Chapter 31

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There are other people in the room, in looked like a castle to you. Your father was sitting on a throne with guards all over the place.

"Jake, Jonathan, come over here." He called and two guys joined him.

You recognised them, they were your best friends before Feitan came into your life. They had grown so much, hatred was shown in their eyes. Now you get it, the people whom you left at the orphanage are standing right before you.

Kathryn, Jake and Jonathan

"So Y/n, do you still regret your decision of joining that cutie of yours? Because I don't see him here rescuing you." Jonathan smirk and I glared at him. "Or maybe he had forgotten about you, it was you who left him all this time anyway."

"This is what you get for choosing him over us." Jake added.

"Now now, let's not get over excited. You can do what you want with her after I get her Nen." Your father extended his hand and you started glowing red.

He was now sucking your Nen and you were screaming in pain, your father soon stop when he realised that nothing was happening.

"What is the meaning of this!" He shouted and it was your turn to smirk.

"Y-ou won't get anything from me... you evil monster!" You shouted and your father stood up.

"Check her memories." He ordered Jonathan and Jonathan walked towards you.

You widen your eyes because you haven't drunk the potion that Chrollo gave to you. But before Jonathan could touch you, you heard a scream coming from your father. You saw that Kathryn stabbed your father while Jake charged towards Jonathan and made him unconscious.

He then went to you and removed the rope that was around you and carried you bridal style. The other guards tried attacking him but he was faster and got you out of the building.

"Wait, what is going on?" You ask Jake and he gave you a smile.

"It was Kathryn's plan, you see your father had me under his control but Kathryn got me free from it. Love is stronger than a spell, and now we're going to kill your father once and for all... together. Till death do us part, I love your sister Y/n and I am glad to have known you. Kathryn is really glad as well that she could spend time with you before she permanently leaves you." Jake explained and before you could answer, the potion of Chrollo started to affect you.

"I guess it's starting to effect, Kathryn wants you to have a normal life. So you will live a normal life from now on, and if you do remember everything one day, she wants you to know that she did not regret what she's about to do now. Your father is vulnerable when he is taking other people's Nen, which is the perfect time to kill him.

You didn't know it but when you went unconscious, Kathryn made you drink the potion. And let's just say that everything ended without you even realising it. *Yes I know I've rushed it but was really running out of ideas*


*Welp, I forgot how old you and Feitan are in the story*

Feitan's POV

"Hey Feitan, I'm sorry for this okay? I love you, always..." The person cried while leaning closer and placing her lips onto mine.

Her face looked familiar, her voice is somewhat music into my ears. The feeling of her lips touching mine felt so amazing. Then suddenly, something stabbed my chest and-

I shot my eyes open and sat up, panting from the nightmare I have again. That nightmare has been hunting me inside three years, it's like the same dream over and over again. I don't even know who the girl was or the person who had killed me.

"Yo Fei, are you going to torture him again?" Shalnark called out to me as I walk past the meeting and I ignored him.

Of course I'm going to torture Jericho again, I do it everyday. I don't even know why Danchou recruited him but I found him in a small village.

Or did I?

It's been three years since he joined the troupe and he betrayed us by challenging me to fight. Although whenever I tried recalling the time I had with him, it's like something was missing. I felt my heart skipping a beat as I thought of that someone or something.

No, something is definitely missing. But what or... who?

Inside those three years, I've been searching for this something or someone, trying to remember something that I might have forgotten but nothing is coming back. It was like there's a thick cloud guarding those memories and I couldn't find my way inside those thick clouds.

The day that Jericho betrayed us was the day that I felt something was missing and I've been torturing him to let out my frustration of forgetting something that may be important to me. He's not part of the troupe anymore anyway so I can do as I please towards him.

As I enter his room, I saw his unfamiliar face at the corner. I lock the door and walk towards him, I can't believe that he betrayed the troupe and challenged me to fight. For what reason? He haven't spoken in three years.

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