Chapter 33

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~~~~~Jade's POV:~~~~~

The boys decide to leave and Zayn goes with them, saying that he'll leave us to have a 'girl's afternoon'.

When Niall walks out of the door, I catch his arm and he turns to look at me. I suddenly feel shy.

"Thanks for putting up with me during the movie." I say, looking into his beautiful, ocean-blue eyes.

"My pleasure." he says, smiling.

This answer causes me to frown, but before I can say anything, Niall pulls me into a tight embrace. This takes me by surprise, but I hug him back.

He pulls away and gives me a cheeky grin.

"See you around!" he says.

"Yeah. See you around." I repeat, still shocked. Then, I pull myself together and walk back into the house, turning my back to the black car moving down the driveway.

~~~~~Arianna's POV:~~~~~

As Jade walks back into the lounge, I notice the strange look on her face.

"Well, that was weird." she says as she sits down next to Jade Thirlwall, confirming my thoughts.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Huh?" she says, just noticing the rest of us watching her.

"Oh! Nothing. It's nothing." she says. I don't believe her, but I leave it, knowing that she won't say anything.

We spend the afternoon talking about random things and eating lots of chocolate biscuits, which both Little Mix Jade and my best friend had requested.

At around 5pm, after all of our tummies had complained, Perrie gets her cellphone and orders pizza for dinner.

~~~~~Jade's POV:~~~~~

"I'm gonna take Jade up to see my room, Perrie!" I say, after Perrie had gotten off the phone.

"Sure!" Perrie says.

"Jesy and Leigh-Anne will come up and sign your wall later!" she continues, as I lead Jade up the stairs and present my room proudly to her.

"Wow! This is so cool!" she admires the room.

Then, she walks over to the Little Mix wall and takes out a sharpie from her handbag. Jade signs beside a picture of her, then places the pen back into her bag.

She lays her bag on the floor and sits down in the middle of my bed.

"Girl talk time!" she announces. "Sit."

I laugh. "I'm not a dog!"

Jade just rolls her eyes in reply.

"When's the last time you went out?" she asks me.

"Um...I can't remember."

"Okay. You look like you need a night of fun! We're going out tonight!"

"What am I going to wear?"

Seriously? That's my first thought? Great Jade, great.

Jade smiles at me.

"I'll sort that out for you!" she says, already heading into my walk-in wardrobe.

About half an hour later, I'm dressed in light-coloured denim short-shorts, which I feel very uncomfortable in as they show alot of my natural brown legs. I also wear a hot pink short-sleeve crop top with a collar - true Jade Thirlwall style! Jade has also stuck high wedges on my feet.

"How will I walk in these? I complain. Jade just raises an eyebrow and I shut up. She means business.

Jade has tied my hair into a high ponytail and loosely curled the ends, making me look like a little girl.

But she completely changes my look from 'young' to 'mature' with my makeup. I had to comment about how she should be a makeup artist!

She has made me up with a dark smokey eye that clashes well with my dark brown eye colour. And since my eyes are supposed to dominate my look, Jade only slicks a bit of fuchsia lipstick on my lips and brushes a little pink blush onto my cheeks.

The whole effect is breathtaking, even to me and it's my face!

Just as I finish admiring Jade's work in the mirror, and Jade finishes her own makeup, Perrie knocks on the closed door.

"Pizza's here!" she calls.

"We're not having any!" Jade called back. "We're going out!"

As she says this, Perrie swings the door open. She gasps as I turn towards her.

"Jade, is that really you?" she asks.

I giggle. "Yup! Do I look okay?"

"You look great! Everyone does, if they allow the hands of Jade Thirlwall to touch them!" Perrie glances at Jade who laughs and takes my arm.

"Righto! Here we go!" she sings in a weird accent, and we both nearly fall down the stairs in hysterical laughter and also because of my insanely high heels.

As we reach the lounge, Arianna,  Jesy and Leigh-Anne turn towards us and the same shocked expression that had been on Perrie's face appeared on their faces.

Jade and I ignore their questioning looks and head out the door, only to bump into the One Direction boys.

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