Chapter 3

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~~~~~Mrs Smith's POV:~~~~~

"Good morning!" I say politely to the visitors, as they file in through the orphanage's front door.

I glance at their faces and expressions. They are all captivted by the antics of the younger ones. They don't seem to notice the older ones watching on, no hope at all in their eyes.

I sigh. I see Arianna sidle into the room, Jade steps in behind her, eyes red from crying. I know it's because she had been thinking about her mother. It's amazing, the bond a child can have with their mother, even if they are like Jade, who was 2 years old when she was left here.

Those two are the oldest here. Been here for years, they have. I remember Arianna being brought here by her neighbour, who had found her alone, battered and bruised in her house. I really hope that, for their sakes, they get adopted into a good home and have an actual, caring family for once in their lives.

~~~~~Jade's POV:~~~~~

I catch my breath as a young lady and man walk over to the us older kids. The lady scrutinises each of our faces, one by one. Her eyes bore into me, like she can see right through me, but then she moves on to Rachel, a girl of 12 years, standing next to me.

"This one!" the lady says to the man. She pulls Rachel roughly by the arm and leads her off to Mrs Smith.

"Ahhh" I breath a sigh of relief. I want to be adopted by someone who would care for me, not treat me like a toy in a toyshop!

"We should go back to our rooms," Arianna says to me. "There's no chance of us getting adopted." "You go, I'll stay here," I reply. She gives me a grin and runs up the stairs towards our rooms.

She knows I still have hope.

~~~~~Arianna's POV:~~~~~

"Ahhh, Jade". I think to myself. She's older than me by 3 months, but sometimes it doesn't feel like it. "Where's your common sense? People come here to adopt little kids who are cute and funny. They don't come to adopt 16 year old teenagers!"

~~~~~Perrie's POV:~~~~~

I walk quickly up the steps of the orphanage, eager to get inside. At the top, I swing around and face Zayn, who looks up at me from the bottom step.

"Now, Zayn. Look excited!" I advise. He rolls his eyes at me, but makes an effort. Soon, he joins me on the top step.

"Ready?" he asks me. "Yup! I'm ready." I reply.

We both hesitate for a moment. Zayn breaks the awkward silence with: "Then in we go!"

We march in. We are on a mission.

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