Chapter 39

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"What do we have here?" He ask while walking towards me in an odd way. "A pretty lady!"

"S-stay away from me!" I shouted and started walking backwards.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you..." He smiled. "Much."

I step on a rock and tripping on myself. The man still continued to walk towards me so I stood up quickly to go to the fence for support because I sprinted my ankle.

"Come here lady, I won't hurt you." I continued trying to get away and this made him mad.

He rushed towards me and tried kissing me but I slap him. He then glared at me, saliva were dripping from his mouth.

"How dare you hit me! You will pay for that!" He brought up his hand and prepared to hit me.

I close my eyes and waited for the impact, but it never came. I slowly opened my eyes to see someone stopping the man and it was none other than Feitan. He look back over his shoulder to see me before returning his attention to the man.

"Disgusting." He commented before twisting the arm of the man, making him scream in agony.

He then kick the man on the gut then sending him a final kick that sent him flying for three meters.

"If you ever touch her again, I will kill you." He warned before walking towards me and taking my hand to leave the place.

We both stop at the park and he faced me with anger and worried in his eyes.

"What are you doing there, you could have gotten yourself in trouble! Why do you have to be so reckless!" He scolded me and I couldn't say anything.

I was scared that I might get harass before but he came just in time to save me.

"What will happen if I didn't come in time, what would have happen to yo-" I cut him off by hugging him.

I don't know why I did it, my body just moved on it owns.

"Thank you..." I breathed out, relief that nothing bad happened to me and he was by my side.

Feitan's POV

I was so relief that I just came in time. I was close on killing the guy but I didn't for her sake. I don't want her to think that I kill people whenever I want.

"What will happen if I didn't come in time, what would have happen to yo-" I was cut off when she suddenly hugged me and I felt my body tense up.

I then relax and hugged her back, not wanting to let her go.

"Thank you..." She breathed out and I smiled.

Thank God you're not hurt!


I was watching her stuff foods in her mouth, never in my life had seen someone eat so much just like her. I even need to give my food to her. Normally this would have annoyed me but I was fascinated watching her eating.

"You eat a lot." I commented and she sticks her tongue out.

"You don't eat a lot." She fires back and I slightly chuckled.

After we ate we decided to take a walk on the streets, talking about life, hobbies and many more. Well she's basically doing most of the talking and I enjoyed listening to her. As we were walking, ten guys suddenly appeared in front of us, as if they were looking for someone. Y/n's eyes widens and she quickly looked at me.

"Oh no, turn around and walk slowly. Act normal." She said and she turned around.

I look at the ten guys and they were weaklings, I could easily kill them in ten seconds. Although Y/n had different plans.

"Feitan, what are you doing?" She questions as if I was the craziest guy in the world. "We have to run."

"I could easily defeat them." I stated as the ten men finally spotted us.

"They're the most popular gangs here, you do not want to mess with them! We have to run! You can't defeat them!" She said in a panicked voice and I smirk.

"Watch me." I said and charged towards the ten guys and easily karate chopped them on the neck inside ten seconds.

Could have killed them but was going easy for Y/n. After they all fell down the ground, Y/n rushed beside me.

"Show off." She commented.

She then unexpectedly hit me, catching me off-guard to wonder why she did that.

"You call me reckless yet you're here doing the same thing." She pointed out and I chuckled, realising that she was correct.

I then remembered what Shalnark told me earlier.

"Well she is reckless but of course you're always there to save her just in the nick of time, and what I mean by always, it's all the time. To be serious though if she's always reckless, you would be the same. The two of you are inseparable and you always find a way get yourselves in trouble."

After I finished laughing, I realised that Y/n was staring at me which made my heart skip a beat. But then her happy face was soon changed into a scared one. I look ahead to see twenty guys this time and I didn't know that one of the previous guy I knocked out called a buddy.

"Feitan! Let's run!" I was about to attack them but then Y/n took my hand and pulled me with her. "This is not the time to show off, just run!"

Only Mine (Feitan x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now