his eyes.

"Is that so? Then I owe my debt to you." Jeffrey bowed.

After this and that, getting me a clothes and everyone slept, Feitan went in my bedroom which everyone knows that he already left but he was still here. He helped me pack the things that I would like to get or need.

We suddenly heard a knock on my door so me and Feitan shared glances.

"Hide in the cabinet." I loudly whispered while pointing to my cabinet and he rolled his eyes while obeying slowly.

As soon as he hid in the cabinet, I walk towards the door and ask who the person was.

"It's Jericho! I have something for you!" Jericho said from the other side of the door.

I open the door slightly to see him holding a small box and with a genuine smile plastered on his face.

Only Mine (Feitan x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now